
Lake County Gazette

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Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee votes on grant applications for Ride Lake County Central Project

Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee met Wednesday, March 8.

Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

8:30 AM

Lake County Illinois

Lake County Courthouse and Administrative Complex

18 N. County Street

Waukegan, IL 60085-4351

Assembly Room, 10th Floor

Public Works and Transportation Committee

Agenda Report - Final

Public Works and Transportation March 8, 2017


Agenda Report - Final

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes

3.1 17-0300

Minutes from January 11, 2017.

Attachments: PWT 1.11.17 Minutes

3.2 17-0301

Minutes from February 1, 2017.

Attachments: PWT 2.1.17 Minutes

3.3 17-0302

Minutes from February 8, 2017.

Attachments: PWT 2.8.17 Minutes

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment

6. Chairman's Remarks

7. Old Business

7.1 17-0281

Presentation of the Lake County Division of Transportation Excess Property Disposal Policy.

8. New Business


8.1 17-0279

Joint resolution authorizing emergency appropriations in fiscal year (FY) 2017 for the Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) capital and bond funds, for projects previously approved and for additional revenue.

· FY 2017 LCDOT Capital and Bond Funds: Emergency Appropriation.

· This resolution authorizes emergency appropriations in the FY 2017 LCDOT capital funds budget for previously approved projects and additional revenue.

· These projects and revenue were not included in the FY 2017 budget.

· Without this action, these projects and revenue will not have the budget authority required.

8.2 17-0293

Joint resolution authorizing, on behalf of the Lake County Coordinated Transportation Services Committee (LCCTSC), separate applications, to the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), for Section 5310 grants for the continuation of the Ride Lake County Central Project in cooperation with Pace, the Townships of Fremont and Libertyville, and the Villages of Libertyville and Mundelein; and the Ride Lake County West Project in cooperation with Pace, the Townships of Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda, subject to further County Board approval.

· Ride Lake County Central and Ride Lake County West Projects: RTA Section 5310 Grant Applications.

· The RTA grant funds being requested are from the Federal Section 5310 grant program.

· The Ride Lake County Central Project, operated by Pace, was created by LCCTSC in 2016, with support from the Townships of Fremont and Libertyville and the Villages of Libertyville and Mundelein.

· The Section 5310 grant application will continue coordination of expanded Dial-a-Ride services with the Townships of Fremont and Libertyville, and the Villages of Libertyville and Mundelein.

· The Ride Lake County West Project (formerly known as the Northwest Demonstration Project), operated by Paced, was created by the LCCTSC in 2016, with support from the Townships of Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda.

· The Section 5310 grant application will continue coordination of expanded Dial-a-Ride services with the Townships of Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda.

· The County’s role will be grant coordinator on behalf of the LCCTSC.

· The local match, to be supplied for the grant, is in accordance with the Lake County Division of Transportation Paratransit Coordination with LCCTSC Policy.

· This resolution authorizes the County to apply for the two grants, on behalf of the LCCTSC and, if approved, they will be brought back to the Lake County Board for acceptance and allocation of the necessary ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

8.3 17-0280

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Strand Associates Inc., Joliet, Illinois, for Phase II design engineering services for the intersection improvement of Winchester Road at Illinois Route 83, at a cost of $313,059.76, and appropriating $380,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 16-00170-13-CH.

· Winchester Road, at Illinois Route 83 Intersection, Improvement: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.

· Winchester Road will be improved at the intersection of Illinois Route 83 with the installation of a traffic signal.

· This engineering design is included in the Highway Improvement Program and a consultant will be utilized to complete Phase II design engineering services.

· Utilizing the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the selected and recommended consultant is Strand Associates Inc., Joliet, Illinois, at a cost of $313,059.76.

Joint committee action approving acceptance of a cash donation from Chain of Lakes Community Bible Church, 43 West Grass Lake Road, Lake Villa, Illinois, in the amount of $444,836.83 under Chapter 90 (Lake County Highway Access Regulation Ordinance) of the Lake County, Illinois, Code of Ordinances.

· Grass Lake Road Resurfacing: Cash Donation.

· Chain of Lakes Community Bible Church, 43 West Grass Lake Road, Lake Villa, Illinois, desires to make a cash donation for their proposed site access work along Grass Lake Road.

· The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) has a program improvement to resurface Grass Lake Road, from Illinois Route 83 to Deep Lake Road, which includes the section of Grass Lake Road requiring the site access work.

· It is recommended that said site access work be incorporated into the LCDOT improvement, and a cash donation in the amount of $444,836.83 be accepted to cover design engineering and construction costs.

8.5 17-0283

Joint resolution appropriating $1,785,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the resurfacing of Grass Lake Road, from Illinois Route 83 to Deep Lake Road, and designated as Section 15-00075-13-RS.

· Grass Lake Road Resurfacing: Appropriation.

· Grass Lake Road is in need of resurfacing from Illinois Route 83 to Deep Lake Road.

· This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,785,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds is necessary.

8.6 17-0277

Ordinance requesting the conveyance of parcels of land for right-of-way, permanent and temporary easements from the Village of Round Lake and the Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD) to Lake County, effectuating agreements relating to the right-of-way, construction, and maintenance of improvements along Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road, appropriating $8,520,000 of ¼% Sale Tax for Transportation funds, and designated as Section 08-00065-02-RS.

· Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road: Village of Round Lake and LCFPD Agreements and Appropriation.

· Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road, will be reconstructed and widened, and will include the construction of a multi-use path, watermain and sanitary sewer work, and stream bank stabilization.

· This improvement is included in the highway improvement program.

· The County requires right-of-way, a permanent easement, and temporary easements from the Village of Round Lake and/or the LCFPD in order to provide for the improvement.

· The Village will reimburse the County for its share of the cost of the multi-use path, watermain and sanitary sewer work, and stream bank stabilization, estimated at $503,235.

· The Village and the LCFPD will maintain portions of the multi-use path, as identified in the agreements.

· This ordinance authorizes the transfer of land and the execution of intergovernmental agreements with the Village of Round Lake and the LCFPD and appropriates $8,520,000 of ¼% Sale Tax for Transportation funds.

Joint committee action item approving Change Order Number Four, consisting of an increase of $4,764.85, for additions to the 2016 concrete patching construction contract, and designated as Section 16-00000-10-GM.

· 2016 Concrete Patching: LCDOT Change Order Number Four.

· Change Orders need to be approved by the standing committees for cumulative net increases over 10 percent.

· The 2016 concrete patching project is under contract with A Lamp Concrete Contractors Inc. in the amount of $97,931.

· Change Order Number Four, in the amount of $4,764.85, is due to balancing of measured quantities with the contractor.

· Change Order Number Three, in the amount of $31,674.95, was due to added emergency Washington Street patches, added curb repairs before the upcoming 2017 project on Rollins Road, between Hook Road and Illinois Route 132, and added sidewalk repairs at Aptakisic Road and Leider Lane due to damage and was approved by the Public Works and Transportation and the Financial and Administrative Committees on January 17, 2017.

· Change Order Number Two, in the amount of ($1,393.50), was due to field measured quantities used on the original contract for Rollins Road, between Fairfield Road and Cedar Lake Road, as well as on Cedar Lake Road at Monaville Road.

· Change Order Number One, in the amount of $6,815.60, was due to the addition of items to complete the intent of the original project, as well as adjusting some original item quantities, measured during the progress of work.

8.8 17-0029

Director’s Report - Transportation.


9. Executive Session

10. County Administrator's Report

11. Members' Remarks

12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: March 29, 2017