
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Highland Park’s dual districts agree on beach boating procedures

Hpark beach sailboat

Highland Park’s City and Park Districts recently partnered to grant continued permission for powerboat access at Park Avenue Beach, with recreational water activities also continuing outside a Water Treatment Plant security perimeter.

The established boundary protects the plant while residents carry on with favorite beach pursuits, such as sailing, fishing, kayaking, walking along the beach, power boating and jet skiing.

“We are delighted that the Park District, the City and our boating community were able to work together to find a solution for safe access for all Park Avenue Beach users,” Scott Meyers, Park Board president, said. “I would like to thank everyone who provided their thoughtful input and commitment over the past 16 months to allow power boating to continue at Park Avenue.”

With a one-year contract starting in 2016’s beach season, the successful effort was facilitated by collaboration among the park district’s liaison Tony Blumberg, its Board President Scott Meyers and its Executive Director Liza McElroy along with Highland Park’s City Manager Ghida Neukirch. 

The City and Park Districts will re-evaluate the program at the end of this year’s boating season to determine options for future years.

“We appreciate the collaboration, input and work between the City, Park District and so many others over the last year to identify a solution that works for all,” Mayor Nancy Rotering said. “We are committed to providing full access to Park Avenue Beach and believe a viable option has been presented which strikes a balance between recreation and the safety of our water supply.”