
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Financial and Administrative Committee authorizes renewal of grant program

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The Lake County Financial and Administrative Committee met Sept. 7 to authorize the renewal of the State’s Attorney’s Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Prosecution grant program.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

1:00 PM

Lake County Illinois

Lake County Courthouse and Administrative Complex

18 N. County Street

Waukegan, IL 60085-4351

Assembly Room, 10th Floor

Financial and Administrative Committee

Agenda Report - Final

Financial and Administrative September 7, 2016


Agenda Report - Final

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes

3.1 16-0847

Minutes from August 3, 2016.

Attachments: F&A 8.3.16 Minutes Final

3.2 16-0848

Executive Session minutes from August 3, 2016.

4. Added to Agenda

5. Public Comment

6. Old Business

7. New Business


7.1 16-0795

Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of the State’s Attorney’s Multi-Jurisdictional

Drug Prosecution grant program, awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information

Authority (ICJIA), including $163,886 in federal funds.

· This is a renewal of the Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Prosecution Program, a federal grant

administered through the ICJIA.

· Funding for this grant began in 1988, and has been renewed each year.

· The federal funds will provide funding for 61 percent of the salaries of one

Gang/Narcotics Prosecution Division Chief, one Assistant State’s Attorney and one

trained Police Investigator dedicated to the prosecution of drug related offenses

covering the time period of October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017.

· Program goals include improving the criminal justice system’s response to drug

trafficking, by increasing the awareness and skill levels of professionals involved in the

identification, investigation and prosecution of drug trafficking.

· Sources of program funding include $163,886 in federal funds, $30,000 in matching

funds provided from the State’s Attorney’s Asset Forfeiture Fund, and $69,334 in

county contribution, as budgeted in the State’s Attorney’s budget, for a grant program

total of $263,220.

Attachments: Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Grant Award

7.2 16-0796

Joint resolution authorizing the renewal of the State’s Attorney’s Crime Analysis grant

program, awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA),

including $51,579 in federal funds.

· This grant renewal is for the Crime Analysis grant program, a Justice Assistance Grant

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Agenda Report - Final

(JAG) administered through ICJIA for the performance period of October 1, 2016,

through September 30, 2017.

· Funding for this grant began in 2011 with American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

(ARRA) funding.

· The focus of this grant is to enhance gang information and intelligence sharing, and

contribute toward information sharing systemic improvements.

· The federal funds are allocated to 100 percent of the grant assigned Crime Analyst’s

salary and benefits. Additional program costs will be covered by match funds.

· Sources of program funding include federal funds in the amount of $51,579, and

matching funds in the amount of $32,434 from the State’s Attorney’s Asset Forfeiture

Fund, for a grant program total of $84,013.

Attachments: Crime Analysis Grant Award

7.3 16-0778

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation with offsetting revenue in the

amount of $228,961 to implement Adult Redeploy Illinois programming for the

Nineteenth Judicial Circuit.

· The Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board (Illinois Criminal Justice Information

Authority) recently announced that the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit was awarded

$228,961 in Adult Redeploy Illinois funding for the grant period of July 1, 2016, through

June 30, 2017.

· The program will provide residential treatment for high risk and high need offenders

who are chemically dependent, recovery coaching services, and access to recovery

home services which will provide a continuum of care in the community.

· This resolution authorizes an emergency appropriation of $228,961 and the execution

of a program agreement to accept the grant funding. The grant does not require a


Chart of Accounts SFY17

Adult Redeploy SFY17 Agreement # 197030



7.4 16-0842

Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of Water and Sewer System Revenue

Refunding Bonds, Series 2016, in an amount not to exceed $13,000,000, and

providing the terms of and security for payment on said bonds.

· The County issued Water and Sewer System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series B

2006, in November 2006 in the amount of $17,170,000 for the construction of sanitary

sewer facilities.

· The interest rates available in the bond market at this time are favorable such that

refunding is recommended to take advantage of debt service savings.

· The Series 2016 Bonds will be retired in 2021, and are estimated to produce a savings

of $781,000 to the County, over the term of the bonds.

· This ordinance provides for authorization to issue and sell Water and Sewer System

Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016, in an amount not to exceed $13,000,000.

