
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ela Township Board met April 12.

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Ela Township Board met April 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

2. Board Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Public Comment

5. Approval of Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2018

6. Committee Meeting Minutes – accept meeting minutes from COW (3/27) –Youth Committee() - Senior Committee (3/13) - Communication Committee (3/27) - Community Family Service () - Park Committee () - Cemetery (12/6/17)

7. Approval of Board Audit from 3/07/18 to 4/10/18

8. Monthly Updates from Elected Officials, Department Heads & Township Manager (Senior – Social Work – Youth - Y – Bus)



9. Line Item Transfers – consideration & possible action to approve Line Item Transfers as presented for close of FY 3/31/18

10. Annual Landscape Maintenance – consideration & possible action to approve contract with Parksite Garden Center to provide landscape maintenance service for 6 months, May thru October, as described for each location. Total contract $14,310

11. CERTS – consideration & possible action to approve a donation of $300 to support local event on 6/3

12. Cemetery Board Stipends – consideration & possible action to approve stipends to Cemetery Board members at an annual rate of $500 for their service and the manager position to receive $4,000. annually

13. Budget FY end 3/31/2019 – consideration & possible action to approve budget for FY end 3/31/2019

14. Ela Township Community Park – consideration & possible action to approve naming new park on Deerpath Road, Deer Park as ELA TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY PARK

15. Supervisor’s Annual Statement & Road District Annual Treasurer’s Report, FY end 3/31/2018 - included

16. Closed Executive Session

17. Consideration and possible action on items discussed in closed session

18. Adjourn
