
Lake County Gazette

Friday, January 31, 2025

Round Lake Committee of Whole discusses salary-survey results

At a recent meeting, the Round Lake Committee of the Whole discussed the results of the Elected Official Salary Survey.

The committee of the whole is a less-formal meeting of the Round Lake Village Board, during which the trustees can meet to openly discuss matters to be voted on by the board at village board meetings.

Below are the minutes for this meeting, as provided by the committee.




June 6, 2016

442 N. Cedar Lake Road

To Follow the Regular Board Meeting

The Regular Board Meeting is 7:00 P.M.




Present: Trustees Foy, Frye, Newby, Rodriguez, Triphahn

Absent: Trustee Kraly


2.1 Approve the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of May 16, 2016

Trustee Rodriguez moved, Seconded by Trustee Newby, to approve the Minutes of the

Committee of the Whole Meeting of May 16, 2016. Upon a unanimous voice vote; the

Mayor declared the motion carried


Aavik Patel thanked the board for allowing him, and his father, to ride on the float during theMemorial Day parade. Aavik also thanked the Mayor for attending his graduation ceremonieson May 31st


? Community Development

? Clerk’s Office

? Human Resources and Finance

o Prevailing Wage Ordinance

Finance Director Frerichs spoke on the subject of the Prevailing Wage Act siting the

purpose of the act and that in the month of July; each public body shall file a certified

copy of an ordinance regarding the prevailing rate of wages as defined in the act.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

? Public Works, Facilities and Capital Assets, and Engineering

o Bobcat Skid Steer Purchase

Public Works Director Adam Wedoff requested permission to purchase a S70 Bobcat

Skid Steer, which is 36” wide and comes with a 44” wide bucket, 48” wide snow

blower and 48” wide angle broom. The smaller machine will allow staff to efficiently

work in tight areas during the snow season. He also stated that the broom and snow

blower will be utilized for snow removal on sidewalks during the winter. The Village

currently has a 72” machine, which works fine, but is too large to clear snow on some

sidewalks which can be as narrow at 48”. He stated that Bobcat is the only company

COTW Minutes June 6, 2016 Page 2

that makes a skid steer small enough to fit down a 48” wide sidewalk and Atlas

Bobcat is the only dealer in our area, therefore, he recommends purchasing the

machine sole source from Atlas Bobcat. Under discussion it was asked about the

machines use with uneven sidewalks whereas PWD Wedoff stated that the broom

attachment can be used for those areas.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

o Door Replacements at Well #3

PW Director Wedoff recommended accepting a proposal from Overhead Door of

Lake and McHenry Counties to replace the steel doors at the Well#3 building. The

doors are rusting and are difficult to open and close.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

o Fence Installation at Public Works Facility

PWD Wedoff recommended hiring Shogren Fence Inc. to install a chain link fence

around the back property of the PW facility. The area contains the salt barn, anti-ice

liquids tank & pump, piles of debris, woodchips and miscellaneous brick and block.

Staff feels this area should be fenced in to protect Village assets, limit liability of

injury should someone walk into the area.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

? Special Events

o National Night Out - Discussed at the Regular Board

? Building and Zoning

? Police

? Administration

o Elected Official Salary

Village Administrator Shields discussed the reason for review of the salaries, the

survey that had been completed and the general analysis of the survey results. Also

discussed had been the position salary changes and overall budget status. The salary

of the Clerk had been discussed verses the duties. It was mentioned that over the years

the clerks responsibilities have moved to others in the office, whereas that role had

been responsible for conducting reviews of office staff amongst other things. The

Clerk mentioned that she currently puts in between 12-15 hours a week sometimes

more depending on the week and with the new structure the hourly pay would be

between $5.38 & $6.73 respectively and named off a few of the items her positon

currently is responsible for. It was mentioned by VA Shields that the roll of the Clerk

would be that of taking minutes and making sure Ordinances & Resolutions are

completed properly and not be responsible for some items she currently does, such as

ordering supplies. It was asked if there is a job description currently in place, it was

stated there was not, but it would be in the ordinance.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

COTW Minutes June 6, 2016 Page 3

o Mosquito Management Program

Village Administrator Shields stated that he received several proposals from Clarke

Environmental; two were way over our budget and two were not enough to service

our needs. The one in the middle came in under budget and is the same as last year. If

needed additional tablets could be purchased, depending on the need. The Mayor also

stated that information will be placed on the website encouraging residents to also do

their part to help combat the mosquito’s, such as removing standing water or perhaps

spraying their yard.

The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda

o 57 Acres & Land Use Agreement

VA Shields provided a rough draft of the proposed Land Development agreement for

the 57 acre site between the Village and DA Development LLC. He reiterated that

the agreement had been done by staff based on examples and both the Village

Attorney and Mr. Powell have yet to review. A review of the draft will be done with

possible additions such as berms, tree locations etc. After review of the agreement it

will be brought back to the board, either at the COTW level or Regular Board for


o BYOB Ordinance

VA Shields stated that the Village needs an ordinance and create a new classification

of liquor licenses, for BYO “Bring Your Own” establishments. He stated that one of

the stipulations in the ordinance is that it must be a restaurant that is served by

waiters/waitresses. Under discussion it was asked about a cork fee, which was stated

it would be the holder of the licenses discretion as to what to charge. It was also asked

about any unused beverage, how is that transported in a vehicle. It was mentioned that

it would need to be recorked and then sealed in a tamperproof bag which is then

placed in a trunk or back of a vehicle to transport back to their home. Discussion was

held regarding the licensees shall not rent or least the premises to a for profit vendor,

so no entry, cover or access ticket charges are permitted at Class E licensed


The Mayor and Board agreed to move to the next Consent Agenda


Trustee Frye inquired about the dead trees within the Village and the progress of the removal of them.

Public Works Director Wedoff stated that work is being done in the Bright Meadows area of the

Village whereas Trustee Frye inquired about the Parkview neighborhood. PWD Wedoff stated that

neighborhood has been awarded a grant for the removal of the trees, however the state budget needs

to pass first in order to proceed.




Motion by Trustee Triphahn, Seconded by Trustee Frye to adjourn the Committee of the Whole

meeting at 8:14 P.M. Upon a unanimous voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

COTW Minutes June 6, 2016 Page 4

APPROVED: June 20, 2016

__________________________ _________________________

Patricia C. Blauvelt Daniel MacGillis

Village Clerk Village President