
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Volo Village Board met April 25.

Village of Volo Village Board met April 25.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Board:

1. Approval of Minutes: Special Meeting of March 17, 2017

2. Approval: FY 17/18 Budget

The Board will consider approving the FY 17/18 operating and capital budgets, which it previously

reviewed and discussed at its annual Budget Workshop in March. The final budget incorporates the

Board’s directions as provided at the workshop.

3. Ordinance No. O-17-07: Amending the Annual Fee Schedule

The Village Board will consider approving Ordinance No. O-17-07, revising the multi-year rate plans

for water and garbage and recycling services.

4. Resolution No. R-17-225: Authorizing the Closing of Funds

The Village Board will consider approving Resolution No. R-17-225, closing the Gilmer Road Fund.

5. Resolution No. R-17-226: Authorizing the Establishment of Funds

The Village Board will consider approving Resolution No. R-17-226, establishing a Special Project &

Grant Reserve.

6. Resolution No. R-17-227: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds

The Village Board will consider approving Resolution No. R-17-227, authorizing non-operating

transfers between various funds.

7. Approval: Fund Balance Policy

The Village Board will consider adopting a Fund Balance Policy in compliance with GASB Statement

No. 54.

8. Approval: Regular Village Appointments

The Village Board will consider approving Mayor Henley’s recommendations for various regular

annual appointments.

9. Appointments: Planning & Zoning Commission

The Village Board will consider approving Mayor Henley’s recommendations for appointments to fill

two vacancies on the Planning and Zoning Commission.

10. Approval: FY 17/18 Regular Meeting Schedule

Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120), the Village Board will consider approving the

regular meeting schedule for FY 17/18.