
Lake County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Wadsworth Board of Trustees updates travel reimbursement policy

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Wadsworth Board of Trustees met Friday, Dec. 20.

The Wadsworth Village Board of Trustees meet at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Village Hall, 14155 W. Wadsworth Road.

Here are the minutes as provided by Wadsworth:

Village of Wadsworth Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting Held at the Village Hall December 20, 2016 Call to Order: President Ryback called the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees to order at 6:00pm.

Pledge of Allegiance: President Ryback led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: In attendance were Village President Glenn Ryback, Village Trustees Geralyn Hansen, Ken Harvey, Robert Hayden, Doug Jacobs and James Zegar, Village Clerk Evelyn Hoselton, Village Administrator Moses Amidei and Village Attorney Adam Lasker. Trustee Ben Dolan was absent.

Public Comment: There was no Public Comment.

Establish Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Hayden, to establish a consent agenda for the following items: a. Approval of the December 6, 2016 Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented b. Approval of Treasurer’s Report as of 11/30/16 c. Approval of checks issued between meetings, totaling $224,395.35(11/16/16- 12/20/2016.) d. Approval of Bills to be Paid as of 12/20/16, totaling $40,141.25.

Voice vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried. Trustee Dolan absent.

Approval of Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Hansen to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried. Trustee Dolan absent.

Discussion of removed topics: There were no removed topics.

Old Business: There was no Old Business.

New Business: Discussion was led by Attorney Lasker, suggesting a minimal update to the current travel reimbursement policy so as to be in concurrence with the new State of Illinois policy.

A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Zegar, to Adopt a Resolution concerning Adopting a Travel Reimbursement Policy in Accordance with the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act.

Voice vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried. Trustee Dolan absent.

Village Engineer John Briggs was present to explain a Proposed Rate Adjustment for General Consulting Engineering for Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc. He noted that rates had remained the same during the Recession, with a minor increase last year. This year, most staff categories will increase by $2.00 per hour. Discussion of the various categories followed.

A motion was made by Zegar, seconded by Jacobs, to approve the 2017 rates for engineering services by Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc.

Voice vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried. Trustee Dolan absent.

Village President’s Report: President Ryback did not provide a report.

Village Attorney’s Report: Attorney Lasker did not present a report.

Village Administrator Report: Administrator Amidei referred to two proposals for the removal of debris and brush in several drainage-ways in Wadsworth. Discussion followed regarding the proposals, during which time several discrepancies were noted in one of the proposals. It was determined after discussion that the proposals be clarified by the contractors prior to awarding any contract. Ideally, this type of work is best accomplished when the ground is frozen, which should include all of January. It will be discussed at the next meeting. Amidei also noted that Toors Truck Fueling Center and The Shanty are both expecting a spring-time groundbreaking. Loves Truckstops has submitted a sign package for review and is expected to meet with staff again in January. 

Committee Reports: 

Finance: Trustee Harvey did not provide a Finance Report, but suggested the American Flag be removed from the ballfield area until spring or until electric can be brought to the area, since the solar light does not sufficiently illuminate the flag at night. As he stated last year, he believes snowplows should be on the Village trucks all winter long. Public Works often remove both plows when no snow is forecast, eliminating undue wear on the trucks’ suspension. They have indicated the newer plows are simple to reinstall.

Public Service: Trustee Hansen reminded that the Second Annual Christmas Tree Bonfire will take place the evening of Saturday, January 14. Eddie Bauer Catering will again provide chili and hot chocolate in the brick garage after 6:00pm. The bonfire containing hundreds of discarded Christmas Trees will be ignited at 7PM. Christmas Trees will be accepted at the Village Park until the preceding Friday.

Planning, Zoning and Plats: Trustee Zegar did not provide a report, but will release another newsletter before Christmas.

Ordinance Committee: Trustee Hayden did not provide an Ordinance Committee report.

Road and Bridge: Trustee Dolan was absent, but Administrator Amidei provided a brief report on new playground equipment Dolan has been seeking for the park.

Parks and Village Hall: Trustee Jacobs did not provide a Parks and Village Hall Report.

Executive Session: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Hayden, to enter Executive Session at

7:30PM to discuss Personnel.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar. Nays: none. Trustee Dolan absent.

Motion carried. The Board returned to regular session at 7:39 PM.

Return to Regular Session Roll: Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar, Ryback.

Executive Session Results: No action will be taken.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:40PM on a motion by

Harvey, seconded by Hayden.

Voice vote: All Ayes. Nays – none. Motion carried. Trustee Dolan absent.