Attachments: 16-0842 Refunding Bond Ordinance

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Agenda Report - Final

7.5 16-0751

Joint resolution authorizing an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) by and between

County of Lake, Village of Vernon Hills and Mellody Farm, LLC regarding the Cuneo

Intersection Property.

· The Village of Vernon Hills has requested a modification to the “Agreement for Sanitary

Sewer and Water Supply Services to the Cuneo Service Area” dated June 7, 1996 to

accommodate development within the Cuneo Intersection Service Area.

· The Cuneo Intersection Service Area is a 55-acre parcel located at the northeastern

corner of Illinois Route 60 (Townline Road) and Illinois Route 21 (Milwaukee Avenue)

and is proposed to include not more than 265 dwelling units and 285,000 square feet of

commercial development.

· The IGA incorporates several agreements and covenants outlining the development of

the intersection service area including the “Second Amendment to Agreement for

Sanitary Sewer and Water Supply Services to the Cuneo Service Area of the Village of

Vernon Hills”, and “Amended and Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants,

Conditions and Restrictions for the Cuneo Intersection Commercial Property now to be

known as the Cuneo Intersection Property”.

Attachments: 16-0751 County Cuneo IGA

7.6 16-0843

Resolution ratifying an emergency procurement with Alfa Laval Inc. of Houston,

Texas, in the amount of $34,155.21 for emergency repairs to the sludge belt filter

press at the Mill Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF).

· Public Works owns and operates the County’s Mill Creek WRF.

· Much of the mechanical equipment at the WRF is from the original construction in 1996

and require repairs, from time to time.

· The belt filter press at Mill Creek WRF stopped operating due to failure of several parts.

· Lake County Public Works was able to temporarily repair the belt filter press; however,

several parts must be replaced.

· The Mill Creek WRF has only one belt filter press for processing bio solids, therefore

this equipment is necessary to maintain continuous operation.

· Pursuant to the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, emergency procurements are

made when there exists a threat to public health, welfare, or safety, or to prevent or

minimize serious disruption of governmental services.

· Pursuant to Article 6, Section 103, the Director of Public Works has submitted a written

determination of the basis for the emergency and the certification that the procurement

of these parts was appropriate.

7.7 16-0813

Ordinance establishing Special Service Area (SSA) Number 17 of the County of Lake,


· This ordinance establishes SSA #17 to provide a financing mechanism for private road

repair, reconstruction, and/or maintenance within its boundaries.

· SSA #17 includes 127 parcels in the Ivanhoe Estates Phase III subdivision located in

unincorporated Fremont Township. Of these 127 parcels, only the 118 property

identification numbers (PINS) that receive assessments and/or fees from the Ivanhoe

Estates Homeowners’ Association will be assessed special taxes in connection with

SSA #17, in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/27-75 of the Property Tax Code.

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Agenda Report - Final

· The Lake County Board shall annually approve the special tax roll for SSA #17.

· This ordinance establishes the maximum per-parcel tax of $480 for a period not to

exceed 15 years.

· The Fremont Township Highway Commissioner, in consultation with the Lake County

Division of Transportation, shall make or let contracts, employ labor, and purchase

materials and machinery necessary for maintaining streets and roadways within SSA

#17. The cost of these obligations shall be reimbursed by the County using SSA Tax

revenues, subject to supervision by the County Engineer or designee.

· The proposing ordinance for SSA #17 was approved by the County Board on April 12,

2016, and a public hearing was held on June 22, 2016.

· An ordinance deleting certain properties from the proposed SSA #17 was approved by

the County Board on August 3, 2016.

· The 60-day objection period, as provided in the proposing ordinance, ended on August

22, 2016, and the County Clerk has received no signed petitions objecting to the

formation of SSA #17.

· If approved, this ordinance directs the County Clerk to file a certified copy of the

establishing ordinance with the County Recorder.

· Approval of this ordinance by roll call vote is requested.

Attachments: 16-0813 - Ordinance Establishing Special Service Area Number 17 of the County of Lake, Illinois

7.8 16-0817

Joint resolution appropriating $1,340,000 of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for the

maintenance and electrical service of traffic control signals, street lights, and Lake

County PASSAGE field elements from December 1, 2016 to November 30, 2017, and

designated as Section 17-00000-01-GM.

