
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lindenhurst Village Board authorizes electrical supply agreement for utility system facilities

Webp hall

Lindenhurst Village Board met Monday, Jan. 9.

Here are the minutes as provided by Lindenhurst:


2301 E. Sand Lake Road


January 9, 2017

7:00 PM


Mayor Marturano called the Regular Village Board meeting to order at 7:01pm.


Present were Mayor Marturano and Trustees Anderson, Chybowski, Czarny, Dunham,

McGrath, and Suchy.

Also in attendance were Village Administrator Matt Formica, Treasurer Art Neubauer, Police Chief Tom Jones, and Village Clerk Jody Stoughtenger.



Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting of December 12, 2016 were considered for approval.

Trustee McGrath made a motion, seconded by Trustee Suchy, to approve the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting of December 12, 2016.

VOICE VOTE Ayes - 6, Nays - 0

Motion carried.


Trustee Dunham made a motion, seconded by Trustee Anderson, to approve the first set of January bills presented for payment in the amount of $1,176,493.11 for invoices due on or before January 9, 2017.


Ayes – 6 Trustees Anderson, Chybowski, Czarny, Dunham, McGrath, and Suchy.

Nays – 0

Motion carried.

Minutes – Regular Board Meeting

January 9, 2017

Page 2


Trustee Dunham made a motion, seconded by Trustee Suchy, to approve the December 2016 Treasurer’s Report as read by Village Treasurer Neubauer. The total for all accounts is $10,856,170.53.


Ayes – 6 Trustees Anderson, Chybowski, Czarny, Dunham, McGrath, and Suchy.

Nays – 0

Motion carried.


Trustee Suchy recognized service anniversaries for the following people at the Lindenhurst Park District:

President Dean Parkman – 25 years of service

Vice President Todd Solbrig – 15 years of service

Treasurer Jim Stout - 15 years of service

Commissioner Lisa Behnke – 15 years of service

Trustee Suchy shared the Park District’s appreciation to the Village Board for joint collaboration on the bidding process for 2017 mowing and trimming. As a resident, Trustee

Suchy communicated her thanks to both the Village and Park District for their continuous efforts in finding new ways to save tax payers money.

Trustee McGrath reported that SWALCO will meet in late January.

Trustee Anderson participated in a retirement ceremony for Randy Bernhardt who stepped down after serving 22 years as Scoutmaster for Troop 188. Trustee Anderson praised Bernhardt as a person and for being a devoted leader to the organization. During his years as a Scoutmaster, Bernhardt helped shepherd 90 boys through the Eagle Scouts program. Randy Bernhardt has made a significant impact on Lindenhurst and the surrounding community.

Mayor Marturano announced that National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day was today, January 9. Mayor thanked all law enforcement for their commitment and their service.

Mayor Marturano informed the Board that former Trustee Fred Messner is very ill.

Thoughts and prayers for Fred Messner and the Messner family are appreciated.

Village Administrator Formica announced that Groot Waste Management, service provider for refuse, recycling, and landscape removal, has been purchased by Waste Connections. A review of the services provided according to the contract will be conducted.

With regards to the Village customer service, Village Administrator Formica congratulated all  Operational personnel for achieving a 99% resolution rate. This means that every resident request has been resolved within 48 hours.

Village Administrator Formica added that based on recent discussions with other area taxing bodies, the Village is working to coordinate Lakes Area Intergovernmental Purchasing Initiative, creating joint purchasing opportunities that would allow for lower pricing for common goods and services through economics of scale.


A. Proclamation: 2016 Lindenhurst Queens

Lindenhurst Queens presented their pictures to the Village Board.

B. Ordinance No. 17-1-2057: Alternate Revenue Source Bonds Series 2013 Property Tax Abatement

In 2013, the Village took advantage of an opportunity to reduce borrowing costs through the refunding of several outstanding loans into the Series 2013 Alternate Revenue Bonds.

This includes previous borrowing for the wastewater treatment facility garage and office expansion, 1999 remodeling of Village Hall, new police facility, and Schiessle settlement.

Alternate Revenue bonds require that certain revenues be pledged for payment of the debt service. However, a property tax is pledged as a guarantee in case the alternate revenues pledged are not sufficient to pay the debt service. The Village has been able to meet the debt obligation with the revenues pledged and therefore, the property tax can be abated. This must be done annually.

Trustee Suchy made a motion, seconded by Trustee McGrath, to approve Ordinance No.17-1-2057 abating the 2016 Alternate Revenue Bond Series 2013 property tax.


Ayes – 6 Trustees Anderson, Chybowski, Czarny, Dunham, McGrath, and Suchy

Nays – 0

Motion carried.

C. Ordinance No. 17-1-2058: Special Service Area #4 Property Tax Abatement

Each year the Village must abate the property tax assessed on properties within Special Service Area No. 4. The developer of Falling Waters subdivision and Business Park utilized special service area financing to pay for onsite infrastructure improvements. The debt service is charged to each home and business and is collected via the bi-monthly water/sewer billings.

If sufficient dollars are not collected from the charge, a property tax would be assessed on the properties in the area. The Village Treasurer has received sufficient funds and has authorized the abatement of the property tax.

In addition, sufficient funds have been accumulated to pay the remaining balance of the bonds and the Village Treasurer has paid the bonds in full. The Village stopped assessing the SSA charge on properties within the SSA in September.

Trustee Chybowski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Czarny, to approve Ordinance No. 17-1-2058 abating 2016 Special Service Area No. 4 property tax.


