
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Tower Lakes Board of Trustees met March 20.

Village of Tower Lakes Board of Trustees met March 20.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

1)  Roll Call, Pledge, and Sign-In:  Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m.  Present:  President Parro, Trustees Schardt, Steffen and Bolger

Absent:  Trustees Kierig, Rolfs and Skurla

Also attending:  Village Clerk Burgoon, Chief Sinacore, BI Cantieri, Treasurer Wiorek, A. Hay (ZBA Chair/PC Member), K. Pattengale (PC Chair), K. Stevens (PC Member), G. Gruen (Robinson Engineering), P. Kane (Wauconda Fire Dept.), K. Leitner, M. Ott

2)  Preliminary Environmental Impacts Determination Public Hearing:  Pres. Parro opened the meeting by stating that the Village intends to apply for and obtain funding for water system improvements utilizing a low interest loan from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP).  The IEPA has published an assessment of the environmental impacts of the proposed public water supply project to be funded with the loan.  Prior to granting approval of the plan, the IEPA requires that the public be granted an opportunity to comment as to whether or not the anticipated impacts of the project have been adequately assessed.  The water system improvements projects to be funded by the PWSLP include the following: water main replacements and the construction and installation of an iron removal water treatment plant.  Revenue for the payment of principal and interest for the PWSLP shall be provided by special taxes derived from Village of Tower Lakes Special Service Area No. 3 and will not result in an increase to the Village water rates.  The IEPA has reviewed the project plan and concurs with the Village’s finding that the proposed project is technically appropriate and cost-effective.  A copy of the Project Plan and the IEPA Project Summary and Preliminary Environmental Impacts Determination were made available for public inspection at the Village of Tower Lakes Village Hall and will continue to be available for ten more days, or until March 30.  Greg Gruen from Robinson Engineering was available to answer any questions.  He stated that the project will consist of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 6” and 8” water main and will include an iron removal system.

* Pres. Parro inquired about the wetland delineation at Barclay’s Woods.  Greg noted that any part of the project potentially involving Barclay’s Woods will occur underneath the area and not have a negative impact.

* Resident Kathleen Leitner asked if the portion across Route 59 would definitely be included in the project.  Pres. Parro stated that the VB has not yet decided if the entire scope of the project will be undertaken.  Once bids are received, priorities for cutting will be made, if necessary, to limit the scope of the project to $3.7 million.

* BI Cantieri asked if, when out for bid, the portion across Route 59 would be a separate line item.  Pres. Parro confirmed that it would and stated that the bids would be broken into three or four parts and that the iron removal portion would be an entirely separate bid.

Greg mentioned that the construction permit for the water main has already been obtained, but the construction permit for the iron removal portion has not yet been obtained and is still awaiting IEPA approval.  Pres. Parro acknowledged Tr. Kierig’s remarkable volunteer time and effort put into overseeing the water system project.  A motion to close the public hearing was made by Tr. Steffen and seconded by Tr. Bolger.  Motion passed unanimously.

3)  Public Comments:  None.

4)  Approval of Minutes:  A motion to approve the February 20, 2017 Village Board minutes was made by Tr. Schardt and seconded by Tr. Bolger, with Tr. Steffen abstaining.  Motion passed unanimously.

5)  Police/Pubic Safety:  Tr. Bolger reported on the Police subcommittee meeting prior to the VB meeting:  (i) Recent conversations with the Coroner confirmed the growing presence of fentanyl in overdoses, resulting in a memorandum to all personnel about the dangers of handling fentanyl and its analogs.  Prolonged exposure and/or absorption through the skin can cause officers to become ill or overdose.  (ii) The “Police Reform Bill” requires that all permanent police officers satisfactorily complete, every three years, training on constitutional and proper use of law enforcement authority, procedural justice, civil rights, human rights and cultural competency, and must complete annual updates on “Use of Force” training.  TLPD has been certified and approved to teach all classes related to the “Police Reform Bill.”  (iii) The bulletproof vests arrived and were distributed to each officer; the invoice was submitted to TLCF for payment.  Thanks were given to all who donated.  (iv) Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan invited law enforcement agencies to attend a training class, “Foundation to Provide Sexual Assault Patient Care in the Emergency Room.”  The training is designed to improve response to sexual assault patients by providing an overview of the medical-forensic examination and evidence collection process.  (v) The monthly report was distributed at the meeting and officers’ hours are in-line.

6)  Planning, Building and Zoning:  (i) BI Cantieri reported one permit was issued last month and inspections are ongoing. (ii) Pres. Parro reported that the lender of the property at 128 South Hills Dr. has informed all parties with liens, including the Village and TLIA, that a foreclosure suit is in progress.  VA Bateman noted that a response from the Village is not necessary at this time and recommended that the situation just be monitored for the time being.

7)  Treasurer’s Report/Budget/Finance:  (i) Treas. Wiorek reported on the Treasurer’s report and monthly bills.  A motion to pay the monthly bills as presented was made by Tr. Bolger and seconded by Tr. Steffen.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.  (ii) The preliminary 2017-2018 budget was distributed with the meeting packet and discussion ensued.  The 2017-2018 budget will be on the April VB agenda for approval.  (iii) Pres. Parro mentioned that he had been communicating with an electrical contractor who worked on the Village exterior lights to obtain cost estimates on lighting improvements special projects.  CCE is hoping to replace entrance signs at Pebble Creek Dr. and Rolling Green Dr. and would like to bring electricity to the sites for lighting.  Fenview wants to replace the recently-removed gaslights with electric lights, and other lighting improvements are also being considered.  Pres. Parro suggested breaking down the special projects budget to a few more line items for transparency purposes.

