
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Board reappoints members

Webp meetingroom04

The Lake County Board met Oct. 11 to reappoint members.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

9:00 AM

Lake County Illinois

Lake County Courthouse and Administrative Complex

18 N. County Street

Waukegan, IL 60085-4351

Lake County Government Building.

Lake County Board

Agenda Report - Final

Lake County Board Agenda Report - Final October 11, 2016







1 16-0895

Presentation of the Election Process.





CONSENT AGENDA (Items 2 - 40)

2 16-0933

Minutes from September 13, 2016.

Attachments: September 13, 2016 Meeting Minutes.pdf


3 16-1028

Report of CLAIMS AGAINST LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS for the month of September


Attachments: September 2016.pdf


4 16-0877

Report from Keith S. Brin, Clerk of the Circuit Court, for the month of August 2016.

Attachments: County Board Report Aug 2016

5 16-0868

Report from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of August 2016.

08-16 Main

08-16 Main PTR


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08-16 Juv Main

08-16 Juv PTR

6 16-0693

Report from Carla N. Wyckoff, County Clerk, for the month of June 2016.

Attachments: LCC Report June 2016.pdf

7 16-0779

Report from Carla N. Wyckoff, County Clerk, for the month of July 2016.

Attachments: LCC Report for July 2016.pdf

8 16-0869

Report from Carla N. Wyckoff, County Clerk, for the month of August 2016.

Attachments: LCC Report for August 2016.pdf

9 16-0691

Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of June 2016.

Attachments: June 2016 Legistar.pdf

10 16-0797

Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of July 2016.

Attachments: July 2016 Legistar.pdf

11 16-0878

Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of August


Attachments: August 2016 Legistar.pdf

12 16-0672

Report from David B. Stolman, Treasurer, for the month of April 2016.




13 16-0681

Report from David B. Stolman, Treasurer, for the month of June 2016.




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Lake County Board Agenda Report - Final October 11, 2016


14 16-0956

Resolution providing for the reappointment of Carl Hagstrom, Dennis Manning, Jay

Elhrich, Michael Welch, and Neil Puller as members of the Lake County Board of


Carl Hagstrom's Resume

Dennis Manning's Resume

Jay Ehrlich's Resume

Michael Welch's Resume

Neil Puller's Resume



15 16-0919

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with RequordIT of Chicago, Illinois, to

provide software and professional services for integration between Tyler’s EnerGov

Land Management System and Hyland’s OnBase Document Management System in

an amount of $99,785.

• In July 2015 the County Board authorized the execution of a contract with Tyler

Technologies of Duluth, Georgia, for the purchase of software and professional

services to implement the Energov Permitting & Code Enforcement System.

• Hyland’s OnBase System is the document management system used for storage of

contracts and documents related to land management and permitting by the land

departments of Planning, Building & Development, Stormwater Management

Commission, Health Department, Division of Transportation, and Public Works.

• There is a need to integrate Tyler’s EnerGov land management system and Hyland’s

OnBase document management system.

• RequordIT will provide the Hyland OnBase software API and the professional services

to integrate the two systems.

• Staff has identified a joint purchasing opportunity through a recently awarded contract

by Boise, Idaho that would enable us to use RequordIT for the Hyland OnBase

software and professional services to integrate the two systems.

• Pursuant to Article 10-101 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative

Purchasing, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for

the procurement with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an

agreement entered into between the participants.

• This resolution authorizes the Purchasing Agent to enter into agreement for the amount

of $99,785.


16 16-0897

Resolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by and between the

Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) and Lakemoor Police Department to establish

goals and working arrangements related to the Lake County Gang Task Force.

· The LCSO has been working with the Lakemoor Police Department to establish and

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Lake County Board Agenda Report - Final October 11, 2016

implement a gang task force.

· The main objective of the task force is to prevent and combat criminal gang activity in

Lake County.

· This MOU establishes the commitment of all participants in supporting the goals of the

task force and to maintain and sustain managerial, financial, and administrative

functions related to the operation of the force.

· Participating in the task force is a two-year commitment which will expire in 2018.

· Participating staff members appointed by outside agencies will be approved by the


Lakemoor Gang Task Force Memo 09-20-16

MOU Between LCSO and Lakemoor PD Gang Task Force


17 16-0898

Joint resolution authorizing an amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)

(864-13, Modification 2) between the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and the Lake

County Work Release Center.

· In 2013, an IGA with the BOP and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office was entered into in

order to establish responsibilities for providing secure custody, housing and

safekeeping of adjudicated Board of Prison inmates.