· 2017 Patrol I, Traffic Signal Maintenance and Electrical Service: Appropriation.

· Patrol I maintenance activities are paid out of the MFT fund, including the maintenance

and electrical service of the County traffic control signals, street lights, other field

equipment, and field elements of Lake County PASSAGE.

· Traffic signal maintenance is currently under contract with H & H Electric Company,

Franklin Park, Illinois, with a one-year renewal clause.

· This is a shared service item, with existing agreements with Deer Park, Gurnee,

Highland Park, Highwood, and the Illinois Department of Transportation for the

inclusion of certain traffic signals within their jurisdiction in the County’s traffic signal

maintenance contract for reimbursement to the County for their share.

· Before a contract renewal can be signed, an appropriation of $1,255,000 of MFT funds

is needed for fiscal year 2017 contract maintenance services.

· An appropriation of $85,000 of MFT funds is needed for the electrical service.

7.9 16-0822

Joint resolution appropriating $1,525,000 of Matching Tax funds for the 2016

microsurfacing of Rollins Road, from Hook Drive to Illinois Route 132, and designated as

Section 16-00080-61-RS.

· 2016 Microsurfacing of Rollins Road, from Hook Drive to Illinois Route 132:


· Microsurfacing is a pavement preservation technique.

· Rollins Road, from Hook Drive to Illinois Route 132, is in need of microsurfacing.

· This microsurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement

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Agenda Report - Final

management system, and is included in the 2016 program.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,525,000 of Matching Tax

funds is necessary.

7.10 16-0824

Joint resolution appropriating $1,185,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the resurfacing of

Lewis Avenue, from 14th Street to Belvidere Street, and designated as Section


· Lewis Avenue Resurfacing,14th Street to Belvidere Street: Appropriation.

· Lewis Avenue, from 14th Street to Belvidere Street, is in need of resurfacing.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement

management system, and is included in the 2016 highway improvement program.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,185,000 of Motor Fuel Tax

funds is necessary.

7.11 16-0825

Joint resolution appropriating $6,260,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the resurfacing of

Lewis Avenue, from Wadsworth Road to 20th Street, replacing the traffic signals at

27th and 33rd Streets, and designated as Section 16-00089-08-RS.

· Lewis Avenue Resurfacing, Wadsworth Road to 20th Street: Appropriation.

· Lewis Avenue, from Wadsworth Road to 20th Street, is in need of resurfacing, curb and

gutter replacement, and replacing traffic signals at 27th and 33rd Streets.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement

management system, and is included in the 2016 highway improvement program.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $6,260,000 of Motor Fuel Tax

funds is necessary.

7.12 16-0830

Joint resolution appropriating $1,220,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the repair of

six bridge abutments on the North Shore Bike Path over the Skokie River, the

Canadian National Railroad, and the Metra Railroad, and designated as Section


· North Shore Bike Path Bridge Abutments Repair: Appropriation.

· The North Shore Bike Path will be improved by repairing six bridge abutments over the

Skokie River, the Canadian National Railroad, and the Metra Railroad.

· This improvement will require relocation of overhead wires at the Metra Bridge.

· Metra will perform the work to relocate the overhead wires at an estimated cost of


· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,220,000 of County Bridge

Tax funds is required.

7.13 16-0829

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with the Village of Libertyville for the North

Shore right-of-way drainage improvement, appropriating $25,000 of County Bridge Tax

funds, and designated as Section 16-00228-02-BT.

· North Shore Right-of-Way Drainage Improvement: Village of Libertyville Agreement

and Appropriation.

· The Village of Libertyville will perform drainage improvements within the North Shore

right-of-way, requiring relocation of the existing North Shore Bike Path.

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· 10 percent of the tributary drainage area is attributable to the County-owned North

Shore Bike Path.

· The County will reimburse the Village for its share of the improvement, estimated to be


· This resolution authorizes an agreement with the Village of Libertyville, and

appropriates $25,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for this improvement.

