Per pupil spending at Crystal Lake Central High School is $23,584. The average spending in the state is $19,940.
Crystal Lake Central High School is part of the Chsd 155 school district. 85.4% of Chsd 155's spending is supported by local funding. For the average school district in Illinois 11.8% of per pupil spending is supported with local funds.
Chicago Public Schools is seeking a bailout of its district from Illinois taxpayers. Students in Chicago Public Schools scored a passage rate of 25% on the PARCC exam. Per pupil spending in Chicago is $15,120. $7,409 of this, or 49%, is supported with local funds. Chicago is seeking to expand the funding provided from all Illinois taxpayers. Currently, $7,711, or 51%, of Chicago per pupil spending is supported by all Illinois taxpayers. The bailout request would increase this number by $4,000 bringing the total statewide support to $11,711 per CPS student.