· Most recently, the County approved amendments to the IGA (864-13, Modification 1)

that require the implementation of additional policy and operational compliance

procedures regarding the use of technology (cell phones) and that inmates be given

access to Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act information and be allowed to

enroll in health insurance prior to discharge from the facility.

· The IGA Modification (864-13, Modification 2) requires the county to cease collecting

the subsistence payments from BOP inmates. The agreement outlines that this action

is being taken in recognition that the process of re-entry following incarceration is very

difficult especially financially due to long periods of unemployment.

· This has no financial impact to Lake County revenue. Under this new agreement, BOP

will pay Lake County the full amount for inmates who transfer from BOP to Lake County

administered home confinement.

IGA 864 UL MOD2 BOP Memo

IGA 864 UL MOD2 BOP Explanation

IGA 864 UL MOD2 Substinence Doc


18 16-0905

Joint resolution approving a renewal of the Lake County Sheriff’s Department

Cooperative State and Local Agreement.

· The Sheriff’s Office is actively working with the United States Department of Justice,

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to collaborate and work together to solve drug


· The County knows that the illegal drug industry is not limited by local government

boundaries; therefore, this agreement allows the Lake County Sheriff’s office to

collaborate with Chicago Field Division (CFD)/DEA to solve Lake County drug crimes

that have related criminal activity occurring in Chicago. This teamwork is critical in

solving complex multi-jurisdictional drug crimes.

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· The agreement acknowledges the working relationship between the Sheriff’s Office and

the DEA and requires a two-year commitment by the Sheriff’s Office.

· The agreement requires us to assign one experienced deputy to the (CFD) of the DEA.

The DEA will be responsible for all costs associated with the CFD to insure program


· As the result of our contribution to the CFD’s efforts, any arrest we participate in allows

us to receive a portion of the asset seized during the event. Seizure funds are

distributed to DEA partners and the County’s percentage depends on the number of

jurisdictions and the number of hours each jurisdiction spends on the event.

· To-date, lake county has collected $92,175.98 in federal drug seizure funds.

Memo DEA Agreement 2016 - 2018A

LCSD Cooperative State and Local Agreement


19 16-0926

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Tractel LTD of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,

and further authorizing assignment of that contract to Clark Construction Group LLC of

Chicago, Illinois, as Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the window washing

equipment work for the Lake County Courthouse Expansion Project in the amount of


· The window washing equipment work outlined in this bid generally includes supply and

installation of all roof anchors and equipment to support window washing for all phases

of the Courthouse Expansion Project.

· The Lake County Board has authorized Clark Construction Group, LLC of Chicago,

Illinois, to proceed with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the infrastructure and

interior work pursuant to their contract for CMAR services.

· An invitation to bid was issued on April 22, 2016, extended to the four companies,

located in North America, that are able to provide the anchors and monorails designed

for the Lake County Courthouse Expansion Project, for window washing equipment


· Sealed bids were received on August 25, 2016, from two non-local vendors ranging

from $132,000 to $176,100.

· Tractel LTD of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was determined to be the lowest responsive

and responsible bidder.

· This resolution awards the contract to Tractel LTD of Toronto, Ontario, Canada and

assigns the contract to Clark Construction Group LLC of Chicago, Illinois, to manage as

part of the GMP for this work.


20 16-0942

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Sauber Manufacture of Virgil, Illinois, to

procure the outfitting of a customized emergency response vehicle for Lake County

Public Works in the amount of $123,534.

· Public Works currently owns an emergency response vehicle. The interior of the

chassis now requires outfitting with equipment including an air compressor, hydraulic

power unit, on-board generator, and miscellaneous cabinetry supplied by a specialty


· In July 2016, Lake County Purchasing issued a bid for the purchase of a chassis for the

water and sewer emergency response vehicle for Public Works.

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· An invitation for bid was sent to nine vendors and the County received one responsive

bid in the amount of $123,534.

· Lake County Public Works has contacted multiple governmental agencies that have

procured similar trucks and determined that Sauber Manufacture has a successful

history of outfitting these types of vehicles.

· Pursuant to Article 6, Section 102, the Purchasing Agent convened an ad hoc review

group that approved a bid exemption on the basis that Sauber Manufacture is the only

source that provides outfitting of this type of customized emergency response vehicle.

21 16-0938

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Berger Excavating Contactors Inc. of

Wauconda, Illinois, in the amount of $1,530,150 for the East Main Force Main Project.

· The East Main Force Main is a 5,500-foot-long, 30-inch diameter, reinforced concrete

pipe originally constructed in 1979.

· A televised inspection identified significant deterioration of the pipe at three locations

and requires refurbishment and repair of necessary sections.

