
Lake County Gazette

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Antioch Board of Trustees hears presentation on retail strategies

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Antioch Board of Trustees met Wednesday, Dec. 14.

Here are the minutes as provided by Antioch:


December 14, 2016 Village Board of Trustees – Committee of the Whole




Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL

December 14, 2016


Mayor Hanson called the December 14, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:03 pm in the Municipal Building: 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL.


The Mayor and Board of Trustees led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Macek, Poulos, Joswiak, Dominiak and Johnson. Also present were Mayor Hanson, Attorney Long, Administrator Keim and Clerk Romine. Absent: Trustee Pierce.


There were no trustees wishing to attend remotely.

V. Approval of the October 12, 2016 and November 16, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes as presented - Trustee Johnson moved, seconded by Trustee Joswiak to approve the October 12 & November 16, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting minutes as presented.

Trustee Macek asked that his questions related to insurance be added to the November 16 meeting minutes. Those present discussed that meeting and decided to approve the minutes as presented.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Macek, Poulos (abstaining from the October minutes), Jozwiak, Dominiak (abstaining

from the November minutes) and Johnson. NO: 0.

ABSENT: 1: Pierce.



1. Update on Transition from the Antioch Fire Department to the First Fire Protection District – Chief Cokefair updated the board on the status of transferring the Antioch Fire Department over to the newly annexed First Fire Protection District. Currently they are working on getting the vehicles insured and transferred by the end of this year. He indicated that the Medicare licensing process has begun, and conversations are being had with Paramedic Billing Services (PBS) in order to ensure there is no interruption in billing. Chief Cokefair said they are also working with Cencom and Metro Paramedics to transfer those partnerships. Other successful transfers so far include memberships, and administrative staff training.

2. Retail Strategies Presentation – Director Garrigan introduced Beth Miller, Lacy Beasley and Dan Cassels of Retail Strategies to deliver their presentation via Skype. They reviewed the services and strategies provided, and went over processes used for analysis.

They further discussed research done during the process, mobile data collection, the customized trade area and the marketability of Antioch. They identified potential retail locations and top categories for recruitment. Finally, they went over the implementation of their services to provide successful retail to the Village of Antioch.

Trustee Poulos asked about recent purchase of the Boylan property on Route 173, and the potential for a focus on manufacturing. Ms. Beasley replied that they focus mainly on retail, and manufacturing is not within their realm of expertise. He further asked about their nearby clients, and how they would determine which retailers they would use to promote Antioch vs. Zion, Beach Park and Winthrop Harbor. Ms. Beasley replied that they are very careful in doing this, and noted that the analysis is different for each so the represented communities would not compete for the same markets.

Trustee Jozwiak asked how the conference in Chicago was for Antioch. Ms. Miller replied that they had very positive meetings with retailers and developers interested in the Antioch area.

Trustee Dominiak asked about the area east of Deep Lake Road near the Clublands subdivision. Staff replied that it was not included in the presentation, but Retail Strategies is aware of that property and others. She also asked about the influence of Gurnee on our recruitment, and challenges bringing shoppers into Antioch that would typically go to Gurnee.

Ms. Miller replied that the retailers may be different, and Antioch may offer a faster shopping trip due to decreased congestion in the area.

Trustee Johnson asked for the success rate bringing at least one retailer into their client’s towns. Ms. Beasley replied that she does not have that data at this time, and are still waiting on realizing many of those successes in newer clients.

Mayor Hanson asked how they work with local developers that own property, and if they form relationships with those people as well. Ms. Beasley replied that there are different types of shopping centers on the market at this time than there were in 2007. The developers are very pleased about working with Retail Strategies, but they must maintain confidentiality and keep the trust they’ve earned.

3. Tobacco License Request at 350 North Avenue – The petitioner was not in attendance to present their request for a tobacco license.

4. Economic Development Plan – Director Garrigan went over the new Economic Development webpage, which now includes information such as demographics, reports, available sites, corridor plans and travel counts. It also links to the Economic Development Newsletter, and will have incentives once approved by the Village Board.