Ayes – 6 Trustees Anderson, Chybowski, Czarny, Dunham, McGrath, and Suchy

Nays – 0

Motion carried.

D. Authorization to Execute: Memorandum of Understanding – Interoperable Communications Council of Lake County Regarding the Operation of STARCOM21 Talkgroups

In accordance with the FY 2016/2017 budget and the recent direction of the Village Board, the Village is in the process of transitioning the police radio system to the STARCOM21 system. The Lake County Emergency Management Agency has established the Interoperable Communications Council of Lake County, which has established talk groups and frequencies to allow radio interoperability between agencies in and around Lake County. In order to access these talkgroups and fully utilize the potential interoperability with other agencies, the Village needs to execute a memorandum of understanding outlining our use and participation. There is no cost associated with the MOU.

Trustee Suchy made a motion, seconded by Trustee McGrath, to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the interoperable Communications Council of Lake County regarding the operation of STARCOM21 talkgroups.


Ayes – 6 Trustees Anderson, Chybowski, Czarny, Dunham, McGrath, and Suchy

Nays – 0

Motion carried.

E. Authorization to Execute: Electricity Supply Agreement for Utility System Facilities

In 2007, the State of Illinois deregulated its electric market. Prior to that, ComEd both generated and delivered the power to residential and commercial customers. The legislation required ComEd to transfer ownership of its nuclear reactors to its parent, Exelon. Illinois then opened its borders for other energy generators to compete with Exelon. ComEd remains a monopoly and delivers the power to commercial and residential users, regardless of who generates the power.

The Village has been using NIMEC as its broker since 2008. NIMEC is paid by the electric supplier for originating the business. The Village does not compensate NIMEC and is not under contract with NIMEC. NIMEC has extensive expertise in the northern Illinois power market.

The Village Board previously authorized this process in 2008, 2012, and 2015, and the results of these bid processes have resulted in significant savings. This process is used for street light electricity and power to all our utility system facilities (well houses, pump stations, water towers, lift stations and wastewater treatment plant).

The current contract for electricity service for the Village utility system facilities expires in May and is set to be re-bid sometime between February and April 2017. NIMEC is responsible for identifying the exact bid date when they believe supply pricing will be at its lowest. The bid process will provide an option for a one, two, or three year contract term.

The Village would have the option to select the most favorable term. Due to the volatility in the price of electricity, agreements must be executed within 24 hours of the bid. Due to the quick turnaround time for execution, to take advantage of this bid process and lock in rates lower than the Com Ed rates, the Village Board would need to authorize the Village Administrator to execute an agreement for electricity service at the Village’s water and wastewater facilities. A contract would be awarded only if the prices are lower than that of ComEd.

Trustee Czarny made a motion, seconded by Trustee Chybowski, to authorize the Village Administrator to execute an Electricity Supplier Agreement for the Village’s Utility System Facilities upon completion of the bidding process.


Ayes – 6 Trustees Anderson, Chybowski, Czarny, Dunham, McGrath, and Suchy

Nays – 0

Motion carried.

Minutes – Regular Board Meeting

F. Approval: Creation of Lindenfest Committee Board Liaison Position and Recommended Appointment

Per discussions between the Village Board and members of the Lindenfest Committee, the two bodies have agreed there is value in having a member of the Village Board participate as a liaison to the Committee and who would serve on the Committee’s Board as a working volunteer. The Mayor solicited interest from the Board and is recommending the creation of the liaison position and the appointment of Trustee Pat Dunham to the position. Moving forward, we will add this to the annual liaison appointment list.

As a point of background, Board appointed liaison positions are not established by Code. These are administrative appointments/designations made by the Board to facilitate collaboration and cooperation. Liaison positions can be added or removed without formal action.

Trustee McGrath made a motion, seconded by Trustee Anderson, to create a Lindenfest Committee Board Liaison Position and approve the recommended appointment of Trustee Pat Dunham to the position.


Ayes - 6

Nays - 0

Motion carried.

G. Discussion: Consideration of a Possible Resolution Requesting the Lake Villa District Library Consider Inclusion of the Lindenhurst Name on its New Facility that will be located in Lindenhurst

Based on recent discussions with the Lake Villa District Library regarding the inclusion of the Lindenhurst name on their new facility, which will be located in Lindenhurst, several Trustees requested the Board consider the passage of a Resolution that would formalize the Village’s request and provide residents with information on the request. The Board discussed the matter, suggesting the addition of the Lindenhurst name to the name of the new library. Another suggestion was to change the name of the new library to a neutral name.

The discussion concluded with the request to move forward with a Resolution supporting inclusion of the Lindenhurst Community name on the Lake Villa District Library’s new Lindenhurst facility.


Barb Venturi, Treasurer, and Andy Lentine, Director of Lake Villa District Library Board provided interpretation and clarification of letters from the Lake Villa District Library Board of Trustees to Mayor Marturano. The letter was in response to the Village Board’s request to add Lindenhurst to the name of the new library relocating to Lindenhurst. Treasurer Venturi and Director Lentine welcomed the Board and Public to participate at the next Library Board meeting Monday, January 16th at 6:30pm.




Trustee Chybowski made a motion, seconded by Trustee McGrath, to adjourn the meeting.

VOICE VOTE Ayes - 6, Nays - 0

Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm.

Date Approved

Dominic Marturano, Mayor 

Jody Stoughtenger, Village Clerk