· This project will include the installation of three vaults to provide access to the interior

of the pipe for spray lining of 1,400 lineal feet to accomplish the repairs and extend the

service life of this force main.

· The County received bids from three contractors, ranging from $1,530,150 to

$1,952,600, and award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive

responsible bidder, Berger Excavating Contractors Inc. in the amount of $1,530,150.

· Berger Excavating Contractors Inc. has performed similar projects for the County and

their performance has been excellent.

Attachments: 16-0938 E Main Repairs Bid Tab

22 16-0939

Joint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with Donohue & Associates,

Inc. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, in the amount of $161,700 for design engineering and

construction engineering services for the Mill Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)

Process Improvements Project.

· The Mill Creek WRF is a regional wastewater treatment plant that provides services for

the Northeast Lake Facilities Planning Area.

· This project requires engineering services for design of biological nutrient removal

process improvements to meet proposed phosphorus and nitrogen removal criteria

established by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA).

· The project also includes revisions to the electrical system so that key treatment

processes can be automatically powered by the existing generator in the event of

power loss.

· Base on utilization of the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

qualified and recommended firm is Donohue & Associates Inc. of Sheboygan,


· This resolution authorizes the execution of a professional services agreement with

Donohue & Associates Inc. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, in the amount of $161,700.

Attachments: 16-0939 Mill Creek Engineering Service Contract - PW2014.092

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23 16-0944

Ordinance amending water and sanitary sewer related rates and fees for certain Lake

County systems.

· Chapter 51 of the Lake County Code of Ordinances establishes all water and sewer

user rates, connection fees and additional charges for use of the County’s water and

sewer systems. The Ordinance is revised periodically to modify rates and fees, as


· Amendments are needed to modify the Arden Shores water rate and clarify several

connection fee amounts.

· The Ordinance reflects an increase in the hourly charge for force account work by

Public Works staff from $60 to $65, during regular business hours, and from $90 to

$100, for overtime, in accordance with a recently completed cost account analysis.

· Laboratory Fees were revised to align the Public Works Lab fees with the Health

Department Lab fee charges.

· Revised user fees and connection fees will become effective December 1, 2016.

Attachments: 16-0944 Exhibit A Rate Ordinance.pdf

24 16-0940

Joint resolution ratifying an emergency procurement with Chicagoland Paving

Contractors Inc. of Lake Zurich, Illinois, in the amount of $9,900 for emergency repairs

to the pavement along Gages Lake Road damaged as a result of a water main break.

· Public Works owns and operates water mains serving diverse communities throughout

the County.

· Some of these water mains are located under paved roadways and require repairs,

from time to time.

· A water main break occurred under Gages Lake Road on June 16, 2016.

· Public Works was notified about buckling in the road and a large amount of water loss

at that location and immediately mobilized its utility crew to repair the main break.

· Chicagoland Paving Contractors, currently under contract for asphalt patching work

with Lake County Public Works, was selected to perform the emergency pavement


· Pavement repairs were completed and an emergency procurement was authorized at

that time for a majority of the repairs.

· Further pavement repair work was necessary to meet the paving standards of the

County’s Division of Transportation.

· Public Works and the Division of Transportation worked collaboratively to reduce the

additional expense of striping the roadway after completion of the patching repairs.

· Pursuant to the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance emergency procurements are

made when there exists a threat to public health, welfare, or safety, or to prevent or

minimize serious disruption of governmental services.

· Pursuant to Article 6, Section 103, the Director of Public Works has submitted a written

determination of the basis for the emergency and the certification that the selection of

the contractor was appropriate.

Attachments: 16-0940 Emergency Repair Gages Lake Rd Patch

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25 16-0914

Joint resolution appropriating $360,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for

the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or condemnation, and other

right-of-way costs associated with the improvement of Old McHenry Road, in

downtown Long Grove, and designated as Section 11-00083-09-RS.

· Old McHenry Road in Downtown Long Grove, Reconstruction; Right-of-Way

Acquisition: Appropriation with Condemnation Authority.

· Preliminary plans and specifications for this improvement have been prepared.

· Before right-of-way acquisitions can proceed, appropriation and condemnation authority

are necessary.

26 16-0916

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with RS&H Inc., of St. Charles, Illinois, for

Phase II design engineering services for the intersection improvement of Wadsworth

Road at Lewis Avenue, at a maximum cost of $498,506.90, appropriating $600,000 of

¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 13-00055-06-WR.

· Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue; Phase II: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

· Phase II design engineering services are needed to develop plans and specifications

for the intersection improvement of Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue.

· A consultant will be utilized to undertake Phase II design engineering services.

