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Lake County transportation committee authorizes data migration contract

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The Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee met Aug. 3 to authorize a data migration contract.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

8:30 AM

Lake County Illinois

Lake County Courthouse and Administrative Complex

18 N. County Street

Waukegan, IL 60085-4351

Assembly Room, 10th Floor

Public Works and Transportation Committee

Meeting Minutes - Final

Public Works and Transportation August 3, 2016


Meeting Minutes - Final

1. Call to Order

Chair Thomson-Carter called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Present 8 -

Absent 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

Others present:

Barry Burton, County Admnistrator

Kathy Dalessandro, Public Works

Cameron Davis, Assistant County Adminitrator

Heather Galan, Public Works

Ben Gilbertson, County Administrator's Office

Gary Gordon, Finance and Administrative Services

Sandy Hart, County Board Member

Ryan Horne, Finance and Administrative Services

Adlil Issakoo, County Administrator's Office

Peter Kolb, Public Works

Amy McEwan, Deputy County Administrator

Andrea Norwood, Public Works

Phil Perna, Public WOrks

Paula Trigg, Division of Transportation

Blanca Vela-Schneider, County Board Office

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Member Maine led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Approval of Minutes

3.1 16-0726

Minutes from June 29, 2016.

A motion was made by Member Werfel, seconded by Member Hewitt, to approve

the meeting minutes. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

4. Added to Agenda

There were no items added to the agenda.

5. Public Comment

There were no comments from the public.

6. Old Business

There was no old business to conduct.

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Meeting Minutes - Final

7. New Business


7.1 16-0752

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Seven Brothers Painting Inc. of Shelby

Township, Michigan, in the amount of $166,900 for the Countryside Lake Water Tower

Refurbishment Project.

Public Works Director Peter Kolb reported that the 20 year old water tower requires

interior and exterior paint to extend the life of the structure.

A motion was made by Member Maine, seconded by Member Taylor, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.2 16-0753

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Layne Christensen Company of Aurora,

Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $224,949 for the 2016 Water Well Closure and

Abandonment Project: Vernon Hills wells two and three, and Wildwood wells four and


Public Works Director Peter Kolb reported that the Vernon Hills and Wildwood water

systems are on Lake Michigan water. An analysis has concluded that there are sufficient

backup mechanisms in place to warrant the removal of four water wells currently

connected to the water systems. Discussion ensued.

A motion was made by Member Mathias, seconded by Member Durkin, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.3 16-0754

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Senryo Technologies of Naperville, Illinois, for

Oracle consulting services for the data migration of Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

(EAM) in an amount not to exceed $58,659.

Public Works Director Peter Kolb indicated that a module in Oracle maintains the

department's asset inventory. Approximately one-third of the department's assets were

entered into the system when it was installed in 2014, but there is a need to get the

remaining assets into the system. This contract will allow Senryo Technologies to

provide data mingration into the module. He noted that the contract was procured through

General Service Administration (GSA) and was competitvely solicited and awarded.

A motion was made by Member Pedersen, seconded by Member Werfel, that this

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Meeting Minutes - Final

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.4 16-0755

Joint resolution ratifying an emergency procurement with Chicagoland Paving

Contractors Inc. of Lake Zurich, Illinois, in the amount of $143,319.38 for the emergency

repairs to the pavement along Gages Lake Road, damaged as a result of a water main


Public Works Director Peter Kolb indicated that there was a water main break on Gages

Lake Road which required significant pavement repair. The pavement has been

repaired and this approval will ratify the emergency procurement.

A motion was made by Member Mathias, seconded by Member Taylor, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.5 16-0757

Joint committee action authorizing the amendment of a five year lease agreement, with

an option to renew, with T-Mobile Central LLC of Downers Grove, Illinois, for

telecommunications equipment at the water tower at 30109 N. Park Road, Libertyville,


Public Works Director Peter Kolb reported that the contract is for five years with a 10

percent increase at the end of the five year period. T-Mobile is consolidating its towers

and renegotiation has been essential to maintain the lease.

A motion was made by Member Durkin, seconded by Member Mathias, that this

committee action item be approved and referred on to the Financial and

Administrative Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.6 16-0040

Director’s Report - Public Works.

Public Works Director Peter Kolb introduced Phil Perna and Kathleen Dalessandro of

Public Works for a presentation regarding the new water meter reading system. Mr.

Perna reported 30 beta testers have been using the water meter reading web portal with

great success and it is ready to be rolled out to all of its customers. Ms. Dalessandro

provided a demonstration of the web portal, noting that staff will also be able to access

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Meeting Minutes - Final

the system to see what customers are seeing. Discussion ensued regarding whether to

send the new web portal information and instructions via mail to all users. The general

consensus was to send the information and instructions via email to users who have

signed up for electronic billing, but to find a way to emphasize the importance of the

email. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Kolb provided an update regarding the Des Plaines River Water Reclamation Facility.

