
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Cary Village Board met March 3

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Village of Cary Village Board met March 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order This meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Kownick.

II. Roll Call Present: Mayor Kownick and Trustees Covelli, Collier, Kraus, McAlpine and Weinhammer Absent: Trustee Betz

Others present included Police Chief Finlon, Public Works Director Morimoto, Village Attorney Uhler, Village Attorney Milluzzi and members of the audience per the sign-in sheet.

III. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV. Open Forum Chris Freeman, 7216 S. Rawson Bridge Road, stated he is the local chapter president for Sleep in Heavenly Peace, an organization that builds bunk beds for children between the ages of 3-17 who do not have appropriate beds to sleep in. Mr. Freeman provided information for individuals or organizations who would like to contact the group.

There being no further comments from the public, Mayor Kownick closed Open Forum at 6:04 p.m.

Mayor's Report Mayor Kownick administered the Oath of Office to Patrol Officer Kirk A. Ashleman.

Mayor Kownick stated he recently participated in the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to discuss the coronavirus and steps municipalities should take to increase public awareness about prevention.

Administrator Rife stated information regarding prevention has been posted on the Village's website, Facebook page and in Cary News Weekly.

VI. Trust

Trustee Reports 


VII. Consent Agenda 

1. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated March 3, 2020 

2. Consider for Approval Minutes of the February 18, 2020 Village Board Meeting

3. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Grant Agreement between the Village of Cary and the State of Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the Sidewalk Gaps Project [R20-03-01]


Trustee McAlpine moved, seconded by Trustee Kraus, to approve Consent Agenda Items #1 - #3.

Ayes: Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer 

Nays: None 

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

VIII. Items for Separate Action 

1. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Chapter 5.08 - Alcoholic Liquor Sales of the Village of Cary Municipal Code [020-03-01]


Trustee Collier moved, seconded by Trustee McAlpine to approve an ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 5.08 - Alcoholic Liquor Sales of the Village of Cary Municipal Code

Discussion Chief Finlon provided an overview of the proposed ordinance.

Brett Coleman of Coleman's, 645 Industrial Drive, stated he is looking into whether video gaming license holders can be reimbursed by the gaming company they contract with to offset fee increases.

Milos Grcic of Tobacco Stop, 688 Northwest Highway, stated he feels the increase for establishments holding video gaming licenses is disproportionate to the other licensing fee increases.

Mayor Kownick stated establishments that are granted licenses carry a responsibility. Mayor Kownick stated the Village Board is responsible for taxpayer money spent on enforcement of license violations. Mayor Kownick stated license fees have not been adjusted in at least 10 years and were overdue for review.

Ayes: Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer 

Nays: None 

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

Administrator's Report Administrator Rife stated there will be an open house on March 24th to discuss the Algonquin-Cary Subarea Plan at St. Barnabas Lutheran Church from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Administrator Rife also stated the second budget meeting will take place on Saturday, March 14th at 9:00 a.m. The public is invited to attend.

Department Head Reports Director Morimoto provided an update regarding the recent watermain break behind True Value

g. Director Morimoto thanked Assistant Director Stein and the Water Department team for their efforts on this issue. Director Morimoto stated the cause of the watermain break is currently being investigated. Administrator Rife thanked employees who managed the phones and effectively answered resident questions and concerns during the incident.

Director Morimoto stated the Public Works department is preparing for the April 1st opening of Cary Lake at Rotary Park.

Director Morimoto stated Spring Clean Up will take place on Saturday, April 4th for residents north of Rt. 14 and Saturday, April 11th for residents south of Rt. 14.

XI. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board Trustee Kraus asked when the Board will discuss the Board of Zoning, Planning & Appeals request for adding an alternate member. Administrator Rife stated this is scheduled for the April 7th, 2020 Village Board meeting.

XII. Adjourn There being no further items to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:37 p.m.

MOTION: Trustee Kraus 

SECOND: Trustee McAlpine

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.