· In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

recommended firm is RS&H Inc., of St. Charles, Illinois, with a maximum cost of


Attachments: 16-0916 Wadsworth Road at Lewis Ave Phase II Consultant Agreement Draft.pdf

27 16-0912

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company Inc., of

Chicago, Illinois, for Phase II design engineering services for the intersection

improvement of Illinois Route 59 at Grand Avenue in the Village of Fox Lake, at a

maximum cost of $739,049, appropriating $890,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for

Transportation funds, and designated as Section 10-00279-01-CH.

· Illinois Route 59 at Grand Avenue; Phase II: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

· Phase II design engineering services are needed to develop plans and specifications

for the intersection improvement of Illinois Route 59 at Grand Avenue in the Village of

Fox Lake.

· A consultant will be utilized to undertake Phase II design engineering services.

· In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

recommended firm is Alfred Benesch & Company Inc., of Chicago, Illinois, with a

maximum cost of $739,049.

Attachments: 16-0912 Illinois 59 at Grand Avenue Phase II Consultant Agreement Draft.pdf

28 16-0910

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Inc. of Aurora,

Illinois, for Phase I preliminary engineering services for the realignment of Cedar Lake

Road, from Nippersink to Hart Road, in the Village of Round Lake, at a maximum cost

of $766,445.83, appropriating $920,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds,

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and designated as Section 02-00065-01-FP.

· Cedar Lake Road Realignment, from Nippersink Road to Hart Road; Phase I:

Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

· A study is needed to determine the preferred realignment of Cedar Lake Road through

downtown Round Lake.

· A consultant will be utilized to undertake Phase I preliminary engineering services.

· In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

recommended firm is Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Inc. of Aurora, Illinois, with a

maximum cost of $766,445.83.

Attachments: 16-0910 Cedar Lake Road Realignment Consultant Agreement Draft.pdf

29 16-0911

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company Inc. of

Chicago, Illinois, at a maximum cost of $84,758.53, for revisions to the “Lake County

Highway Access Regulation Ordinance”, Chapter 90 of the Lake County, Illinois Code

of Ordinances (Access Ordinance) and the “Lake County Highway Temporary Closure

and Utility and Facility Placement Ordinance”, Chapter 91 of the Lake County, Illinois

Code of Ordinances (Utility Ordinance), appropriating $105,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for

Transportation funds, and designated as Section 16-00999-24-ES.

· Lake County Code of Ordinance, Chapters 90 and 91 Revisions: Consultant Agreement

and Appropriation.

· Revisions to the “Lake County Highway Access Regulation Ordinance”, Chapter 90 of

the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances (Access Ordinance) and the “Lake County

Highway Temporary Closure and Utility and Facility Placement Ordinance”, Chapter 91

of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances (Utility Ordinance) are needed.

· The scope of work will also include development of a Technical Reference Manual that

will identify processes, technical requirements and standards for submittals required

under the consolidated ordinance, as well as stakeholder outreach and public

involvement throughout the ordinance revision and consolidation process.

· A consultant will be utilized to undertake this project.

· In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

recommended firm is Alfred Benesch & Company Inc., Chicago, Illinois, with a

maximum cost of $84,758.53.

· This resolution appropriates $105,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for

this project.

Attachments: 16-0911 LCDOT Ordinance Consultant Contract Draft.pdf

30 16-0913

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with the Village of Round Lake for the

resurfacing of Nippersink Road/Cedar Lake Road in the Village of Round Lake,

appropriating $345,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as

Section 08-00065-02-RS.

· Nippersink Road/Cedar Lake Road Resurfacing: Village of Round Lake Agreement and


· The Village of Round Lake will be the lead on the resurfacing of Nippersink Road/Cedar

Lake Road in the Village of Round Lake.

· The County will reimburse the Village for work done on the County jurisdiction portion,

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estimated to be $285,974.

· The County will use $300,000 received from the Illinois Department of Transportation

(IDOT) when Cedar Lake Road was jurisdictionally transferred to Lake County in 2012.

· This resolution authorizes an agreement with the Village of Round Lake, and

appropriates $345,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for this improvement.

· The Village approved that agreement on September 19, 2016.

Attachments: 16-0913 Cedar Lake Road Village of Round Lake Agreement Draft.pdf

31 16-0918

Joint resolution authorizing an intergovernmental and license agreement with the Lake

County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD) stating the terms and conditions for the

construction and maintenance of the Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank, and

designated as Section 01-00000-00-ES.

· Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank: LCFPD Intergovernmental and License


· It is necessary to mitigate for impacts to wetlands caused by the construction of

improvements to designated routes on the County highway system.

