
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Lake Zurich Planning & Zoning Commission met August 16.

Village of Lake Zurich Planning & Zoning Commission met August 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Village President Poynton swore in the new Planning & Zoning Commissioners, Joe Giannini (full member) and Mike Muir (alternate member). He provided professional information about the new members and welcomed them to the commission.

Roll Call: Present -Chairman Stratman, Commissioners Castillo, Giannini, Riley, and Muir. Absent - Commissioners Baumann, Schultz, and Dannegger. Commissioner Muir will be serving as a full member this evening due to absences. Chairman Stratman noted a quorum was present.

Also present: Community Development Director Sarosh Saher and Associate Village Planner Katie Williams.

Consideration of Minutes and Findings of the Commission:

A. Approval of the April 19. 2017 Meeting Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission: Motion was made by Commissioner Riley, seconded by Commissioner Giannini, to approve the April 19, 2017 minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission as submitted. Upon roll call vote: A Yes: 4 Chairman Stratman, Commissioners Giannini, Riley, and Muir. Nays: 0 Abstentions: 1 Commissioner Castillo Absent: 3 Commissioners Baumann, Schultz, and Dannegger. Motion Carried Public Hearings: Motion was made by Commissioner Riley, seconded by Commissioner Giannini, to open the public hearing at 7 :06 p.m. as following: Application PZC 2016-03 #2, 120-200 Telser Rd. Termax; Upon roll call: A Yes: 5 Chairman Stratman, Commissioners Castillo, Giannini, Riley, and Muir. Nays: 0 Absent: 3 Commissioners Baumann, Schultz, and Dannegger. Motion Carried Chairman Stratman swore in those wishing to testify or comment. Continued Application:
