
Lake County Gazette

Friday, January 31, 2025

Lake Bluff public hearing held on push to amend Comprehensive Plan

Webp meeting 05

At a recent meeting, the Lake Bluff Plan Commission and Zoning Board held a public hearing on a measure to amend the Village of Lake Bluff Comprehensive Plan concerning the planning details for blocks two and three of the Central Business District.

The joint plan commission and board of appeal advises the village board on all matters related to zoning and planning in the community. Members meet at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall Board Room, 40 E. Center Ave.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Village of Lake Bluff Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals is located at 40 East Center Avenue, Lake Bluff




MAY 18, 2016


1. Call to Order & Roll Call

Chair Kraus called to order the regular meeting of the Joint Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals (PCZBA) of the Village of Lake Bluff on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Board Room (40 E. Center Avenue).

The following members were present:

Members: Leslie Bishop

David Burns

Mary Collins

Elliot Miller

Gary Peters

Steven Kraus, Chair

Absent: Sam Badger, Member

Also Present: Andrew Fiske, Village Attorney

Brandon J. Stanick, Assistant to the Village Administrator (A to VA)

2. Approval of the April 20, 2016 PCZBA Regular Meeting Minutes

Member Miller moved to approve the April 20, 2016 PCZBA Meeting Minutes with changes by Members Badger and Miller. Member Collins seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote with Member Burns abstaining.

3. Non-Agenda Items and Visitors

Chair Kraus stated the PCZBA allocates 15 minutes for those individuals who would like the opportunity to address the PCZBA on any matter not listed on the agenda.

There were no requests to address the PCZBA.

4. A Public Hearing to Consider Amending the Village of Lake Bluff Comprehensive Plan Concerning: i) the Downtown Land Use Plan (dated November 17, 1998), ii) Planning Principles for Central Business District Block Two (bounded by East Scranton Avenue, Walnut Avenue, East North Avenue and Oak Avenue) and Central Business District Block Three (bounded by East Scranton Avenue, Oak Avenue, East North Avenue and Evanston


PCZBA Chair Kraus introduced the agenda item and explained the protocol for tonight’s meeting.

Chair Kraus administered the oath to those in attendance and opened the public hearing.

A to VA Stanick reviewed the materials provide to the PCZBA prior to the meeting.

Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes – May 18, 2016


Member Collins inquired if an existing land use map was created to assist in the PCZBA’s discussions. A to VA Stanick stated the map is still under review and will be finalized for the PCZBA’s next meeting.

Chair Kraus summarized the previous comments concerning the land use maps.

Member Collins expressed her concern with designating the lot to the east of the Library for future downtown parking. A discussion regarding the long range parking plan followed.

Chair Kraus noted parking has become a concern if anything in the downtown changes. The long term parking plan identifies property the Village should consider for parking purposes if it comes on the market.

Member Bishop asked if the space behind the Public Safety Building could be used for public parking. A to VA Stanick stated the parking at the rear of the building is strictly for use by the Police Department and security concerns preclude this from being used as a public lot.

Chair Kraus opened the floor for public comment.

Mr. Tom McAfee (resident) stated, although the pending plan focuses on Block Three, the impact will carry over to Block Two and both projects should be considered together. He showed photographs of existing conditions along E. North Avenue. Mr. McAfee showed homes in Lake Forest that are near the Regent’s row subdivision in Lake Forest. He showed photographs of the rental housing along E. North Avenue as well. Mr. McAfee showed an imageof a three story building in the CBD. He stated the neighbors are not opposed to multi-family homes and showed photographs of the current multi-family buildings along Washington Avenue. Mr. McAfee showed the Teska future downtown land use plan and noted on the north end of E. North Avenue there is only one multi-family unit and stated his disagreement with adding more multi-family units in this area. Mr. McAfee showed a slid of the land use plan he and his neighbors would prefer. He expressed his preference for more single-family home.

Mr. Mark Stolzenberg (resident) read a quote from Chair Kraus “Lake Bluff is not a transient community. Lake Bluff is dramatically different than other suburbs in this” and this is a great principal to frame the debate over how downtown should be planned. Mr. Stolzenberg reviewed a statement of purpose proposed by the neighbors along North Avenue and reviewed revisions to the Ten Planning Principles prepared by the North Avenue neighbors.

Mr. Chris Volkert (resident) encouraged the PCZBA to consider relocating the Public Safety Building to allow multi-family and additional parking at that location.

Mr. Kyle Peterson (resident) thanked the PCZBA for their service to the community. He expressed his concern regarding the future redevelopment of downtown in regards to allowing high density residential. He asked the community be given an opportunity to sit down with the

PCZBA to discuss the future direction of downtown.