Director Garrigan also reviewed the proposed Economic Development Plan including incentives, economic development criteria, impact fees, building fees, and an economic development task force charged with evaluating economic development incentive requests and assisting in recruitment and retention efforts. He hopes to incorporate this plan into the new economic development website. The Village Board would have final say and approval for any proposed incentive packages. Possible incentives include property tax abatements, sales tax rebates, business district sales tax rebates, direct municipal infrastructure investment, SSA, TIF Districts and façade grants.

Trustee Macek expressed concern with how specific the incentive criteria are. Director Garrigan replied that the Board would have the ability to waive those criteria. Administrator Keim suggested creating another menu of incentives for smaller users. Director Garrigan stated that criteria help mitigate voluminous incentive requests. He suggested an annotation be included that states these are just guidelines, however if applicants are still interested in an incentive not seen here, to contact staff to discuss their options. Administration Keim advised the Board of their option to maintain the criteria internally, and publish the possible incentives.

Those present discussed the benefits of having specific criteria, and the possible obstacles and roadblocks criteria can create, and agreed to publish the incentives and put them out to the public. The Board agreed with the concept, but asked to tweak the numbers. Attorney Long suggested a point system that would establish a scoring system in order to determine the incentive. Trustee Dominiak asked about the investigation of a TIF. Director Garrigan said he was gauging to see if there was an appetite or interest in establishing a TIF at the Anita Business Park. Staff will refine the language of the incentives and bring it back at a future Committee of the Whole Meeting for discussion.

Director Garrigan presented a new schedule of proposed impact fees. He added that certain fees east of town will be higher with tap on fees for sewer. This would apply to any new developments not already subject to annexation or PUD agreements.

Director Garrigan discussed building permit fees, and proposes a new building permit schedule, charging approximately $75.00 per cubic foot. Builders have expressed that building fees in Antioch are exceptionally high. Those present agreed with incorporating this structure in the economic development plan.

Director Garrigan suggested an Economic Development Task Force to help in business retention, in addition to recruitment efforts already being provided. He believes this would be a great way to build a relationship between the Village, staff and the business community. Those present agreed to move forward with a task force made up of representatives from different commercial areas. Trustee Poulos suggested having representatives from each commercial area, (i.e. car dealer, property owner, banks, retail, industrial/manufacturing, etc). chosen by those groups as a representative from their specific areas of interest.

5. Discussion regarding an IGA with Lake Villa & St. Peters Facility Usage Agreement – Director Roby reviewed the proposed IGA with Lake Villa in order to host a masquerade ball in conjunction with the Village of Lake Villa. He also discussed the potential to utilize the former site of St. Peter School for future events, last minute gym space, and a possible home for day camp. This item will be on the next Village Board agenda for consideration.

6. Report on Tax Levy – Director McCarthy reviewed the statutory requirements for the tax levy approval, and noted the changes from the levy last year to the levy this year. The main difference from prior years is the elimination of a levy for EMS and Fire services provided by the Village of Antioch. Director McCarthy presented a snapshot of the levy last year and reviewed the proposed levy that will be on the Village Board agenda for consideration on Monday.

7. Discussion related to the House Bill for Veterans – Mayor Hanson said Attorney Long was asked to research the potential for SSA tax breaks for disabled veterans. Attorney Long replied that he spoke with a colleague specializing in that area, and the explanation he received was that this was not going anywhere under the current laws. Attorney Long said he did not feel comfortable offering an opinion on the subject, and he would recommend the Board hire a specialized tax attorney if they think it worthwhile to secure a more formal opinion. Trustee Jozwiak said he wants to ensure that veterans entitled to the benefits receive those benefits. He will forward his information to Attorney Long for review.


Trustee Poulos commented on a 13 year-old Antioch resident he knows through hockey that was recently diagnosed with cancer, which is why he was not able to be at the meeting last week. He said the family has been very appreciative of all of the community support they have gotten so far.

VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel and Pending Litigation, Lease of Village Property,

Collective Bargaining – The Mayor and Board of Trustees did not go into executive session.


There being no further discussion, the Village Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori K. Romine, RMC/CMC

Village Clerk