
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Mundelein Village Board met April 19.

Village of Mundelein Village Board met April 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance 

III. Attendance 

IV. Approval of Minutes

i. April 5, 2017 

1. Motion to approve the Regularly Scheduled meeting minutes from April 05, 2017 7:00 PM.

V. Public Commentary

VI. Old Business

i. PZC-03-2017 Public Hearing - Downtown North Implementation Plan

1. Downtown North Implementation Plan

Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission make a motion to amend the Comprehensive Plan adopted under Ordinance No. 11-07-41 to include the Downtown North Implementation Plan.

VII. New Business

i. PZC-09-2017 Findings of Fact - 1301 Allanson Road, Ruprecht Company

1. PZC-09-2017 - Findings of Fact - Variations to Building Height

Motion to accept the Findings of Fact for a variation to Section 20.40.030 to vary the maximum required building height of the Municipal Code to vary the maximum required building height of fifty (50) feet.

2. PZC-09-2017 - Findings of Fact - Variation to Accessory Structure Height

Motion to accept the Findings of Fact for a variation to Section 20.52.040(A) of the Municipal Code to allow for silos with a height greater than fifteen (15) feet.

3. PZC-09-2017 - Findings of Fact - Variation to Building Material

Motion to accept the Findings of Fact for a variation to Section 20.40.040(D) of the Municipal Code to allow for metal panels as the primary material for the proposed building addition.

ii. PZC-01-2017 Public Hearing - 800 East Route 45, Mir Tactical

1. PZC-01-2017 - Public Hearing 

Motion to recommend approval of a use variation to permit a shooting range in the C-2, General Commercial Zoning District, with the following conditions:

a. The mobile shooting range may only be placed at the location indicated in the Petitioner’s application;

b. The mobile shooting range shall be limited to the two lanes proposed. Any additional lanes or expansion to the shooting range will require subsequent variations;

c. Landscaping shall be installed along the eastern property line to screen the shooting range and outdoor tactical training area from the adjacent property. The landscape plan must be approved by the Community Development Director;

d. A list of improvements, attached hereto, shall be made by the petitioner or property owner before occupancy;

e. A sidewalk shall be extended along the southern property line which fronts on East Route 45;

f. Use of the shooting range shall take place only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM; and

g. In the event that the mobile shooting range is no longer utilized by an active business at the location, the mobile shooting range and any components associated directly with the shooting range shall be removed from the site within thirty (30) days of the date the business ceased use of the range.

2. PZC-01-2017 - Public Hearing

Motion to recommend approval of a variation to permit an outdoor tactical training area, with the following conditions:

a. The outdoor training area may only be placed within the area indicated in the Petitioner’s application;

b. Landscaping shall be installed along the eastern property line to screen the shooting range and outdoor tactical training area from the adjacent property. The landscape plan must be approved by the Community Development Director;

c. A list of improvements, attached hereto, shall be made by the petitioner or property owner before occupancy;

d. A sidewalk shall be extended along the southern property line which fronts on East Route 45;

e. Use of the outdoor training area shall take place only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM; and

f. In the event that the outdoor tactical training area is no longer utilized by an active business at the location, the outdoor training area and any components associated directly with it shall be removed from the site within thirty (30) days of the date the business ceased use of the outdoor tactical training area.

 iii. PZC-06-2017 Public Hearing - 402 Lakeview Drive

1. PZC-06-2017 - Public Hearing

Motion to recommend denial of a variation to Section 20.52.040(H)(2)(a) to permit a detached garage where the principal structure has a functioning attached garage.

VIII. Questions and Comments

IX. Adjournment