Mr. Porter Boggess (resident) asked if the plan put together by Teska was in response to a federal housing program. Village Administrator confirmed it was not.

Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes – May 18, 2016


Ms. Holli Volkert (resident) expressed her opinion the documents being used by the PCZBA are incorrect. She stated the land use plan should be revised to reflect what currently exists. Chair Kraus stated the PCZBA will not vote tonight to allow time for the preparation of an existing land

use map. He stated the maps being considered by the PCZBA are tools used by the Village for future land use planning purposes. Mr. Volkert expressed her concern with the long-range downtown parking map noting it doesn’t illustrate existing conditions. Ms. Volkert suggested planning for a public parking lot at the current location of the Artesian Park tennis courts to satisfy

future parking demand.

Ms. Robin McAfee (resident) asked the Village to be more transparent regarding any proposed plans and meetings. Chair Kraus advised packet information is available on the Village website and the PCZBA receives materials the same time they are made public. Ms. MacAfee expressed her understanding there are plans submitted for Block Three which are not available on the website.

Ms. Maureen Chamberlain (resident) expressed concern for not knowing when the boards are scheduled to take action on any zoning changes. She expressed her understanding that residentsreceive written notification regarding any petitions for redevelopment and right now she has not been made aware of any timeline.

A to VA Stanick reported the Village has received an incomplete petition to redevelop CBD Block

Three. The petition is currently under review, and should the Village receive the required materials to complete the petition, it will be scheduled for an upcoming meeting, possibly June 15th. A to VA Stanick stated for any zoning petition filed the Village mails courtesy notices to every address within a 300 ft. radius of the property and the notice is published in the Lake County News Sun at least 15 days before the scheduled hearing.

Ms. Chamberlain inquired of the type of housing the Village would like to have downtown. Chair Kraus explained a transitional housing concept that could serve the needs of young families buying their first home as well as retired empty-nesters looking to downsize.

In response to a comment from Ms. Chamberlain, Chair Kraus stated tonight’s objective is to establish guiding principles that will communicate the Village’s future vision for the downtown.

A discussion followed.

Ms. Marina Carney Puryear (resident) stated there are approximately 108 houses on the market in Lake Bluff, 58 of which are under $1 million, and of those 58, 21 are currently under contract.

She expressed her opinion the Village is evenly distributed for property under $1 million.

Mr. Lee Nysted (resident) expressed his concern about the impact a three story dwelling on Scranton Avenue would have on his property value. Mr. Nysted stated the PCZBA decision to allow a greater height could result in negatively impacting property value. Should this occur there would be grounds for legal action against the Village. He stated this is a very critical issue and expressed his opinion the existing three story structures in the downtown have not been successful.

Mr. Nysted asked if any of the PCZBA Members have a vested interest in any of the proposed properties for redevelopment.

Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes – May 18, 2016


Ms. Stephanie Fischer (resident) asked if this type of development have been successful in other places. She expressed concern for traffic impacts on E. Scranton Avenue as a result of downtown redevelopment.

Mr. Stolzenberg (resident) expressed his concern the opinions of the neighbors concerning the planning principles have not been addressed or acknowledged by the PCZBA. Village Attorney Andrew Fiske provided an overview of the public process used to date as well as the Village’s compliance with public hearing notifications. Additionally, Village Attorney Fiske stated the comments from the neighbors have been provided and the PCZBA may consider them based on their merits.

Mr. McAfee (resident) expressed his concern for a transparent process. He asked if there was a consensus to allow three story structures on Blocks Two and Three.

Chair Kraus summarized the PCZBA’s discussion noting a vote will not occur tonight without understanding the existing land uses in the area. He stated the planned parking lot identified midblock on the south side of North Avenue will be removed and the lot immediately east of the

Library will be identified as planned future parking given the Village will further evaluate the property’s potential should the lot go on the market. Also, the Ten Planning Principles were confirmed with removing “CBD” from Principle #7.

Village Administrator Irvin stated Member Badger had submitted a comment relating to the long range parking plan about including the Artesian Park parking lot as a public lot. This lot was made part of the Village’s downtown parking inventory in the recent downtown parking study.

Chair Kraus opened the floor for comments from the Commissioners.

Member Bishop explained while serving on the former Plan Commission there were discussions regarding CBD planning area, as well as the preference to have multi-family housing closest to the


A discussion ensued regarding differences between long range planning and the Village’s zoning regulations.

