
Lake County Gazette

Monday, December 23, 2024

Waukegan zoning commission reviews text amendment requests

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The city of Waukegan Planning and Zoning Commission met Nov. 10 to review text amendment requests.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the commission:



October 13, 2016

7:00 P.M.

1.0 Roll Call

2.0 Approval of October 13, 2016 Minutes

3.0 Audience Time

4.0 Old Business

5.0 New Business (Clicking on the hyperlinked Zoning Calendar # will direct you to submitted materials.

Download time may vary depending on file sizes and your Internet connection speed.)

5.1 Zoning Calendar #2516

Petitioner: Independence Realty, LLC

Request: Text Amendment to Section 7.4-3, Conditional Uses, of the Waukegan Zoning Ordinance establishing “Stabling of horses (commercial)” as a Conditional Use in the ER-2 District; and text amendment to Section 7.4-4(2) establishing minimum lot area and minimum lot width for Stabling of horses (commercial)

5.2 Zoning Calendar #2517

Petitioner: Independence Realty, LLC

Request: Text Amendment to Section 7.4-4(3) establishing “Caretaker’s residence” as a permitted accessory use with minimum lot area and lot width requirements; and text amendment to Section 7.4-5(3) establishing minimum setback requirements for a “Caretaker’s residence”

5.3 Zoning Calendar #2518

Petitioner: Independence Realty, LLC

Address: 31668 N. River Road

Request: Conditional Use Permit for “Stabling of horses (commercial)” 5.4 Zoning Calendar #2519

Petitioner: Independence Realty, LLC

Location: 31668 N. River Road

Request: Variance on the minimum lot area requirement for each horse stabled 5.5 Zoning Calendar #2520

Petitioner: Waukegan Unit School District #60

Request: Text Amendment to Section 7.2-3(4) of the Waukegan Zoning Ordinance, establishing “Solar photovoltaic energy systems, energy storage, and related facilities” as a Conditional Use in the CR Conservation Recreation District

6.0 Conditional Use Permit Reviews

7.0 Adjournment