
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Deerfield Board of Trustees met May 15

Village of Deerfield Board of Trustees met May 15

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order on May 15, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. at Deerfield Village Hall. The clerk called the roll and announced that the following were


Dan Shapiro, Mayor

Robert Benton

Larry Berg

Elaine Jacoby

Rebekah Metts-Childers (remote attendance)

Mary Oppenheim

William Seiden

and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Manager Kent Street and Steven Elrod, Village Attorney.


Members of the Rochelle Zell Jewish High School model UN team led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Shapiro presented a street sign highlighting their first place victories each year since 2015.

The students and coaches introduced themselves and the topics they worked on.


Mayor Nancy Rotering, Village Manager Ghida Neukirch and Police Chief Lou Jogmen from the City of Highland Park thanked the Village of Deerfield for their support during the Highland Park shooting last July Fourth. Mayor Rotering spoke about communities like Deerfield that came together to help the City of Highland Park. She noted the kindness, professionalism and solidarity experienced by Highland Park give them hope and show they are not alone in their grief. Neukirch stated that for weeks after the emergency, Deerfield staff assisted Highland Park in so many ways. Chief Jogmen noted on behalf of the City of Highland Park, each responding officer will receive a letter of appreciation and challenge coin. Chief Jogmen stated the Village and Deerfield Police Department will receive the City of Highland Park flag in appreciation of their contributions. Mayor Shapiro reported the Village is proud to support the City of Highland Park.


Mayor Shapiro proclaimed the month of May 2023 as Jewish American Heritage Month in the Village of Deerfield and that the Village of Deerfield expresses appreciation for the significant contributions made by Jewish Americans to the diverse community that comprises the Village of Deerfield, the State of Illinois, and the United States of America.

Trustee Berg moved to accept the Proclamation. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.


On behalf of the Village of Deerfield, Mayor Shapiro proclaimed the week of May 21-27, as National Public Works Week in Deerfield.

Trustee Benton moved to accept the Proclamation. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.


Mayor Shapiro proclaimed the week of May 15- May 21 as National Police Week in the Village of Deerfield and urged each resident to extend appreciation to the Deerfield Police Department and all law enforcement for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to our community.

Trustee Oppenheim moved to accept the Proclamation. Trustee Benton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.


Mayor Shapiro read a statement regarding the Baxter headquarters proposal process. He reported that last week, the Plan Commission held the first of what will likely be several public hearings regarding Bridge’s request to annex, zone and develop 102 acres of the Baxter property into Deerfield. Mayor Shapiro noted Bridge’s proposal has received a great deal of attention on various platforms and nearly 600 people from our community and Riverwoods attended the May 11 public hearing. Mayor Shapiro stated the Plan Commission, which is tasked with reviewing applications, is doing just that. He noted the Plan Commission has asked hard questions and sought clarifications. Mayor Shapiro reported that at future hearings the public will be able to do the same as well as offer responses to Bridge’s experts who testified in support of its proposal. Mayor Shapiro pointed out that until the hearings are completed, it is neither fair to the process, the applicant nor those who oppose the project for the Plan Commission or the Village Board to decide the merits of the application. He noted that on June 8, the Plan Commission will conduct the second public hearing at Deerfield High School. Mayor Shapiro stated that staff is working to improve the acoustics in the DHS gym. Mayor Shapiro noted many people have asked the Board to reject and disapprove of the project after the first public hearing. Mayor Shapiro pointed out that doing so would be a complete disregard of the process and could violate the petitioners’ due process rights of a fair hearing. Mayor Shapiro asked for everyone to please understand that any unwillingness to weigh in on the merits of Bridge’s petition at this stage of the public hearing process should not be considered as dismissive or disrespectful, but rather as a recognition that the public hearing process has not been completed and the Plan Commission has not yet made its recommendation.

Mayor Shapiro noted the Board and staff are aware of the many concerns that have been raised. He noted that those concerns include impact on traffic, air quality and property values, among others. He also stated the Board and staff are aware of the many voices in opposition as well as those in support of the Bridge’s request, and that they are all sincere and well intentioned. Mayor Shapiro commended those who have been engaged in the process.


Trustee Benton moved to approve the minutes from the May 1, 2023, Board of Trustees meeting.

Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.


Trustee Seiden moved to approve the bills and payroll dated May 15, 2023. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Benton, Berg, Jacoby, Metts-Childers Oppenheim, Seiden (6)

NAYS: None (0)


Arnold Footle asked when the sod damage repair will be done. Director of Public Works and Engineering Bob Phillips reported the repairs will begin in June.



Planning and Design Specialist Liz Delevitt reported the Appearance Review Commission voted 5-0 in favor of the proposed exterior updates under the business façade rebate program for the property located at 728 Waukegan Road (former Barnes and Noble). The petitioners will be replacing the existing masonry, stucco and stone facades with more contemporary masonry and metal materials.

The petitioners are also enlarging and redeveloping the existing outdoor space in front of the retail building. They wish to create a more usable sitting area for diners and shoppers of Deerfield Square. New pavers, a masonry knee wall and native plantings will be integrated to define and enhance the outdoor space.

On April 18, 2022, the Board of Trustees voted 6-0 in favor of amending the Deerfield Square PUD to accommodate the proposed changes. The Trustees unanimously agreed that the proposed redevelopment will give this portion of the mall a much-needed update.