He indicated that the pipe for the air blowers, which is only 26 years old, has significant

corrosion and requires repair or replacement. The pipe is normally expected to last about

75 years but due to the extreme heat of the blowers, it has not held up well. The plant

cannot be shut down for more than six hours. The cost to correct this is estimated at

$800,000. There is room to install a new pipe in an alternate location. Staff is reviewing

proposed construction materials that will endure extreme heat. Stainless steel would

work well but it is three times more expensive. Upon inquiry from Member Mathias, Mr.

Kolb indicated that more pipes could be corroding at its other treatment plants. Staff is

now aware of the problem and will be inspecting its other locations. He noted that this

specific location is in a wetland which may have also contributed to the problem. The

repair is not expected to delay the project.

Mr. Kolb indicated that the new water system for Arden Shores has started. A connection

has been made to North Chicago's water main line. Customers have been notified of the

work's progress and one additional property has requested to connect to the system.

Any connections made after the water system is installed will result in additional

connection fees.

Mr. Kolb indicated that the Fitch ratings call in July resulted in the County's senior lien

water and sewer revenue bonds receiving a AAA rating and the County's subordinate lien

bond receiving a AA+ rating.


7.7 16-0695

Ordinance deleting certain properties from proposed Special Service Area (SSA) #17.

Ben Gilbertson of the County Administrator's Office reported that the proposing ordinance

for the establishment of Special Service Area (SSA) Number 17, identified 130 property

index numbers (PINs). At the public hearing regarding the proposed SSA, the Ivanhoe

Estates Homeowners Association Board indicated that there should only be 118 PINs.

Staff has reviewed this information with the State's Attorney's Office and has concluded

three parcels should be removed, but the other nine would need to remain. Discussion


A motion was made by Member Taylor, seconded by Member Durkin, that this

ordinance be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

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Meeting Minutes - Final

7.8 16-0749

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with CDW of Vernon Hills, Illinois, for the purchase

of an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) for the Division of Transportation (DOT) in the

amount of $68,676.

Division of Transportation Director Paula Trigg reported the uninterrupted power supply

(UPS) in its departments requires replacement. Staff has worked with Purchasing who

identified CDW as a national cooperative purchasing contractor through the National

Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance.

A motion was made by Member Werfel, seconded by Member Mathias, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.9 16-0762

Joint resolution appropriating $50,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the rehabilitation of

the bridge on Pulaski Drive, over U.S. Route 41, and designated as Section


A motion was made by Member Durkin, seconded by Member Pedersen, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.10 16-0748

Joint resolution appropriating $2,285,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the construction

of the Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank, and designated as Section


Division of Transportation Director Paula Trigg reported that the County has been

working with the Forest Preserve District on a land exchange that allows the County to

acquire a license to create wetland banking credits for its future road projects. This

approval would appropriate funds from the County Bridge Tax for the construction of the

Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank project.

The minimum bank needed for a wetland mitigation bank is 25 acres. Staff has been

working on the number of banking credits it needs for its future projects, as well as what

banking credits are needed by the Forest Preserve District. There may be eight to 10

banking credits that can be sold to other agences. Staff has carefully compared costs for

paying wetland bank credits versus the cost to pay for the project. If the cost of the

project comes in too high, the project will be scratched, but she noted that the project has

been redesigned for minimum excavation and she is confident it will come in within


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Meeting Minutes - Final

A motion was made by Member Mathias, seconded by Member Taylor, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.11 16-0745

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with the State of Illinois, by and through the

Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), for the modernization and interconnection of

the traffic signals along Illinois Route 120, from Illinois Route 134 to U.S. Route 45, and

for the widening, resurfacing and channelization at the intersection of Illinois Route 120

and Hainesville Road, appropriating $45,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds,

and designated as Section 12-00999-27-TL and State Job Number C-91-401-13.

Division of Transportation Director Paula Trigg reported that the County has been

working with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) on coordinating its

intersection improvement work with the County's intersection signalization work. It was

determined that the two projects be bid together by the State and this agreement reflects

the appropriation for the work. Intergovernmental agreements are being worked on with

the Village of Hainesville and the School District. Discussion ensued regarding traffic

congestion in this area and whether the project would help ameliorate the congestion

until Route 120 is widened. Ms. Trigg will contact IDOT and the School District to discuss

the issue to determine if there are alternate solutions.

This matter was approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.12 16-0746

Joint resolution authorizing a three year maintenance agreement with Midwest Software

Solutions of Ann Arbor, Michigan, for the Traffic Collision Location System (TCLS) used

by the Division of Transportation (DOT) at a cost of $26,750, appropriating $30,000 of

Matching Tax funds, and designated as Section 16-00000-16-EG.

