Grayslake’s village board convened at 7 p.m. Tuesday to consider landscaping, development and property regulations as well as hear a student speaker at its regular meeting at 10 South Seymour Ave.
On the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, the board considered final approval of an ordinance prohibiting the trimming of oak trees at certain times of the year. The board also reviewed an ordinance prohibiting the use of phosphorus-based fertilizers for lawn care in the village except for agricultural land, personal gardens and certain turf and lawn areas.
At least 11 states have banned phosphorus fertilizer use or sale in the past, including Illinois. While phosphorus is a naturally occurring mineral and important for photosynthesis, high levels in water can create excessive algae and aquatic plant growth, depleting oxygen levels and killing marine life.
Grayslake North High School student Tanya Shahi gave a presentation based on her entry for the American Legion Oratorical competition. She and fellow seniors T.J. Kilcullen, Ryan Zunker and Megan Reinhart recently competed in the contest.
Additionally, the board considered two ordinances pertaining to village code: social hosting regulations and liquor licensing and control revisions. It also discussed two agreements, including Ryland Homes (Cal Atlantic) building 84 townhomes in the Lake Street Square subdivision and contracting with Lauterbach and Amen LLP for audit services.
The board approved minutes from the previous regular meeting of Feb. 16 and authorized bill payments prior to adjournment.