
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Lake Zurich Board of Trustees met August 7.

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Village of Lake Zurich Board of Trustees met August 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order by Mayor Thomas M. Poynton at 7.00 pm.

2. Roll Call: Mayor Thomas Poynton, Trustee Jim Beaudoin, Trustee Mary Beth Euker, Trustee John Shaw, Trustee Jonathan Sprawka, Trustee Greg Weider. Trustee Marc Spacone was absent and excused. Also present: Village Manager Ray Keller, Asst. Village Manager Roy Witherow, Village Atty. Scott Uhler, Dir. of Innovation Michael Duebner, Police Chief Steve Husak, Fire Chief John Malcolm, Community Development Director Sarosh Saher, Accounting Supr. Miriam Hernandez, Atty. Carmen Forte.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Public Comment

There were none.

5. President's Report / Community Update

Proclamation Honoring Deputy Chief Kevin Finlon upon His Retirement from the Village of Lake Zurich after 28 Years of Public Service, Mayor Poynton read the proclamation and congratulated Deputy Chief Finlon on his retirement.

Oaths of Office for Police Department

Deputy Chief Anderson: Mayor Poynton read a resume of Deputy Chief Dave Anderson career and Police Chief Steve Husak gave the Oath. He was pinned by his family members.

Deputy Chief Johnson: Mayor Poynton read a resume of Deputy Chief Bob Johnson and Police Chief Steve Husak gave the Oath. He was pinned by his family members.

Sergeant Witt: Mayor Poynton read Sergeant Randy Witt's resume and Mike Hilt gave the Oath. He was pinned by his family members.

6. Consent Agenda:

A. Approval of Minutes of the Village Board Meeting, July 17, 2017

B. Semi-Monthly Warrant Register Dated August 7, 2017 Totaling $2,599,192.08

Recommended Action: Motion was made by Trustee Beaudoin, seconded by Trustee Weider, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Ayes: 5 Trustees Beaudoin, Euker, Shaw, Sprawka, Weider.

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Trustee Spacone. Motion Carried.

7. Old Business

None at this time.

8. New Business

Courtesy Review for Potential Development of 36 Townhomes on Block G at Northwest Corner of Route 22 and Old Rand Road

Summary: Mr. Greg Schwermer, in partnership with Ryan Homes, is proposing the construction of 36 new townhomes contained within nine buildings on the northwest corner of Route 22 and Old Rand Road, adjacent to the Canadian National railway. The proposed three-story townhouse units will have square footages ranging from 1,600 to 2,000 square feet per unit and designed with three bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths and attached two-car garages. Each unit is proposed to be marketed in the range of $300,000 - $375,000.

The property is currently zoned within the B2 central business district and also the DR Downtown Redevelopment Overlay District, which provides for special regulations that address the higher density and mix of uses within the core of the community. The proposed townhouse land use is allowed only as a Special Use.

Ryan Homes is not seeking any financial assistance from the village. However, they are requesting a donation of the 16,250 square foot village-owned parcel at the northwest corner of the property to accommodate a regional detention facility.

Recommended Action: Staff recommends the Village Board provide feedback on the proposed land use and highlight any further areas of concern to the developer.

Community Development Director Sarosh Saher introduced Scott Shelton and Andrew Mouw, Ryan Homes representatives, who then gave a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed 36 townhomes development. The Board's questions on sound proofing, exterior materials, landscaping and previous developments were answered by the presenters. Owner of the property, Greg Schwermer, addressed the Board, on their request, and mentioned the many attempts to develop the land. Feedback was given by the Board for this courtesy review.

9. Trustee Reports

Mayor Poynton reported that Lifetime Fitness, a company interested in the Hackneys property, will hold a neighbourhood meeting on August 15 at the Lake Zurich Police Dept. Community room and they are contacting neighbours around the property. Lifetime Fitness are planning to have a Courtesy Review at the August 21, 2017 Willage Board meeting.

10. Village Managers Report

There was nome.

11. Attorney's Report

There was none.

12. Department Head Reports

Police Chief Steve Husak reported on the recent Blue and You event and thanked Bonnie Caputo and her staff, Mike Brown and Public Works staff, the Police Dept. staff and the many volunteers for the success of the event. Over 550 attendees were at the event.

13. Executivesession called for the purpose of

5 ILCS 120/2(c) (21) approval of executive session minutes and 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (21) appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees

Motion made by Trustee Beaudoin seconded by Trustee Shaw, to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (21) approval of executive session minutes and 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (21) appointment, employment, compensation discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees

Ayes: 5 Trustees Beaudoin, Euker, Shaw, Sprawka, Weider.

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Trustee Spacone.

Motion Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8.00 pm

The meeting reconvened at 8.42 pm

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas M. Poynton

Roll Call: Mayor Thomas Poynton, Trustee Jim Beaudoin, Trustee Mary Beth Euker, Trustee John Shaw, Trustee Jonathan Sprawka, Trustee Greg Weider, Atty. Scott Uhler, H.R. Manager Doug Gibson. Trustee Marc Spacone was absent and excused.

14. Adjournment:

Motion was made by Trustee Euker, seconded by Trustee Beaudoin, to adjourn the meeting.

Ayes: 5 Trustees Beaudoin, Euker, Shaw, Sprawka, Weider,

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Trustee Spacone.

Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8.43 pm.