· The use of a wetland mitigation bank is an environmentally appropriate and cost

effective way of handling the mitigation of said minor wetland impacts.

· Lake County will construct, establish and administer a wetland bank on the Buffalo

Creek Forest Preserve property.

· The LCFPD will maintain the wetland bank, with reimbursement from Lake County.

· This County Board, at its meeting of August 9, 2016, appropriated $2,285,000 of

County Bridge Tax funds for the construction of the Buffalo Creek Wetland Mitigation


· The resolution authorizing an agreement with the LCFPD identifies the terms and

conditions for the construction and maintenance of the Buffalo Creek Wetland

Mitigation Bank and the construction of a trail on LCFPD property.

Attachments: 16-0918 Buffalo Creek LCFPD Agreement Draft.pdf

32 16-0883

Ordinance extending the existing 35 miles per hour (M.P.H.) speed zone on Lewis

Avenue, County Highway 27, currently posted as 45 M.P.H., from Edgewood Road, to

a point 1,300 feet north of Edgewood Road, located in the City of Waukegan, Illinois, in

conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

· County Speed Zone Ordinance: Lewis Avenue, County Highway 27, in the City of


· An ordinance is required to extend current speed zone.

· The necessary speed studies have been undertaken as part of the Lake County

Division of Transportation’s standard review process.


33 16-0879

Resolution accepting the annual Emergency Management Assistance grant funding

from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) for federal fiscal year 2016

Emergency Management Performance Grant pass-through funds in the maximum

amount of $262,124.

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· Lake County has applied for and has been awarded an annual allocation from the IEMA

on behalf of the Lake County Emergency Management Agency.

· This funding supports the County in developing and maintaining an effective integrated

Emergency Management Agency and program.

· This funding provides for quarterly reimbursement of up to 50 percent of allowable

program costs for the Lake County Emergency Management Agency.

· The actual amount of funding is dependent on both the county’s expenditures and the

availability of federal funds to the IEMA, which is dependent on the federal budget and

FEMA grant program guidance.

· The maximum funding available to Lake County through this grant is $262,124.

· This grant provides for Emergency Management program activities between October 1,

2015, and September 30, 2016. This agreement has been delayed due to the state

budget impasse.

· Revenue from this grant will offset currently budgeted expenses. No additional

expenses are budgeted as a result of this grant.

· Lake County invests local funding in emergency management program activities to

satisfy the grant match requirements.

34 16-0880

Resolution accepting the annual Emergency Management Assistance grant funding

from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) for federal fiscal year 2017

Emergency Management Performance grant pass-through funds in the maximum

amount of $291,740.

· Lake County has applied for and been awarded an annual allocation from the IEMA on

behalf of the Lake County Emergency Management Agency.

· This funding supports the County in developing and maintaining an effective integrated

Emergency Management Agency and program.

· This funding provides for quarterly reimbursement of up to 50 percent of allowable

program costs for the Lake County Emergency Management Agency.

· The actual amount of funding is dependent on both the county’s expenditures and the

availability of federal funds to the IEMA, which is dependent on the federal budget and

FEMA grant program guidance.

· The maximum funding available to Lake County through this grant is $291,740.

· The grant provides for Emergency Management program activities between October 1,

2016, and September 30, 2017.

· Revenue from this grant will offset currently budgeted expenses. No additional

expenses are budgeted as a result of this grant.

· Lake County invests local funding in emergency management program activities to

satisfy the grant match requirements.

35 16-0881

Resolution approving agreements with the Federal Emergency Management Agency

(FEMA) and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) enabling local use of

the national Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS).

· Lake County has applied for and has been tentatively accepted to implement local

activation of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS).

· IPAWS is a “system of systems” maintained through the Federal Emergency

Management Agency (FEMA) to help provide timely notification and warning of the

public for emergency and disaster information.

· A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with FEMA is necessary to document Lake

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County’s intent and technical capability to initiate public warning messages through


· Lake County, through the Emergency Management Agency, already has two computer

workstations, which are part of the national ComLabs EMnet system, and are

technically capable of launching public warning messages through IPAWS.

· The MOA with FEMA stipulates necessary data integrity, system security, and

personnel training measures required of Lake County in order to utilize the IPAWS.

· This MOA with FEMA will remain in effect for three calendar years upon which time an

extension is required to be executed by both parties.

· A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with IEMA is necessary to document Lake

County’s agreement and compliance with the State of Illinois Emergency Alert System

and IPAWS plans.

· The MOU with IEMA will be provided after the county submits an executed copy of the

FEMA MOA to the state.

Attachments: IL Lake County_MOA_IPAWS.pdf

36 16-0901

Resolution authorizing approval of the mandated 2016 revision of the Lake County

Emergency Operations Plan.

