
Lake County Gazette

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Lake Bluff Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals review amendment for central business district setback requirements

Webp meeting240

Lake Bluff Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals met Feb. 15.

The joint plan commission and board of appeal advises the village board on all matters related to zoning and planning in the community. Members meet at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall Board Room, 40 E. Center Ave.

Here is the agenda as provided by Lake Bluff:




Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Village Hall Board Room

40 East Center Avenue

7:00 P.M.


1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Non-Agenda Items and Visitors (Public Comment Time)

The Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals Chair and Board Members allocate fifteen (15) minutes during this item for those individuals who would like the opportunity to address the Board on any matter not listed on the agenda. Each person addressing the Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals is asked to limit their comments to a maximum of three (3) minutes.

3. Consideration of the January 4, 2017 PCZBA Meeting Minutes

4. Consideration of the January 18, 2017 PCZBA Meeting Minutes

5. The continuation of a Public Hearing for 701 Park Place to Consider: (i) a Variation From the Front Yard and Corner Lot Side Yard Setback Regulations of Section 10-5-3; (ii) a Variation From the Maximum Gross Floor Area Regulation of Section 10-5-6 of the Zoning Code; (iii)_a Variance From the Maximum Front Yard Impervious Regulation of Section 10-5-7 of the Zoning Code; and (iv) a Variation From the Maximum Lot Coverage Requirement of Section 10-5-8 of the Zoning Code; and (v) Any Other Zoning Relief as Required for the Proposed Improvements.

6. The continuation of a Public Hearing to consider amending the text of Chapters 5 and 6 of the Zoning Code Regulations to clarify setback requirements for property in the Central Business District (CBD) located: (i) along Scranton Avenue between Oak Avenue and Evanston Avenue; or (ii) adjacent to or abutting property in a residence district.

7. A Public Hearing for 239 E Washington Avenue to Consider: (i) a Variation From the Front Yard Setback Regulations of Section 10-5-3; (ii) a Variation From the Side Yard Setback Regulations of Section 10-5G-2 of the Zoning Code; and (iii) Any Other Zoning Relief as Required for the Proposed Improvements

8. Consideration of an application filed by Trillium Park LLC Seeking Approval of a Tentative and Final Plat of Subdivision to Allow for a Two Lot Subdivision of Property Located at 370 Moffett Road

9. A Public Hearing to Consider a Request by Lake Effect Holdings, LLC for an amendment to an existing Special Use Permit to Operate a Brewery Located at 16 East Scranton Avenue

10. Staff Report

 Letter from resident Lee Nysted in reference to the east end of Block 3

11. Commissioner’s Report - Regular PCZBA Meeting Scheduled for March 15, 2017

12. Adjournment