
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lake Forest City Council discusses residents' tax-bill fluctuation concerns

Webp meeting 10

At a recent meeting, the Lake Forest City Council discussed residents' concerns about their tax bills fluctuating up or down unexpectedly.

The Lake Forest City Council serves as the community’s legislative and policymaking body. Membership includes two aldermen from each of the city’s four wards, plus the mayor. The council meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall, 220 E. Deerpath.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the council.

The City of Lake Forest


Proceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

City Council Meeting - City Council Chambers 6:30 pm

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: Honorable Mayor Schoenheider called the meeting to order at6:30pm, and Deputy City Clerk Margaret Boyer called the roll of Council members.

Present: Honorable Mayor Schoenheider, Alderman Beidler, Alderman Newman, Alderman Tack,

Alderman Reisenberg, Alderman Adelman and Alderman Moreno.

Absent: Alderman Waldeck, Alderman Pandaleon

Also present were: Robert Kiely, City Manager; Victor Filippini, City Attorney; Catherine Czerniak,

Director of Community Development; Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director ;Susan Banks,

Communications Manager; Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works; Karl Walldorf, Chief ofPolice; Craig Lepkowski, Commander; Robert Copeland, Deputy Police Chief; Jeffrey Howell, Fire

Chief; Pete Siebert, Deputy Fire Chief; Sally Swarthout, Director of Parks & Recreation; MikeStrong, Assistant to the City Manager, Anne Whipple and a large number of Lake Forest PoliceOfficers and Staff.

There were approximately 80 present in the audience.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- was recited by all in attendance.



A. Swear in Chief of Police- Karl Walldorf

Mayor Schoenheider swore in Karl Walldorf, Karl’s wife Amy pinned him with his Chief badge andphotos were taken of the family.

B. Approval of a Resolution of Appreciation for Brenda Dick

Mayor Schoenheider read the resolution, presented it to Mrs. Dick, and photos were taken.

COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of the Resolution

Alderman Beidler made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Alderman Moreno.

Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

C. 2016-2017 Board and Commission Appointments


Proceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

Regular City Council Meeting


Anthony Mancini Appoint 4



Andrew Grabemann Appoint Student

COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Mayors Appointments

Alderman Newman made a motion to approve the Appointments, seconded by Alderman

Moreno. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

D. Approval of a Resolution of Appreciation for Retiring Members of Boards and

Commissions as follows:



COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Resolution

Alderman Adelman made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Alderman Beidler.

Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

E. Report and Recommendation from the Personnel, Compensation and

Administration Committee on the employment agreement with the City


Mayor Schoenheider stated that the feedback on the review of City Manager Bob Kiely wasoverwhelming positive and that Mr. Kiely has done a tremendous job leading The City of LakeForest.

COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the contract with the City Manager

Alderman Adelman made a motion to approve the contract with the City Manager, seconded byAlderman Newman. The following voted “Yea”: Alderman Beidler, Newman, Tack, Reisenberg,

Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried.

Mayor Schoenheider reported on comments from a recent Real Estate Professional meeting thatincluded making the community more inviting to young people and families, how to promote thecommunity, what to tell people about The City of Lake Forest, and the development process.


Proceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

Regular City Council Meeting

City Manager Robert Kiley Jr. thanked the Council for approving the City Manager contract andstated that it is an honor and a privilege to work in The City of Lake Forest. Mr. Kiely credited hissuccess to a great Staff. He then introduced Michael Thomas, Director of Public Works who gavean update on construction projects around town: the Westleigh bridge cleaning, Old Elm wate main replacement and reported on the amount of rainfall the City has seen over the past six years.

Mr. Thomas asked that residents be understanding through the inclement season.

A. Community Spotlight

-Ragdale Foundation, 40th Anniversary

- Jeffrey Meeuwsen, Executive Director

City Manager Robert Kiley Jr., introduced Jeffrey Meeuwsen who gave an overview of Ragdale’sgrowth and expansion, along with the international recognition it has received over the last 40years. Mr. Meeuwsen then gave a preview of upcoming programs and explained that efforts tomarket Ragdale are mirroring the Mayors comments about marketing Lake Forest in general.