· Lake County is designated as a “Mandated Emergency Management Agency” by

regulation of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA).

· “Mandated Emergency Management Agencies” are required to maintain a

comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) which is updated regularly and

reviewed by the IEMA against state standards every two years.

· Lake County, through the Emergency Management Agency, has recently completed

technical updates to the Lake County Emergency Operations Plan.

· The County Board Chairman is designated by regulation of the Illinois Emergency

Management Agency as the official signatory of the County EOP.

37 16-0931

Resolution authorizing a contract with Amano McGann of Roseville, Minnesota, to

procure an Amano McGann iParc Professional System for the Administrative Tower

and Courts Complex parking garage in the amount of $94,483.

· In 2004, parking equipment and software were installed by Amano McGann at the

parking garage of the Lake County Administrative Tower and Courts Complex.

· In 2013, additional Amano McGann equipment was installed at the parking lots for the

Sheriff’s Office and juror parking.

· Parking equipment frequently needs repairs, but due to the age of service, availability

of parts for the existing equipment has become increasingly difficult.

· Parking tickets currently being utilized are increasingly becoming demagnetized due to

mobile devices and other highly magnetic devices, like the security magnetometers,

and are unreadable at the pay machine.

· The equipment recommended to be replaced includes, the parking ticket dispensers,

exit lag readers, and the pay machine.

· The new software and equipment would generate a Quick Response Code (QR)

barcode ticket that is a machine-readable optical label that date stamps the entry and

exit time of the vehicle.

· Pursuant to Article 6, Section 102, the Purchasing Agent convened an ad hoc review

group that approved bid exemption, on the basis of an existing long standing successful

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relationship for professional services, and the knowledge gained through this

relationship adds value integral to the services provided.

38 16-0932

Resolution authorizing a contract with Stanley Convergent Security Solutions of

Noblesville, Indiana, to procure a Harding DXL Intercom system, as well as digital

communication controllers and expanders, for the jail intercoms in the amount of


· In 2003, an analog Harding DXI Intercom System was installed at the Lake County

Adult Correctional Facility by Stanley Convergent Security Solutions.

· Stanley Convergent Security Solutions is the vendor that installed, and provides an

ongoing service and emergency maintenance contract, to the security systems for Lake

County’s jail and community-based corrections center, including the detention door

locks, security cameras and intercoms at the jail.

· Harding is phasing out support for the analog DXI system and the new digital, detention

intercoms for the holding cells at the new court tower are incompatible with the existing

DXI system.

· The new digital Harding DXL intercoms will replace the three DXI access servers, and

63 analog control cards; all the intercoms and wiring will remain.

· Pursuant to Article 6, Section 102, the Purchasing Agent convened an ad hoc review

group that approved bid exemption on the basis of an existing long standing successful

relationship for professional services, and the knowledge gained through this

relationship adds value integral to the services provided.

39 16-0927

Resolution authorizing a contract with Matrix Consulting Group of Chicago, Illinois, for

consulting services to complete a Payroll and Human Resources Operations

Assessment for Lake County for the period of October 12, 2016 through April 30, 2017

in the amount of $91,500.

· Lake County desires to enter into a contract for consulting services to complete a

Payroll and Human Resources Operations Assessment for Lake County.

· A Request for Proposal was extended to 52 vendors, sealed proposals were received

from eight vendors; one vendor was deemed non-responsive and interviews were held

with the top three firms.

· Based on the criteria set forth in the Request for Proposals, an interdepartmental

evaluation committee comprised of Human Resources, Finance and Administrative

Services, Sheriff’s Office, Lake County Forest Preserve, Court Administration and the

County Administrator’s Office selected Matrix Consulting Group, Chicago, Illinois, as

the most favorable proposal for Lake County.

· This contract will cost the County an estimated amount of $91,500.

Attachments: 16193 Final RFP

40 16-0928

Resolution authorizing a contract with General Medical Devices dba AED

Professionals, of Palatine, Illinois, for AED’s (Automated External Defibrillator) for Lake

County in an estimated total amount of $126,162.30.

· Lake County maintains 270 AED’s (Automated External Defibrillator) from various


· The Risk Division has identified 30 AED’s needing replacement due to warranty and a

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need to service 150 with new pads and batteries for an overall estimated cost of


· The Risk Division evaluated the current market and determined that the County could

replace all of the AED’s with smaller, lighter, and more weather resistant AED’s that will

standardize the equipment with a single vendor to reduce ongoing maintenance costs.

· The new units have batteries with 10 year guarantees and will not need replacement

batteries during their life span, providing cost savings.

