
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Libertyville’s Board of Trustees wins award, sees to recreational repairs and cultural events

Libertyville sports complex sign

Seeing to repairs and supporting local culture, the Libertyville Board of Trustees tended to business at its 8 p.m. Tuesday meeting at Village Hall, located at 118 W. Cook Ave.

Libertyville’s Government Finance Officers Association won a Certificate of Achievement for excellence in financial reporting, specifically for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The certificate, presented to Finance Director Patricia Wesolowski, represents the highest possible accomplishment in governmental accounting and financial reporting.

Declaring that the village’s “schools, businesses and institutions show a commitment to the continued fostering of the Fine Arts,” Village President/Mayor Terry Weppler and the board issued a proclamation establishing March as Libertyville's Youth/Fine Arts Month.

Protective netting at the Libertyville Sports Complex Driving Range — in need of replacement due to weather-related damage in May 2015 — incurred further damage during the bidding process to find a vendor for repair. The incident caused a slight delay in the request and resulted in a change order. While the original cost was estimated at $50,000, the second round of damage upped the price by an additional $8,945, according to contractor McScot Golf Inc.

The board approved financial business pertaining to Bridge Development Partners LLC. Correspondence from the firm indicated that all construction of public improvements was completed by late January; and in a lone rejection, the board refused a bid that came in over the budgeted amount for a water treatment plant valve replacement as per the recommendation of Public Works Director Paul Kendzior.

Previous meeting minutes from Feb. 9 were approved along with bills and various requests, including a permit fee waiver for the Roundout School District, contracts for underground utilities, road construction, pond and lake maintenance and other municipal items.

Following requests for a landscape variance and fencing, the board went into Executive Session regarding litigation and land acquisition prior to adjournment.