
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wauconda Township Board met October 18.

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Wauconda Township Board met Oct. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order: Supervisor Swanson called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

Roll Call: Clerk Rowe proceeded with roll call. Answering present was: Trustee Lindberg, Trustee McKernan, Trustee Ringel, Trustee Stiller and Supervisor Swanson. Also answering present was Assessor Oaks, Highway Commissioner Weisbruch, Attorney Ridgway, and Administrator Maioriello.

Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge was led by Trustee Stiller.

Approve the Agenda: Trustee McKernan motioned and Trustee Stiller seconded to approve the agenda. A voice roll call was taken. All were in favor. This motion carried.

Approve Minutes: September 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Trustee Stiller motioned and Supervisor Swanson seconded to approve the minutes. A voice roll call was taken. All were in favor. This motion carried. Approve Executive Session Minutes 09-20-17: Personnel Issue: Trustee Ringel motioned and Trustee McKernan seconded to approve the minutes. A voice roll call was taken. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Approve Payment of General Town Fund Bills: September 21, 2017 to October 18, 2017: Trustee Ringel motioned and Trustee McKernan seconded to approve the payment of the General Town Fund bills. Trustee Stiller asked that the insurance bills be pulled out of the original bills submitted for discussion. Supervisor Swanson stated that the bills could be discussed off this motion. Trustee Stiller’s concern was if the Township paid the bills from the providers and there was a reoccurrence of the same problem, who would be liable to pay the new bill. He felt it could be an on-going event. Supervisor Swanson stated that the Township would have to pay the bill. Trustee Stiller stated that the Board has an obligation to the taxpayers and the employees. He questioned which obligation was bigger. Supervisor Swanson stated they were both the same. Trustee McKernan asked if the claims were closed. Administrator Maioriello said she didn’t know if there are more outstanding bills. Supervisor Swanson said the employees were given letters requesting all medical bills be submitted that have not been paid. He feels that around 90% of the bills are in. Trustee Lindberg stated her concern of agreeing to pay the $13,130.70 in bills this month and leaving this issue to be open ended. Trustee Lindberg would like to put a cap on future items that come in to take in consideration. She also expressed concern about setting a precedent. Supervisor Swanson said it is up to the Board to agree to pay the bills every time new ones come in. He feels that more will come in, but the Board has to approve them before getting paid. Trustee Stiller asked where was the money coming from. Administrator Maioriello stated that it came from line items out of each department. Supervisor Swanson said these bills will not make the Township exceed the total budget. Trustee McKernan asked if the Township has been reimbursed any monies. Administrator Maioriello said no more has been reimbursed. Attorney Ridgway said the government is aware of this situation. Trustee Lindberg then asked about bills for a sign company in McHenry and the Island Lake Historical Society sponsorship. Supervisor Swanson stated that the McHenry sign company is used because of price and service. The sponsorship is for a calendar the Island Lake Historical Society puts out. A voice roll call was taken. Trustee Lindberg, Trustee Ringel and Supervisor Swanson vote aye. Trustee Stiller voted nay and Trustee McKernan abstained. Motion carried. Approve Payment of Road District Fund Bills: September 21, 2017 thru October 18, 2017: Trustee Ringel motioned and Supervisor Swanson seconded to approve the payment of the Road District bills. A voice roll call was taken. All were in favor. This motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Supervisor Swanson read the following Treasurer’s Report:

General Town Fund $ 74,834.86

General Assistance 5,948.20

Social Security/IMRF Fund 9,149.26

Senior Services Fund 5,864.86

Road & Bridge Fund 2,727.91

Permanent Road Fund 51,254.50

Total: $ 149,779.59

Public Participation: None

Vote: Resolution 10-18-17-01; Wauconda Queens Endorsement: Trustee Lindberg motioned and Trustee Stiller seconded to adopt the resolution. A voice roll call was taken. All were in favor. This motion carried.

Vote: Hope Cemetery Licensing Agreement: Hope (Shaw) cemetery is about a 2 acre parcel off of Rte.120 and Rte.60. The Lake County Forest Preserve surrounds the cemetery and would like to clean up all the weeds around it. Supervisor Swanson motioned and Trustee Ringel second to approve the agreement. A voice roll call was taken All were in favor. This motion passed.

Public Participation: None

Historical Society Report: Neville Carr presented an update on the Historical Society. He started by acknowledging the passing of Doris Aimers Voss. Mr. Carr talked about the contributions she had made throughout her life and the impact she had on the Wauconda community. He informed the Board that the Merry-Go-Round project is done. The Historical Society is promoting a history book of Volo. Proceeds will go to Burnell Russell’s foundation that supports parks in Volo. Some other things going on are Wauconda Stories Events, Jackie Kennedy Program and When Life Becomes a Myth. The Historical Society elected new officers; Dan Smith as President, Cindy Graff as Vice President, and Treasurer is Roberta Francisco. The treasury has been built up to over $8600.00.

Elected Official Report: Highway Commissioner Weisbruch stated that Geraldine Lane is almost done and unit 4 now has brakes. He won’t be scheduling anymore jobs until everything is wrapped up. He will start preparing for winter.

Assessor Oaks is almost done with the 2017 appeals.

Trustee Stiller is still trying to reach stormwater management in regards to the Slocum Lake Drainage District. The Turkey Trot is looking for volunteers. Last year it raised $15,000 in donations for the food pantry.

Trustee Lindberg stated she enjoyed attending the Lake County TOI dinner and watching Supervisor Swanson being sworn in as the new President. She stated she was glad that the Township was represented at the Woodman’s ground breaking in Lakemoor.

Trustee Ringel thanked the Board for the Queen’s endorsement. The Tiara’s for toiletries project was successful. She is preparing her classes for the TOI conference in Springfield.

Supervisor Swanson stated that the Township has received thank you letters from all the grant recipients. The fall newsletter is getting ready to be mailed. A part time bus driver has been hired for the senior bus transportation department.

At 6:59 p.m. Trustee Ringel motioned and Trustee Stiller seconded to adjourn. All were in favor.