Division of Transportation Director Paula Trigg reported this three year agreement is for

maintenance of software used by the Division of Transportation. The Traffic Collision

Location System software was originally purchased in 2008.

A motion was made by Member Pedersen, seconded by Member Mathias, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

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Meeting Minutes - Final

7.13 16-0761

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement for professional engineering services with

Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) of Rolling Meadows, Illinois, at a maximum

cost of services described as $80,000, for the annual pavement testing services and

associated components, appropriating $100,000 of Matching Tax funds, and designated

as Section 16-00219-00-ES.

Division of Transportation Director Paula Trigg reported that the County tests one quarter

of its pavement annually. This information is used to help the department plan for future


A motion was made by Member Durkin, seconded by Member Maine, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.14 16-0747

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Acura Inc. of Bensenville, Illinois, in the

amount of $604,503, for the repair of bike path bridges on the Robert McClory Bike Path,

over Russell Road and Illinois Route 173, providing a supplemental appropriation of

$120,000 of County Bridge Tax funds, and designated as Section 16-00173-14-BR.

A motion was made by Member Hewitt, seconded by Member Werfel, that this

resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee. Motion carried by voice vote.

Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

Aye: 8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.15 16-0750

Joint committee action item approving Change Order Number 13 consisting of an

increase of $402,374.28 for additions to the Wadsworth Road Improvements

Construction Contract, and designated as Section No. 01-00033-10-ES.

Division of Transportation Director Paula Trigg reported that this is a balancing change

order for the Wadsworth Project. There have been multiple change orders throughout

the project that have been below the 10 percent contingency threshold approved by the

Committee. However, the last change order resulted in exceeding the 10 percent overall

contingency and requires the Committee's approval for the cumulative net increase.

This matter was approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative

Committee The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

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Meeting Minutes - Final

7.16 16-0729

Ordinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone of 40 miles per hour

(M.P.H.), currently posted 45 M.P.H, on Sand Lake Road, County Highway 74, from U.S.

Route 45 to a point 1,840 feet east of Beck Road, located in Lake Villa Township, in

conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

Division of Transportation Director Paula Trigg noted a scrivener error in the title

regarding the distance east of Beck Road. The correction has been made to reflect a

distance of 1,840 feet.

Upon inquiry from Chair Thomson-Carter, Ms. Trigg indicated that the speed for vehicular

traffic is dependent on the geometry of road, pedestrian crossings, and number of

driveways. She noted speeding throughout the County in the summer is tremendous and

enforcement is key to help manage its control.

This matter was recommended for adoption to the consent agenda The motion

carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chair Thomson-Carter, Member Durkin, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,

Member Mathias, Member Pedersen, Member Taylor and Member Werfel

8 -

Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Sauer

7.17 16-0028

Director’s Report - Transportation.

Division of Transportation Director Paula Trigg reported that the selection process for the

paratransit study consultant is underway and is expected to be forthcoming soon.

A public hearing for the Route 137 bike path will take place this evening from 5:00 to 7:00

p.m. at Green Belt Forest Preserve. The public hearing for 14th Street Phase 1 Project

will take place on August 30, 2016 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Green Belt Forest


Ms. Trigg reported that on July 29, 2016, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)

let several projects, including a road resurfacing project in the Village of Volo from Route

12 to Belvedere Road, two drainage projects to remove invasive plant material in

Waukegan, another drainage project in Highland Park, and a taxiway rehabilitation

project at the Waukegan Airport.

Ms. Trigg indicated that Hawley Road was opened to two-way vehicular traffic slightly

earlier than expected and that work should be fully completed by the winter. The

Deerfield Road Project, being led by the Village of Deerfield, is going well. Deerfield

Road is currently closed between Waukegan Road and Chestnut Roads. The project is

expected to be substantially complete by the winter. The Washington Street Bridge

Project is behind schedule due to cement issues, which have delayed next pours. The

cement has been tested and retested and the construction crew will now proceed with

the next pour.

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Meeting Minutes - Final

Ms. Trigg indicated that she and staff hosted a YWCA Tech Girls Tour and Training event

for its STEM Curriculum Science Camp.

Chair Thomson Carter inquired whether Metra has to adhere to the same tree removal

regulations as ComEd. Ms. Trigg indicated that she was unsure, but assumed that it

would need to adhere to the same rules as other agencies.

8. Executive Session

There was no Executive Session.

9. County Administrator's Report

Deputy County Administrator Amy McEwan reported that a land team has been created

to come up with ideas on efficiencies that can be replicated in other departments,

identifying experts in different departments, addressing regulations that conflict with one

another, and improving customer service throughout the organization. A report will be

provided within the next year.

10. Adjournment

Chair Thomson Carter adjourned the meeting at 9:37 a.m.

Meeting minutes prepared by Blanca Vela-Schneider.

Respectfully submitted,












Public Works and Transportation Committee

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