Village Attorney Fiske noted the Ten Planning Principles is a traditional planning document and serves as a guide. This is not a binding document in the way that the Zoning Code regulates the development of land.

Member Collins expressed her preference for the planning approach being used by the Village because the Village is not locking itself into prescribing specific measurements for the developer to meet.

Chair Kraus reviewed the changes to the Ten Planning Principles proposed by the North Avenue neighbors.

Member Peters expressed his belief, given the value of the property and its size, constructing single-family homes may not be the most economically feasible scenario.

Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes – May 18, 2016


Chair Kraus continued the public hearing to the next meeting.

It was the consensus of the PCZBA to schedule a special meeting before June 15th to continue its discussion regarding the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.

5. A Discussion Concerning Zoning Regulations and Design Guidelines for Central Business

District Block Two and Block Three

Chair Kraus introduced the agenda item and requested an update from Staff.

A to VA Stanick stated over the past several months the PCZBA and the Architectural Board of Review (ABR) have conducted joint workshop discussions regarding the proposed Downtown

Design Guidelines for Central Business District (CBD) Block Two and Block Three. As you will recall, the joint workshops and separate PCZBA discussions have yielded the following: i)

PCZBA and ABR consensus regarding the overall goals of the CBD plan and the Ten Planning Principles for CBD Blocks Two and Three, ii) PCZBA consensus regarding the pathway for any petition to redevelop CBD Blocks Two or Three, and iii) Discussion about the Downtown Design

Guidelines and possible amendments to the Village’s Zoning Code (height, setbacks, etc.).

A to VA Stanick stated the PCZBA should discuss the following standards: permitted uses, minimum lot size, location of uses, building setbacks, ground/building coverage, height and parking. He stated while this list is not intended to be all inclusive, it can serve as a starting place

for the PCZBA to build consensus around these zoning standards and the Downtown Design Guidelines.

Village Attorney Fiske stated this agenda item is an informal discussion concerning the zoning standards and perhaps reach some type of consensus, but there is no vote required, and further clarified there is no pending application before the PCZBA to consider this evening.

Member Collins expressed her concern with the process used for the Design Guidelines and a discussion regarding the planning process and the results followed.

Ms. Jodi Mariano (Teska Associates Inc.) stated the Village should feel free to review the original images provided in the Design Guidelines. The captions will guide readers in the specific elements being referenced in the pictures. She stated it is not just the imagery by itself, but also the way the report reads that will help guide the reader.

Following a brief discussion, it was the PCZBA’s preference to receive the ABR’s feedback regarding the Downtown Design Guidelines.

The PCZBA reviewed the zoning standards outlined in the packet materials and discussed the


? Permitted Uses – Consider allowing multi-family uses on the north side of Scranton Avenue (Block Three) and the south side of North Avenue (Block Two). Further consider allowing Bed & Breakfast use as a special use in R-5 and R-4 Residence Districts;

? Minimum Lot Size – Consider establishing 0.5 acre lot size as the minimum size for a planned mixed-use development;

Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes – May 18, 2016


? Location of Uses – Land uses for CBD Blocks Two and Three should reflect the future Downtown Land Use Plan;

? Building Setbacks – Consider establishing setbacks that are consistent with the setbacks along Evanston and North Avenues;

? Ground and Building Coverage – Consider coverage limits along the south side of North Avenue (Block Two) that are comparable to adjacent single-family properties with goal of creating a desired level of greenspace;

? Height – Consider a maximum height of 32 ft. with the understanding circumstances maybe different; and

? Parking – Consider establishing parking requirements pursuant to the specific use of the land.

Member Burns stated the biggest challenges of transitioning CBD to residential are setbacks and heights. He expressed his opinion setback and height should be more prescriptive.

Chair Kraus stated the design guidelines could include a statement that any redevelopment in CBD Blocks Two and Three should have appropriate greenspace and not be 100% paved.

Member Collins expressed her preference for two story development and any third story be set under a slopping roof that is residential in character.

Chair Kraus proposed having a special meeting following the upcoming June 7th ABR meeting to view the ABR comments.

6. Commissioner’s Report

Chair Kraus reported the next regular PCZBA meeting is scheduled for June 15, 2016.

7. Staff’s Report

A to VA Stanick reported the Village is in receipt of a petition proposing the redevelopment of Block Three with a 16-unit multi-family building. The petition is currently incomplete and is scheduled to be considered at a public hearing by the PCZBA on June 15th.

8. Adjournment

As there was no further business to come before the PCZBA, Member Bishop moved to adjourn the meeting. Member Collins seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brandon Stanick

Assistant to the Village Administrator