Chris Siavelis, from CRM Properties, stated the renovations are underway. They expect the project to be completed by the third quarter of the year. Mr. Siavelis stated the first floor will be comprised of up to five retail bays and the second floor will be office space. He reported the cost is approximately $5 million and they are asking for $50,000 for the façade costs and $50,000 for the site improvements.

Trustee Oppenheim asked how the Village would be reimbursed if the tenant leaves town. The Village is not afraid of this with Deerfield Square. She thinks this is what they thought about when implementing this program.

Trustee Oppenheim moved to accept the report and recommendation of staff regarding the request for funding under the Business Façade Rebate Program for the former Barnes and Noble store located at 728 Waukegan Road. Trustee Benton seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Benton, Berg, Jacoby, Metts-Childers Oppenheim, Seiden (6)

NAYS: None (0)



The Lake County All Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (ANHMP) was adopted by Lake County and participating municipalities in 2017. Adoption of The ANHMP is required as part of the Village’s

involvement in the FEMA Community Rating System (CRS), and allows the Village to be eligible for hazard mitigation grants through FEMA. The Village of Deerfield has participated in the Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (HMPC) since it began in 2006 and have attended regular meetings regarding the program. Participation in ANHMP allows communities to earn credit towards discounts in flood insurance premiums. The Village is currently rated as a Level 6 within the FEMA CRS, which provides a 20% discount on flood insurance to floodplain residents and a 10% discount on flood insurance premiums to non-floodplain residents. To continue in good standing within the FEMA CRS, the Village, along with all CRS communities, must participate through regular meetings and adoption of the updated ANHMP.


An Ordinance amending the Village of Deerfield Wage and Salary Plan to reflect the restructuring of the Finance Department.

Trustee Jacoby moved to accept the Consent Agenda and adopt the Ordinance and Resolution. Trustee Benton seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Benton, Berg, Jacoby, Metts-Childers, Oppenheim, Seiden (6)

NAYS: None (0)


There was no Old Business.



Assistant Director of Public Works and Engineering, Tyler Dickinson, reported four sealed bids for the 2023 Street Rehabilitation Program were opened and read out loud. Mr. Dickinson noted the original budget for this project was $400,000, which included $50,000 for the annual sidewalk program. Mr. Dickinson stated due to additional costs on other projects, the street rehabilitation budget was reduced to $350,000 and the project was bid with a reduced scope. He also noted the scope included work for the annual sidewalk program, miscellaneous pavement patching and a roadway reconstruction location.

Mr. Dickinson reported the lowest responsible bid for this year’s Street Rehabilitation Project came in at 34% over budget. He noted staff believes this overage can be attributed to the low buying power of this project, but is mostly due to runaway construction prices that have occurred over the last few construction seasons.

Mr. Dickinson stated that due to these higher-than-normal costs, staff recommends rejecting all bids at this time. He reported a proposal for a larger street rehabilitation project will be presented to the Village Board as part of the 2024 budget package. Mr. Dickinson pointed out it is expected that a larger project will be attractive to bidders and will provide economy of scale pricing.

Trustee Seiden recognizes the Village’s concern but believes if the Village needs the work completed, staff should have asked for a higher amount. Mr. Dickinson stated the department shifted a number of projects due to a number of other projects including the Waukegan Road water main project and the phosphorus program that have hard deadlines. Mr. Dickinson reported this project can be deferred and will hopefully be less costly next year with economies of scale. Trustee Oppenheim noted the Village is completing the critical improvements.

Trustee Oppenheim moved to accept the resolution to reject all the bids for the 2023 Street Rehabilitation Program. Trustee Berg seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Benton, Berg, Jacoby, Metts-Childers, Oppenheim, Seiden (6)

NAYS: None (0)


Public Works Analyst Ryan Oates reported each year, the Village of Deerfield puts on a firework show as part of the July 3rd and 4th Family Days festivities. Mr. Oates noted that for more than 25 years, the Village has hired Mad Bomber Fireworks to set up the display. Staff is confident of their abilities and with the quality of the performance. Mr. Oates reported that due to the Village of Deerfield and the Deerfield-Bannockburn Fire Protection District’s long working history with Mad Bomber Fireworks, staff has not historically obtained proposals from other firework companies. Mayor Shapiro noted this is a $5,000 cost increase from 2022.

Trustee Benton moved to waive the competitive bidding process and award the 2023 Family Days fireworks contract to Mad Bomber Fireworks in an amount not to exceed $29,500. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Benton, Berg, Jacoby, Metts-Childers, Oppenheim, Seiden (6)

NAYS: None (0)


Deputy Chief Brian Budny reported the Police Department is seeking approval of a Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Board of Education of the Township High School District #113 for reciprocal reporting, digital image access and a School Resource Officer. Mr. Budny noted the Township District approved the agreement on May 9, 2023.

Trustee Berg moved to accept the Resolution approving the High School District 113 School Resource Officer agreement. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Benton, Berg, Jacoby, Metts-Childers, Oppenheim, Seiden (6)

NAYS: None (0)



The Village will host Food Truck Wednesdays starting this Wednesday, May 17, and continuing on the third Wednesday of every month through September from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Jewett Park Hazel Avenue lot.


The Public Works open house will take place on May 20, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


The Deerfield Festival of the Arts will take place on June 3 and 4 on Park Avenue.


The next Plan Commission meeting regarding the Baxter property will be on June 8, 2023.


The first Farmers Market will take place on June 10 starting at 7:00 a.m.


There being no further business or discussion, Trustee Oppenheim moved to adjourn the meeting.

Trustee Berg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m.

The next regular Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, June 5, 2023, at 7:30 p.m.