· As all current units are being replaced, there will be no cost for any replacement pads

for four-years, providing even further cost savings.

· Using the same model throughout the County assists in continuity of training, reducing

training time and allows for staff familiarity if and when they need to be used.

· An invitation to bid was issued and extended to 255 vendors and sealed bids were

received from nine vendors, ranging from a total of $167,262.30 to 418,713.77.

· General Medical Devices dba AED Professionals, of Palatine, Illinois, was determined

to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who best meets the needs of the

County to replace all 270 AED’s in the estimated total amount of $167,262.30.

· General Medical Devices dba AED Professionals also provided a quote to buy back

274 AED’s from the County at a price of $150 each to help offset the cost, bringing the

estimated total amount to $126,162.30.

Attachments: 16196 AED Bid Tab for Legistar



41 16-0903

Joint resolution accepting an Illinois Department of Transportation Sustained Traffic

Enforcement Program (STEP) grant and authorizing the emergency appropriation in

the amount of $102,243.20 for fiscal year (FY) 2016 - 2017.

· The Sheriff’s Office has applied for and has been awarded an Illinois Department of

Transportation STEP grant in the amount of $102,243.20.

· The main objectives of the grant is to conduct specific traffic enforcement campaigns

that will make the roadways safe, and to provide financial assistance for purchasing

traffic enforcement equipment.

· Traffic enforcement campaigns include roadside safety checks and impaired driving


· The grant requires seven mandatory enforcement campaigns and two optional

enforcement campaigns.

· The Sheriff’s Office will conduct all mandatory enforcement campaigns and both of the

optional campaigns.

Memo Emergency Procurement FY2016 -2017 STEP GrantA

STEP Grant Agreement AP-17-0084


42 16-0904

Ordinance approving an amendment to Chapter 94, Public Nuisance.

· The State Statute regarding the Cannabis Control Act (720 ILCS 550/1 et seq.) defines

cannabis and the possession of cannabis, in quantities greater than 10 grams, as being


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· This change in State legislation decriminalizes the possession of 10 grams or less of


· The Sheriff’s Office is proposing a Lake County Ordinance that adopts the definition of

cannabis and cannabis paraphernalia.

· This proposed ordinance will allow the Sheriff’s Office to enforce an ordinance violation

for the possession of 10 grams or less of cannabis.

· Offenders will be charged with ordinance violations and subject to progressive fines for

repeat offenses.

Memo Chapter 94 Amendment CannabisA

Exhibit A


43 16-0930

Ordinance amending Chapter 132, regulating the discharge of firearms in

unincorporated Lake County.

· Pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/5-1117, counties have been given statutory authority to adopt an

ordinance regulating or prohibiting the discharge of firearms.

· There is a need to clarify the ordinance that regulates and prohibits the discharge of

firearms related to the lawful act of hunting in compliance with the Wildlife Code within

unincorporated Lake County.

· This proposed amendment adds the following language to the Discharge of Firearms

Ordinance: ‘This ordinance is not intended to limit the otherwise lawful act of hunting

under the Illinois Wildlife Code.’

Attachments: Chapter 132- Discharge of Firearms


44 16-0052

Board of Health Report.

45 16-0854

Joint resolution accepting the Jordan Michael Filler Foundation donation and

authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $45,000 for fiscal year (FY)


· The Jordan Michael Filler Foundation donated $45,000 for the Substance Abuse

Program to purchase Adapt Naloxone kits.

Attachments: Emergency Appropriation for FY16 August 2016

46 16-0925

Joint resolution accepting the Friends for Health award and the Jordan Michael Filler

Foundation donation and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of

$10,000 for fiscal year (FY) 2016.

· Friends for Health awarded $9,000 to support specialty care services for North Shore

Health Center patients.

· The Jordan Michael Filler Foundation donated $1,000 for the Substance Abuse

Program to purchase Adapt Naloxone kits.

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Attachments: EA for FY16 September 2016

47 16-0832

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic

Opportunity (DCEO) Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Local Incentive grant, Trade

Adjustment Assistance (TAA) grant modification and WIA Rapid Response grant

modification and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of


· The WIA Local Incentive grant of $15,085 is a result of Lake County Workforce

Development meeting or exceeding performance measures for the program year

ending June 30, 2015.

· Grant funds may be used for any activities and services allowable under the WIA.

· The TAA grant modification of $140,756.22 is for tuition costs for TAA eligible

dislocated workers training costs and overhead costs related to payment processing.

· The WIA Rapid Response grant modification of $169,263 is for tuition for eligible

dislocated workers enrolled in short-term occupational training and incumbent worker

training programs for Lake County employers to retain current employees and upgrade

their skills on new equipment.