Attachments: 16-0829 North Shore ROW Drainage Improvement Agreement.pdf

7.14 16-0814

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Lake County Grading Company, Libertyville,

Illinois, in the amount of $819,289, for the replacement of the culvert under Casimir

Pulaski Drive at the Skokie River, providing a supplemental appropriation of $360,000

of County Bridge Tax funds, and designated as Section 14-00196-09-DR.

· Casimir Pulaski Drive Culvert Replacement: Contract Award and Supplemental


· The culvert under Casimir Pulaski Drive at the Skokie River is in need of replacement.

· A total of four bids were received, ranging from $819,289 to $1,137,044, and the lowest

responsible bidder is Lake County Grading Company, Libertyville, Illinois, in the amount

of $819,289.

· This resolution authorizes execution of the contract, and provides for a supplemental

appropriation of $360,000 of County Bridge Tax funds.

16-0814 Bid Tab, Casmir Pulaski Drive Culvert Replacement.pdf

16-0814 Bid Justification, Pulaski Drive Culvert Replacement.pdf


7.15 16-0818

Joint committee action item approving change order number two consisting of an

increase of $84,314.34 for additions to the Buffalo Grove Road patching construction

contract, and designated as Section 16-00249-04-RS.

· Buffalo Grove Road Patching: Change Order Number Two.

· Change Orders need to be approved by the standing committees for cumulative net

increases over 10 percent.

· Buffalo Grove Road patching project is under contract with J.A. Johnson Paving Co. in

the amount of $306,425.23.

· The significant items driving this change order are the balancing of construction items,

and field adjustments made to fulfill the intent of the contract.

Attachments: 16-0818 Buffalo Grove Road Patching Change Order No 2.pdf


7.16 16-0844

Resolution authorizing a contract with Securian Financial Group of St. Paul, Minnesota,

for group term and optional life insurance for Lake County for a three-year period, plus

renewals, in the estimated amount of $179,498.

· The current contract for group term and optional life insurance will expire on December

31, 2016.

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Agenda Report - Final

· Lake County desires to enter into a contract for group term and optional life insurance

for Lake County.

· A Request for Proposal (RFP) was extended to 18 vendors, sealed proposals were

received from three vendors, and interviews were held with two firms.

· Based on the criteria set forth in the RFPs, the evaluation committee selected Securian

Financial Group of St. Paul, Minnesota, as the most favorable proposal for Lake County

with an estimated annual cost of $179,498.

Attachments: Final RFP Doc

7.17 16-0841

Resolution approving the County’s 2017 Health, Life and Dental Insurance Plan.

· In August 2016, the County Board approved the County’s 2017 health insurance plan.

· The 2017 dental plan, with an annual cost of $2,125,578, will result in no changes to

premiums for employers or employees.

· The 2017 life insurance carrier is recommended to be changed from Voya to Securian

Financial Group, which will result in a cost reduction, from $202,172 to $141,709

annually, for the County.

· Employee premiums for life insurance will be will reduced by approximately 20 percent.

· The new life insurance carrier will fully administer the plan.

Attachments: FY17 HLD Plan Recommendations.pdf

7.18 16-0800

Resolution establishing the Lake County Video Gaming Revenue Policy.

· On August 13, 2013, the Lake County Board adopted the Lake County Video Gaming

Ordinance, thereby permitting lawful video gaming within unincorporated areas of Lake


· On October 21, 2015, the Financial and Administrative Committee, on behalf of the

Lake County Board, asked staff to research and prepare a policy that would regulate

and standardize the use of video gaming revenue funds.

· Staff presented draft policies to and received direction from the Financial and

Administrative Committee on April 27, 2016 and August 3, 2016.

· This policy establishes a framework for: (1) capturing video gaming administrative,

legal, and enforcement costs; and (2) evaluating and possibly funding social programs,

projects (excluding capital improvements), and/or services that benefit Lake County


· Under this policy, the Community Development Department will administer and manage

the awarded monies from the Video Gaming Management Center, consistent with the

already-established process used for Community Development Block Grants and

Emergency Solutions Grants. The Finance and Administrative Services Department will

assist Community Development throughout this process.

Attachments: 16-0800 - Lake County Video Gaming Revenue Policy

8. Executive Session

8.1 16-0850

Executive Session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1).

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Agenda Report - Final

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Adjournment

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