
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Sullivan formally resigns from Illinois House seat


State Rep. Ed Sullivan (R-Mundelein) ended his 14-year career with the Illinois House of Representatives on Thursday.

His formal resignation comes after he announced in August 2015 that he would not be seeking re-election for his seat.

“It has been an honor of a lifetime to represent my hometown and the rest of the 51st District as a member of the General Assembly for the last fourteen years,” Sullivan said in his resignation letter.

State Rep. Ed Sullivan (R-Mundelein) | Contributed photo

Sullivan was elected to serve the 51st District in 2002. In 2015, he released a statement explaining his reasons for not seeking re-election.

"Many decisions have not been easy, particularly with mounting fiscal problems and entrenched corruption," Sullivan's statement said. "I am stepping away with pride, having fought to represent your interests throughout all of it."

He went on to say term limits are important for reform to happen in Illinois.

During his time as representative, Sullivan worked closely on issues of fiscal responsibility, public safety, education, domestic violence and property taxes. In his last term, he was the chief sponsor of more than 20 bills, including bills to repeal the estate tax and audit the lottery and Planned Parenthood. He also served as the Republican spokesperson for the Rules, Public Utilities and Public Private Partnerships committees.

Sullivan’s crowning achievement during his time in the House was a pilot program to combat local gang activity, Illinois Anti-Gang Initiative that was passed in 2009.

"I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the people of the 51st District for allowing me to represent you in Springfield,” Sullivan said in his resignation. “Your support over the years helped me champion your interests more effectively through many significant and difficult decisions.”

Sullivan did have support from his district. According to an article on his website, “he has been named a Guardian of Small Business, a Champion of Free Enterprise, a Friend of Agriculture, a Lung Health Champion, a Legislator of the Year, an Outstanding Legislator, and a winner of an Acorn Award and the Glynn Sudberry Award.”

Prior to serving as state representative, Sullivan served as the Fremont Township Assessor for five terms.

Sullivan will be using his free time to spend it with his family. He is a father of two.

“I believe it is important to put new voices in Springfield and the time has come for me to return to private life,” Sullivan said. “I plan to spend my time with the people who have sustained me throughout my time as state representative -- my family. They have been my inspiration and I look forward to serving many more terms as a husband and father in the years ahead.”

The GOP representative will be replaced by Nick Sauer, who has served on the Lake County Board and as a Forest Preserve commissioner. Sauer will also focus on issues of fiscal responsibility and the economy.