Organization Directory
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City of Highland Park
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 12/02/24 - City of Highland Park Housing Commission will meet December 4
City of Highwood
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 12/01/24 - City of Highwood Committee of the Whole will meet Dec. 3
City of Lake Forest
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 12/01/24 - City of Lake Forest Public Works Committee will meet Dec. 2
City of North Chicago
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 12/01/24 - City of North Chicago Human Resources Committee met Nov. 4
City of North Chicago Planning & Zoning Commission
Local Government | Municipal Departments
Most recent 08/08/23 - City of North Chicago Economic Development/Planning/Zoning Committee met June 5
City of Park City
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 07/25/22 - 21.7% of households in Park received food stamps in 2020
City of Waukegan
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 11/09/24 - Waukegan residents paid 28th-largest sum in sales taxes in Illinois during August
City of Zion
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 11/08/24 - 1,140 lawyers in good standing in cities within Lake County as of October
Community High School District 117
Local Government | Public School Districts
Most recent 11/12/24 - Lake County Education: 5111 multiracial students enrolled in school districts in 2022-23 school year
Community High School District 128
Local Government | Public School Districts
Most recent 09/20/23 - North Shore School District 112's enrollment rank decreases during 2021-22 school year