
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Waukegan daycare, car care, recycling facilities to request zoning changes

Waukegan seal bw

Waukegan’s Planning and Zoning Commission will delve into a dozen petitions to clarify terminology and grant several scheduled rezoning requests at its 7 p.m. Thursday meeting at 100 N. MLK Jr. Ave.

Two text amendments, one map amendment and approval, one plat, four conditional use permits and three “vacations” are listed on the agenda.

Terminology referring to “Lot Line, Front” is up for redefining, while language pertaining to inline retail developments will be simplified.

A petition from Waukegan asks that 0 E. Sea Horse Drive be reclassified from general residence to marine-commercial recreation (M-CR). The city also requests approval of its zoning map for 2016.

On behalf of Lakehurst Investments LLC, Arnold Isakhanian asks that a preliminary and final plat for 300 Lakehurst Road be approved, Kaplan Environmental Services desires a conditional use permit for an asphalt recycling center and PR Amhurst Lake LLC requests the same for a day care center located at 1411 S. White Oak Drive.

In related projects, Orlando Celis and Abelardo Lobos submitted queries for conditional use permits to operate a car wash and an auto repair business, respectively, at 3375 Grand Avenue.

Discussion of properties to be vacated will refer to Jensen Court, East Alley and West Alley.

The commission will allot time for public comment and review routine business prior to adjournment.