Steven Frost Vice President | Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125
Steven Frost Vice President | Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125
When senior Aidan Wehrspann took to the microphone during a Girls’ Water Polo State Championship broadcast, no one expected bull riding to make its way into the conversation. “I was talking about Spring Fling and mentioned the mechanical bull,” Aidan recalls with a laugh. “I grew up enjoying bull riding and watch it a lot - which was a unique thing to mention. The worst part? I told everyone it’s my favorite thing to do in class - to watch bull riding highlights on YouTube - so that wasn’t the greatest thing to mention. It definitely added some humor to the broadcast. ”
It’s moments like these - equal parts entertaining and authentic - that have defined Aidan’s journey as a Sports Broadcasting Club Vice President.
Growing up in a big sports family, Aidan’s love for broadcasting was sparked early. “I was always watching a lot of games on TV and listening to the announcers,” he says. “I wanted to be one of them. ” Over time, he found himself inspired by two broadcasters in particular: Adam Amin, the voice of the Chicago Bulls, and Carlo Jimenez, the Clippers’ radio play-by-play announcer. “I’ve always liked Adam’s style, and Carlo has been a huge help too. I’ve picked up a lot of tips from his TikToks - like how to prepare for broadcasts and what to say on air. ”
But when it came time to put his passion for broadcasting into full gear, Aidan admits he wasn’t the most confident speaker at first. “When I joined the club, I was a little quiet and not as confident with speaking,” he says. “But being on- air and having to create conversations about the game and having others listen to me doing that has helped me be more confident in myself. ”
Aidan’s preparation is key to building that confidence. About five days before each broadcast, he dives deep into his game prep. “The main thing is to watch a lot of films of the other team,” he explains. “It helps me learn their tendencies and gives me insight into what I need to look out for during the game.” By game- day, Aidan has his notes perfectly organized - spreadsheet in hand filled with highlights and important information. “When it’s game time, I can look down quickly and figure out where the info I need is and explain it during the game,” he says.
While preparation makes a huge difference, broadcasting still comes with its challenges. “My biggest challenge when I started was using filler words,” Aidan admits. He tackled this by practicing both on-and-off-air..“I started watching games on mute at home pretending t o be t he broadcaster at that moment.With my preparation,I also have some sentence stems I can rely on if Idon’t have anything t o say.It’s helped me stay smooth an d confident.”
Now that Aidan has honed his skills an d gained confidence ,he's able t o embrace t he rewarding aspects o f his role as ab roadcaster.One o f his most memorable moments came when h e broadcasted t he Stevenson vs.Warren football gameliveonTV .“Itwasasurrealmoment,”herecalls.“Especiallystartingtheclubasa junior,IneverthoughtI’dbebroadcastingagameonTV.”Theexperiencealongwiththe compliments hereceivedfromathleticdirectors teachersandstudents solidifiedjust howfarhe’dcomeinhisbroadcastingjourney.
ButforAidan themostrewardingpartofhisworkisn’tjusttherecognition it’shelpingtheunderclassmengrow.“IhopetogetthenextsetofgreatStevenson broadcastersready”hesays“It’srewardingtoseetheirgrowthfrombeingunsureto gettingexcitedaboutbeingpartofthebroadcast”Headds“I’vewatchedthempractice prepareandtakeonsiderolesduringourbigbroadcastsWereallycanseethefutureof theclubinourhands”
AsAidanreflectsonhisjourney heleavesonefinalpieceofadvice“Onelastgeneral pieceofadvicetoeveryoneistrysomethingnewOriginallyIwassureifIwantedtobe onairIendeduptryingitreallylikingitandthenwentonaspre eofbeingonbroadcasts Meetingnewpeopleandmakingnewfriendsthroughoutthisexperiencehasbeenincredible ”