Calendar of events were handed out.



A. Property Tax Primer


Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director and

Kathy Blahunka, Shields Township Assessor

Finance Director Elizabeth Holleb reported that in recent weeks the City of Lake Forest hasreceived more than a dozen calls or emails about tax bills, either going up or going down. In aneffort to address some of those questions, Ms. Holleb worked with Kathy Blahunka, ShieldsTownship Assessor. Ms. Holleb presented slides explaining the tax levy cycle and process and thetimeline of when the Lake County Treasurers office sends out tax bills and when they are due. Ms.

Blahunka offered information on tax relief and where residents can find the information.

(http://www.lakecountyil.gov/156/TAX-RELIEF ) Ms. Blahunka also offered an overview of tax ratecomparison for Lake Forest property in Shields Township. Ms. Blahunka also explained howgeneral assessment works and distribution of taxes using the tax formula and that rate equalslevy/EAV.

The City Council had discussion on when residents receive the blue cards in the mail and how toappeal property tax, and learn about a property tax freeze. Mayor Schoenheider thanked both

Elizabeth Holleb and Kathy Blahunka for the presentation.


A. Information Update from LFCEL


Proceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

Regular City Council Meeting

Jack Reisenberg, Alderman

Curt Volkmann, Chairman of LFCEL

KC Doyle, Sustainability Coordinator for Lake County

Mike Rummel, Former Mayor and Current Lake County Board Member

Alderman Reisenberg reported that the latest Lake Forest Strategic Plan was developed in 2012 andapproved by City Council in 2013. One of the six key elements for the Plan is Environmental Stewardshipwith the objectives of promoting education and sustainable and ecologically sensitive policies, preservingand protecting the environment, encouraging energy efficiency and promoting and expanding recycling.

Alderman Reisenberg stated that in order to guide future environmental stewardship initiatives, the firsttask was to develop a sustainability plan for the City. This responsibility was given to the Lake Forest

Collaborative for Environmental Leadership, (LFCEL) a voluntary organization intended to help educate and

coordinate environmental action and promote sustainable practices. Alderman Reisenberg reportedmuch has been accomplished towards the development of the sustainability plan and introduced

Curt Volkmann, Chairman of the LFCEL. Mr. Volkmann gave an overview of projects identified,defined and work done to date that included stormwater management, ecosystem vitality, wastemanagement, renewability, transportation and air quality. Lake County Board Member Mike

Rummel reported on SWALCO and electric vehicle charging stations. Sustainability Coordinator forLake County, KC Doyle, reviewed an example of how Lake County is taking part such as aprescription drug take back program growing.

Alderman Reisenberg reiterated that the Collaborative is comprised of representatives fromSchool Districts 67 and 115, LF Open Lands Association, LF College and the City. It was formed tobring the community together to educate and engage in environmental action and to promotesustainable practices within Lake Forest.

Mayor Schoenheider thanked all for their work and for reporting to the Council and residents.




1. Approval of the May 16, 2016 City Council Meeting Minutes

2. Check Register for the period April 23- May 27, 2016.

3. Resolution of Appreciation for retiring employee, Terry Richards

4. Award of Contract for the City Hall Parking Lot Resurfacing Project

5. Consideration of a Resolution Approving an Exception for Property Located at

1590 N. Waukegan Road with Respect to the Water Meter Customer

Classification (Approve by Motion)

Proceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

Regular City Council Meeting

6. Authorization to Dispose of City Property

COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the six (6) Omnibus items.

Mayor Schoenheider asked members of the Council if they would like to remove any item or takeit separately. The City Council had discussion on item #4 as to diagonal parking and item # 6 andthe process. The Mayor asked for a motion to approve the five Omnibus items as presented with ascrivener’s error in the minutes.

Alderman Moreno made a motion to approve the five Omnibus items as presented, seconded byAlderman Beidler. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Beidler, Newman, Tack, Reisenberg,

Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried.

Information such as Purpose and Action Requested, Background/Discussion, Budget/Fiscal Impact,

Recommended Action and a Staff Contact as it relates to the Omnibus items can be found on the agenda.




1. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement to form a Joint Emergency Telephone

System Board (JETSB) between the Village of Glenview and all Municipalities

provided Dispatch Services Pursuant to Previously Approved Dispatch Service

Agreements and an Ordinance dissolving the City of Lake Forest ETSB (Waive First

Reading and Grant Final Approval)

Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director, reported on the statutory changes for the emergency

telephone Fund (Public Act 99-0006) that include change in surcharge revenue structure,

established an.87 a line per month surcharge for wireless and landline, added a hold harmlessprovision for those whose rate exceeded the newly established rate, centralized collection anddistribution of 911 surcharge revenue, and requires consolidation of 911 systems and services byJuly 1, 2017. Ms. Holleb stated that grants may be available for consolidation efforts and may beextended back to consolidations since 2010.

Ms. Holleb reported that the proposed joint ETSB would be administered by Glenview and includeall agencies served by consolidated dispatch IGA and that dispatch service agreements would notbe impacted and that Glenview would serve as custodian. Ms. Holleb reviewed the anticipatedschedule shown below:

January - February Develop JETSB Intergovernmental Agreement

Proceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

Regular City Council Meeting

February - March Submit proposed IGA to Illinois State Police (ISP) for


April Finalize JETSB Agreement based on ISP review

May – June Consideration by member governing boards

June Submit plan and signed IGAs to ISP

(meet legislative deadline of 7/1/16)

July - November Establish separate JETSB fund and accounting


January 1, 2017 * Effective date of JETSB

* Surcharge revenue deposited to JETSB fund

* First JETSB meeting

Ms. Holleb noted that these changes have and may continue to impact the timing of receipts of E-

911 surcharge revenue, and staff will continue to monitor this closely.

The City Council had discussion on budget impact, and allocation of funds.

Mayor Schoenheider asked if there was anyone from the public who would like to comment.

Seeing none, he asked for a motion.

COUNCIL ACTION: Staff recommends City Council approval of the proposed Intergovernmental

Agreement forming a JETSB and proposed Ordinance dissolving the City of Lake Forest ETSB

(Waive First Reading and Grant Final Approval).

Alderman Moreno made a motion for approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreementforming a JETSB and proposed Ordinance dissolving the City of Lake Forest ETSB (Waive FirstReading and Grant Final Approval), seconded by Alderman Reisenberg. The following voted “Yea”:

Aldermen Beidler, Newman, Tack, Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”:

None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried.

2. Approval of Resolutions Authorizing the Submission of Grant Applications between

The City of Lake Forest and the Illinois Department of Transportation for Grant

Funding through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (“ITEP”)

Mike Strong, Assistant to the City Manager, reported that the resolutions before the Council weresubmitted in anticipation of receiving grant funding under the Fixing America’s Surface

Transportation Act (“FAST Act”). The FAST Act is a five-year, $305 billion surface transportation

reauthorization bill that authorizes federal highway, highway safety, transit and rail programsfrom federal fiscal years 2016 through 2020. Mr. Strong reported that the Act has set asideresources to fund projects through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (“ITEP”).

ITEP provides financial assistance for projects that support alternate modes of transportation,enhance transportation facilities, and improve the quality of life for members of the community.

Proceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

Regular City Council Meeting

The 2016 ITEP cycle has been released, and a call for projects is being solicited for the program.

Project sponsors may receive up to eighty (80) percent reimbursement for project costs. Theremaining twenty (20) percent is the responsibility of the project sponsor.

Mr. Strong stated that City staff is requesting that City Council approve resolutions between theCity and Illinois Department of Transportation (“IDOT”) to support applications to support the

Route 60 Multi-Use Path Project, Western Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project, and theWest Train Station Pedestrian Underpass Project. Approval of these Resolutions affirms that theCity is committed to funding the required local share and is requesting that IDOT allocate themaximum amount of ITEP grant funding possible to support each project. Mr. Strong noted that ifthe City is awarded a grant, a subsequent Resolution and Agreement will need to be reviewed andconsidered by City Council to formally accept the grant award and to authorize the expenditure ofany City funds to support the projects.

