Village of Cary Committee of the Whole met July 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
I. Call to Order
This meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by Mayor Kownick.
II. Roll Call
Present: Mayor Kownick, Trustees McAlpine, Betz, Covelli, Weinhammer, Kraus and Collier
Absent: None
Others present included Village Administrator Rife, Public Works Director Morimoto, Police Chief Finlon, Management Analyst Sage, Village Attorney Uhler, Village Attorney Milluzzi and members of the audience per the sign-in sheet.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public Comments
There being no comments from the public, Mayor Kownick closed Public Comments at 7:26 p.m.
V. Discussion Regarding the McRide and Pace Transportation Programs
Director Morimoto and Management Analyst Sage provided an overview of the McRide and Pace Southeast McHenry County Transportation Programs.
Mary Donner of Pace provided information regarding the Pace program.
Susan Borucki and Scott Hennings, transportation planners for McHenry County, provided information on public transportation for McHenry County.
Trustee Collier asked if the Pace program tracks information regarding Cary resident ridership. Ms. Donner stated she could obtain this information.
Trustee Kraus asked for information regarding McRide ridership for Fox River Grove. Ms. Borucki stated she could obtain this information.
Trustee Weinhammer asked Ms. Borucki to inquire about public transportation ridership for elementary school children at a future McHenry County transportation meeting.
Mayor Kownick and Administrator Rife discussed the potential impact on residents should a transportation program be enacted and then discontinued in the future.
Trustee McAlpine asked for information on senior ridership from Algonquin Township regarding transportation program. Management Analyst Sage stated Algonquin Township has 3 buses, of which one bus per day is in use, and has approximately 95 registered riders.
It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to continue discussion regarding the McRide and Pace Transportation Programs at the August 20, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
VI. Discussion Regarding Parking Restrictions
Chief Finlon and Director Morimoto provided an overview of parking restrictions in specific areas of Village and proposed changes.
It was the consensus of the Committee of the whole to forward on to the August 6, 2019 Village Board Meeting the consideration for approval amending parking restrictions and updating Village code for specific areas of the village.
VII. Discussion Concerning Bullying Ordinance
Chief Finlon provided an overview of bullying, District 26 policy, state and municipal-level legislation.
Chief Finlon stated Brian Coleman, District 26 Superintendent, stated schools are equipped with resources and programs to address juvenile issues.
Trustee Collier asked if there was a threshold where a juvenile situation becomes a police matter instead of a school matter. Chief Finlon stated this would occur if a situation were classified as a major crime.
Attorney Uhler stated there are reciprocating reporting agreements which require a school district to report serious, defined behavior to the police department.
VIII. Executive Session:
Personnel: Collective Bargaining 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)
Mayor Kownick stated Executive Session would be canceled.
Trustee Weinhammer asked to have a future discussion on cannabis.
IX. Adjourn
There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m.
MOTION: Trustee McAlpine
SECOND: Trustee Kraus
The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.