
Lake County Gazette

Monday, January 13, 2025

Grant Township Board of Town Trustees met July 17

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Grant Township Board of Town Trustees met July 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1.-2. Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order at 7pm with the pledge to the Flag.

3. Roll Call of Officials 

Present: Trustees Hamm, Ulasy; Supervisor Starostovic 

Absent: Trustees Selle, Lippert 

Also Present: Highway Kiesgen; Clerk Schau

4. Audience There were no comments from the audience.

5. Motion to Approve Minutes 

Trustee Ulasy made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 19, 2017 meeting; motion seconded by Trustee Hamm. There being no further discussion, the vote was called: Aye: Trustees Hamm, Ulasy; Supervisor Starostovic Nay: None Motion carreid

6. Motion to Approve Bills 

Trustee Ulasy made a motion to approve the bills dated June 30, 2018 in the amount of $219,824.39; motion seconded by Trustee Hamm. There being no further discussion or questions, the vote was called: Aye: Trustees Hamm, Ulasy; supervisor Starostovic Nay: None Motion Carried

7. Motion to Approve Investment Report 

Trustee Ulasy made a motion to approve the investment report in the amount of $4,639,504.70. Motion seconded by Trustee Hamm. There being no further discussion, the vote was called: Aye: Trustees Hamm, Ulasy; Supervisor Starostovic Nay: None Motion carried

8. Miscellaneous 

There were no miscellaneous items before the board.

9. Old Business 

a. Walking/Bike Path Update 

- Highway Commissioner Kiesgen provided an update. Regarding the culvert, it was determined it will have to be extended, with permission from the owner. The amount will be $119,000. Regarding the Safe Path To School, work will begin next week (7/24/2018). The total amount will be $120,700. There being no more discussion, and in order to begin work, Trustee Ulasy made a motion to accept the bid of Chicago Paving in the amount of $120,700; motion seconded by Trustee Hamm. There being no further comments or discussion, the vote was called: 

Aye: Trustees Hamm, Ulasy; Supervisor Starostovic 

Nay: None 

Motion carried 

b. Building, Grounds and Parks Report 

- Supervisor Starostovic reported that we are catching up on our outdoor work with trimming and the usual ongoing tasks; the weather has not been very cooperative. We may want to consider adding an additional part-time person to help keep up with the outside work. 

- Nicor has scheduled an appointment for 7/24 to complete the generator installation. 

c. Report on 5k 

The annual 5k Walk/Run will be Sunday, August 26". Everything is coming together. The theme of this year's race is to recognize Illinois; Supervisor is working to see if Governor Rauner can participate, in some way, with this event. 

d. Fall Festival Update 

This event is coming along; we have plenty of crafters, and there has been good interest in the booths. We will have several new games for the kids and plenty for adults. The Fire Dept. will have a pancake breakfast on site. 

e. Report on Township Projects - Shelter 

The new shelter for the park will be arriving within the next 2 weeks. It will require a concrete foundation, a building permit and construction. The builder is to be determined. 

f. Discuss November TOI Conference 

Everyone is urged to attend this annual conference. The date is Nov. 11 - 13, the dinner on Monday evening, and breakout sessions Monday afternoon and Tuesday.

g. Review Audit Draft 

This was tabled until the August meeting. 

h. Set-up Committee for Qualifications-Based Selection Written Policy and Procedure 

The committee will be determined at the August meeting. 

i.Any Other Old Business 

There were no other discussion items.

10. New Business

a. Consider Motions 

-Donate to the Fox Lake Volunteeer Fire Dept. Trustee Hamm made a motion to donate $100 to the FLVFD; motion seconded by Trustee Ulasy. There being no further discussion or comments, the vote was called: 

Aye: Trustees Hamm, Ulasy; Supervisor Starostovic 

Nay: None 

Motion carried 

-Purchase an Outfield Fence for Baseball Field #4 This was put on hold until the August meeting. In the meantime, Supervisor Starostovic will poll the board. 

-Donate to Township Officials of Illinois Trustee Hamm made a motion to donate $100 to TOI; motion seconded by Trustee Ulasy. There being no further discussion or questions, the vote was called: 

Aye: Trustees Hamm, Ulasy; Supervisor Starostovic 

Nay: None Motion carried 

b. Any Other New Business 


11. Officials' Reports 


- Discusses most effective means of procurement; township doing a well in this area 

- Attended dedication of Antioch Town Hall honoring Steve Mousse 

- Will attend TOI event in Naperville

- Will attend a Tol event in Bloomington 

Highway Commissioner

- Skardus phase 1 paving is complete - Very busy with branch cleanups

- Paths require lots of time Trustees

- No report from the trustees 


- Discussed the group photo of officials that was taken last month; the photo does not complement the board. We will re-do the group photo in August with everyone wearing their township shirt and name tag.

12. Audience 

There were no questions nor comments from the audience.