
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

LCDOT invites community to Darrell Road open-house meeting

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Lake County’s Division of Transportation (LCDOT) invites the public to an open-house meeting from 5 to 7 p.m. March 9 at Wauconda Township Office, 505 W. Bonner Road.

At this second informal public information meeting, LCDOT will introduce improvement alternatives, discuss evaluation criteria, identify goals for further study and gather public input regarding the stretch of Darrell Road between Case and Fisher roads. Residents can drop in at any time during the meeting.

The project’s purpose is to address existing safety and operational improvement needs, identify long-range travel demand and transportation system improvement needs, and develop a staged transportation improvement plan.

From 2009 to 2013, at least 45 accidents were reported along Darrell Road between Case and Fisher roads. While approximately half (18) of the accidents involved impact with objects and two-thirds caused only property damage, 14 personal injuries were recorded -- more than enough to generate concern and spur the study.

Of the 20 accidents involving more than one motor vehicle, almost half (nine) were rear-end collisions, with the remainder involving turning or sideswipe encounters. More than one dozen accidents occurred at Fisher/Darrell and Darrell/Case  intersections.

The meeting will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone in need of special assistance and planning to attend should contact Matt Emde, project manager, at 847-377-7400 or memde@lakecountyil.gov by March 2.