
Lake County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Wadsworth Village Board opens bids for 2017 road program

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Wadsworth Village Board met Tuesday, Feb. 7.

The Wadsworth Village Board of Trustees meet at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Village Hall.

Here are the minutes as provided by Wadsworth:

Village of Wadsworth

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting

Held at the Village Hall

February 7, 2017

1 2/9/17 1

Call to Order: President Ryback called the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance: President Ryback led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: In attendance were Village President Glenn Ryback, Village Trustees Ben Dolan, Geralyn Hansen, Ken Harvey, Robert Hayden, Doug Jacobs and James Zegar, Village Clerk Evelyn Hoselton, Village Administrator Moses Amidei and Village Attorney Adam Lasker.

Special Business: Mr. Taj Lakhani is the property and business owner of American Gas and Food located at the corner of Routes 173 and 41. His manager for that location, Siraj, presented plans to retrofit an existing sign along Route 173. Because of Route 173 widening over the years,the existing sign is now within the right-of-way and must be moved four feet east. The sign will also be upgraded to include electronic fuel price displays and a message board.

Trustees agreed to forward the matter to the ZBA/Plan Commission for requested zoning relief at an upcoming meeting.

Public Comment: There was no Public Comment.

Establish Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Zegar, to establish a consent agenda for thefollowing items:

a. Approval of the January 17, 2017 Village Board meeting minutes.

b. Approval of Bills to be Paid as of February 7, 2017, totaling $41,023.08.

Voice vote: Ayes–all. Nays–none. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Jacobs to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Roll call vote: Ayes–all. Nays–none. Motion carried.

Discussion of removed topics: There were no removed topics.

Old Business: There was no Old Business.

New Business: There was no New Business.

Village President’s Report: President Ryback did not present a report.

Village Attorney’s Report: Attorney Lasker provided a brief report regarding Municipal Clerks.

Village Administrator Report: Administrator Amidei will be attending the Illinois City Managers Conference in Peoria this week. He is seeking to become a credentialed manager by completing several continuing education classes. He also intends to prepare an annual report on accomplishments.

He is working on several plan review issues with our Building Department in Beach Park regarding “The Shanty” expansion.

Committee Reports:

Finance: Trustee Harvey did not present a report.

Public Service: Trustee Hansen noted that long-time Wadsworth resident Helena Khayat had recently passed away at the age of 90 and suggested that Trustees might send a card.

Planning, Zoning & Plats: Trustee Zegar did not provide a Planning, Zoning & Plats report.

Ordinance Committee: Trustee Hayden did not provide an Ordinance report.

Road and Bridge: Trustee Dolan again discussed the 2017 Road Program. Some roads scheduled on the original program document do not yet need attention, yet others with future dates actually need attention now. He is working with the Village Engineer deviate from the original dates so roadways in poor condition can be repaired sooner. He would like to commence the bid process now to obtain the best pricing.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Zegar, to commence the bidding process and establish a price objective of $600,000, with an additional amount of $35,000 for engineering and supervision.

Roll call vote: Ayes – all. Nays- none. Motion carried.

In addition, he suggested submitting dollar amounts to be included in the Lake County Municipal League’s Joint Purchasing Program. He and Administrator Amidei have agreed on $11,600 for crack sealing on Chicago Avenue primarily and $40,000 for 1000 square yards of pavement patching in various areas.

Parks and Village Hall: Trustee Jacobs and Dolan recently held a joint Parks and Village Hall Committee Meeting and narrowed the vendor list for new playground equipment. Jacobs is hopingto find a private grant program to help fund the expense. He is also investigating the best course of action for replacement of the tennis courts. He has learned that removal of the existing pavement will be quite costly. He will discuss more at a future meeting.

Executive Session: A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Harvey, to enter Executive Session at 7:03PM to discuss Personnel and review Executive Session Minutes.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Dolan, Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar. Nays: none.

Motion carried. The Board returned to regular session at 7:30 PM.

Return to Regular Session Roll: Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar, Ryback.

Executive Session Results: No action was taken.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:31PM on a motion byHarvey, seconded by Hayden.

Voice vote: All Ayes. Nays – none. Motion carried.