Attachments: LCWD Grant Modifications 10.04.16


48 16-0943

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Joseph J. Henderson & Son Inc. of Gurnee,

Illinois, in the amount of $862,000 for the construction of the Vernon Hills New Century

Town (NCT) Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Phase 1 - 2016 Improvements Project.

· The Vernon Hills NCT WRF is a major treatment plant that provides service to the

Village of Vernon Hills and unincorporated portions of Southeast Central Lake County.

· Repair or replacement of major equipment is necessary including the rehabilitation of 3

sludge presses, aeration piping improvements, gas detection equipment replacement

and other miscellaneous repairs and improvements.

· An invitation to bid was extended to multiple contractors, eight bidders registered for

the bid documents and responses were received from three contractors, ranging from

$862,000 to $1,169,000.

· Award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder,

Joseph J Henderson Inc., in the amount of $862,000.

Attachments: 16-0943 Vernon Hills NCT JJ Henderson Bid Tab

49 16-0908

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Parsons Transportation Group Inc. of

Schaumburg, Illinois, for professional engineering services for the provision of traffic

signal system enhancements for Lake County PASSAGE at a maximum cost of

services described of $1,675,000, appropriating $2,010,000 of the ¼% Sales Tax for

Transportation funds, and designated as Section 16-00268-15-TL.

· Lake County ITS PASSAGE System Integration 2016, Design and Integration Services:

Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

· The System Integration work for Lake County PASSAGE will continue to enhance the

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Lake County Board Agenda Report - Final October 11, 2016

current system, design and integrate field communication devices, maintain system

components in the Traffic Management Center (TMC) and in the field, adjust traffic

signal timing, and provide data collection and analysis.

· A consultant will be utilized to undertake the System Integration work for Lake County


· Lake County PASSAGE is currently connected to 578 traffic signals and 356 traffic

monitoring cameras.

· In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

recommended firm is Parsons Transportation Group Inc. of Schaumburg, Illinois, with

a maximum cost of $1,675,000.

Attachments: 16-0908 ITS PASSAGE 2016 Agreement Draft.pdf

50 16-0915

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates,

Inc. of Portland, Oregon, for the Lake County Paratransit Market Analysis Study, at a

maximum cost of $142,066, and designated as Section 16-00280-05-ES.

· Lake County Paratransit Market Analysis Study: Consultant Agreement.

· A study is needed to determine transportation options for the mobility challenged and to

prepare an implementation plan.

· A consultant will be utilized to undertake the Lake County Paratransit Market Analysis


· In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the

recommended firm is Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates Inc. of Portland, Oregon,

with a maximum cost of $142,066.

· This County Board, at its meeting of June 14, 2016, authorized an agreement with

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) for the reimbursement receipt of the

Unified Work Program (UWP) federal planning funds and appropriated $250,000 of

¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for this study.

Attachments: 16-0915 Paratransit Market Analysis Study Agreement Draft.pdf


51 16-0053

Lake County Partners Report.

52 16-0945

Ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to offer certain eligible employees an

Accelerated Retirement Option (ARO) in conjunction with the Accelerated Retirement

Option Administrative Policy.

· In 2009 and 2010, the County offered an ARO program to reduce headcount, allow for

planned departmental restructuring, and reduce on-going costs for the County.

· A long term benefit of the ARO is that the County can evaluate existing departmental

operations along with vacancies created by the ARO; and then, consider opportunities

to enhance customer service, gain efficiencies, and reduce expenses.

· Based on the success of the past program, and in consideration of the projected

budget challenges, it is recommended that the County offer a similar program during


· Eligible employees will be allowed to continue health insurance and dental benefits for

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two years by making contributions at the same monthly rate as full-time regular

employees; OR

· Eligible employees will be allowed to continue health and dental insurance benefits for

one year by making contributions at the same monthly rate as full-time regular

employees and will receive one week of pay for every two years of service above seven


· It is anticipated that this benefit may generate a first year average savings of up to

$1,750 per employee and a second year average savings of up to $9,376 per

employee, for a cumulated two-year average savings of $11,123 per employee.

· This option will be offered to employees beginning October 12, 2016 through December

19, 2016.

· Employees who choose this option may begin their retirement on a mutually agreeable

date from October 31, 2016 through March 31, 2017 with some exceptions.

Attachments: ARO Administrative Policy


53 16-1017

Resolution providing for the appointment of Marva Meeks as a trustee of the Greater

Round Lake Fire Protection District Board.

Attachments: Marva Meeks's Letter of Interest and Resume



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