Mr. Strong gave a brief overview of each project: Route 60 Multi-Use Path Project, the

Western Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project and the West Train Station Underpass Project:

The City Council had discussions on the underpass and safety concerns, the Amtrak stop and thequantity and speed of trains going through the City. Mayor Schoenheider assured the Council thatsafety is everyone’s top concern, including during conversations with Senator Bob Dold. The CityCouncil also had discussions on the Route 60 Multi-path use. Mayor Schoenheider asked if therewas anyone from the public who would like to comment. Seeing none, he asked for a motion.

COUNCIL ACTION: If appropriate, and should the City Council desire, approve the following:

1. A Resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the Illinois Transportation

Enhancement Program for the Illinois Route 60 Multi-Use Path Project and authorizing

the City Manager to execute related documents with the Illinois Department of

Transportation regarding this application.

2. A Resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the Illinois Transportation

Enhancement Program for the Western Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project and

authorizing the City Manager to execute related documents with the Illinois Department

of Transportation regarding this application.

3. A Resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the Illinois Transportation

Enhancement Program for the West Train Station Underpass Project and authorizing the

City Manager to execute related documents with the Illinois Department of

Transportation regarding this application.

Alderman Reisenberg made a motion approving a Resolution authorizing submission of a grant

application to the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program for the Illinois Route 60 Multi-Use

Path Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute related documents with the IllinoisDepartment of Transportation regarding this application. And approving a Resolution authorizingsubmission of a grant application to the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program for theWestern Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project and authorizing the City Manager to executeProceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

Regular City Council Meetingrelated documents with the Illinois Department of Transportation regarding this application. And

approving a Resolution authorizing submission of a grant application to the Illinois TransportationEnhancement Program for the West Train Station Underpass Project and authorizing the CityManager to execute related documents with the Illinois Department of Transportation regarding this application, seconded by Alderman Adelman. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Beidler,

Newman, Tack, Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0

Nays, motion carried.

3. Consideration of an Amendment to the Regularly Scheduled Meetings of the City

Council for the year 2017. (First Reading and if Desired by the City Council, Final


City Manager Robert Kiely Jr. stated that staff is making a recommendation to amend the CityCouncil meetings to incorporate some workshop meetings in place of a regularly scheduledmeetings approximately once each quarter. The City Manager reported that recently the CityCouncil has found value in other workshop meetings and while the workshop meetings are subjectto all of the requirements of the Open Meetings Act, The workshop meetings will provide anopportunity to discuss a wide range of subjects in a less structured environment. The only changewould be that they are not televised and would occur at the Municipal Services Building, 800 NField Drive.

Mayor Schoenheider asked if there was anyone from the public who would like to comment.

Seeing none, he asked for a motion

COUNCIL ACTION: If determined to be appropriate by the City Council, waive first reading andgrant final approval of the Amendment to the Regularly Scheduled Meetings of the City Council

for the calendar year 2017.

Alderman Reisenberg made a motion to waive first reading and grant final approval of the

Amendment to the Regularly Scheduled Meetings of the City Council for the calendar year 2017,seconded by Alderman Newman. The following voted “Yea”: Aldermen Beidler, Newman, Tack,Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted “Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motioncarried.


Mayor Schoenheider reported that there will be no further business when the City Council

reconvenes from Executive Session. Mayor Schoenheider asked for a motion to adjourn intoEXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c), (2), The City Council will be discussing personnel.

Alderman Tack made a motion to adjourn into executive session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c), (2),

The City Council will be discussing personnel, seconded by Alderman Beidler. The following voted

“Yea”: Aldermen Beidler, Newman, Tack, Reisenberg, Adelman and Moreno. The following voted

“Nay”: None. 6 Yeas, 0 Nays, motion carried.

Proceedings of the Monday, June 6, 2016

Regular City Council Meeting

Adjournment into executive session at 8:33 pm.



There being no further business. Alderman Reisenberg made a motion to adjourn, seconded byAlderman Moreno. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Margaret Boyer

Deputy City Clerk

A video of the City Council meeting is available for viewing at the Lake Forest Library and on file inthe Clerk’s office at City Hall. You can also view it on the website by visiting

www.cityoflakeforest.com. Click on I Want To, then click on View, then choose Archived Meetings