8)  Stormwater Management:  Andy Hay distributed a Rain Garden Project summary of expenditures to date and projection for the remainder of 2017.  He reported that LC Stormwater Management Commission issued the Wetland Development Permit, the last permit required before work can commence.  Andy requested payment of a deposit; a motion to approve payment of a required $960 refundable deposit for engineering inspections was made by Tr. Bolger and seconded by Tr. Schardt.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.  The next step is a preconstruction meeting on site with LC and Andy will schedule as soon as possible.  Construction is expected to begin in April, with completion still anticipated by July 4th.  The project is slightly under projected budget cost estimates and Andy agreed to work with Treas. Wiorek to develop more accurate cost estimates and reimbursements for the upcoming fiscal year.

9)  Planning, Building and Zoning:  PC Chair Kathy Pattengale gave an update on the PC’s ongoing study of potential regulations for short-term rentals.  The PC met with VA Bateman, who shared insights about short-term rentals from a legal perspective, and short-term rental ordinances from Lake Barrington, Port Barrington and Barrington were reviewed.  The PC recommended to amend the current zoning ordinance to limit and not embrace short-term rentals, with a three-month minimum recommended for the short-term rental section of the amended zoning ordinance.  The PC outlined necessary steps and presented a suggested timeline to draft and finalize a short-term rental amendment to the existing ordinance.  A public hearing would be held as part of the process, with an anticipated final ordinance to be presented at the May VB meeting for approval.  Pres. Parro mentioned that a bill was recently introduced in the Illinois Senate creating the “Short-Term Rental Act.”  If passed, it will provide that units of local government may not enact or enforce an ordinance, regulation, or plan that has the express or practical effect of prohibiting short-term rentals.

10)  Roads:  Pres. Parro reported on Tr. Skurla’s behalf.  (i) Randy Marks will not be running again for Cuba Township Highway Commissioner and T. J. Podgorski, who has been quite supportive during his work as planner, is running unopposed.  (ii) Only two weather events occurred in March, one minor and the other moderate.  Salt totals have not yet been received from Cuba Township but, barring any unusual late winter storm events, the winter of 2016-2017 will be remembered as one of the mildest on record.  (iii) The Village roads agreement with Cuba Township is coming up for extension.  Little change is anticipated other than perhaps the Village paying a portion of the salt costs prior to the season.

11)  Public Health:  (i) Tr. Steffen reported on septic ordinance noncompliant households.  One has been overdue since March 2015, two since March 2016 and ten since August 30, 2016.  More aggressive measures to enforce compliance will be taken against the oldest three.  (ii) A mosquito abatement quote has not yet been received from Clarke.

12)  Grounds:  (i) Tr. Steffen reported that a contract is in place with Woodland Landscape for grass cutting and lawn maintenance; same price structure as last year with no increase.  (ii)  Village resident Nick Foster will be performing his Eagle Scout Service Project at Barclay’s Woods and will be doubling the length of the path over the summer.  Nick has met with Pres. Parro and Tr. Steffen at Barclay’s Woods to discuss project specifics and his sponsor organization liaison will be Village resident Anne Hay.

13)  Urban Forestry:  A final draft of the revised Tree Ordinance, with two slightly different Exhibit A options, was distributed with the meeting packet.  A motion to approve An Ordinance Amending the Village of Tower Lakes Code (RE: Amendments to Chapter 4, “Trees, Weeds, and Other Vegetation”, of Title 6, “Public Ways and Property”), with Version B selected as Exhibit A, was made by Tr. Bolger and seconded by Tr. Steffen.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.  A brochure summarizing the Ordinance is being created by the Tree Commission and will be made available to residents.

14)  Water System/Utilities:  (i) Pres. Parro stated that during the wind storm on March 8, a large pine tree behind the tennis courts fell onto a power line, causing 268 homes and the Well 5 Pump House to be without power for 24 hours.  He noted that, while ComEd employees may work 24 hours during power outages, their contracted tree removal responders do not.  ComEd could not restore power until the uprooted tree was removed from the power line the following morning.  Power is first restored to facilities critical to public health and safety and then service is returned to the largest amount of customers in the least amount of time.  Finally, power is restored to smaller neighborhoods and individual services.  (ii) At the recent BACOG Lobby Day in Springfield, Pres. Parro learned about the introduction of a bill creating the “Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act.”  If passed, the bill would prevent municipal authorities from regulating mounting of facilities and networks on existing structures (small wireless facilities and small facility networks would be a permitted use in all Village zoning districts).  The Illinois Municipal League, of which the Village is a member, is opposed to the bill and negotiating on the Village’s behalf.  (iii) Three documents essential to the SSA #3 water system construction project requiring VB approval were distributed with the meeting packet.  A motion to approve An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2015-11 Establishing Village of Tower Lakes Special Service Area Number Three in the Village of Tower Lakes and Creating a Special Tax Roll was made by Tr. Schardt and seconded by Tr. Steffen.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.  A motion to approve An Ordinance Authorizing the Village of Tower Lakes, Lake County, Illinois to Borrow Funds from the IEPA Public Water Supply Loan Program; Providing for the Issuance of a $3,700,000 Village of Tower Lakes Special Service Area Number Three Taxable Special Bond, Series 2017 (IEPA Public Water Supply Loan Project), of the Village of Tower Lakes, Lake County, Illinois, and Providing for the Levy of an Annual Special Tax by Special Role on All Taxable Lots in Such Special Service Area for the Payment of Principal of and Interest on Such Bond was made by Tr. Bolger and seconded by Tr. Schardt.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.  A motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing a Representative [Pres. Parro] to Sign Loan Documents was made by Tr. Bolger and seconded by Tr. Schardt.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

15)  Intergovernmental:  (i) Pres. Parro attended BACOG Lobby Day in Springfield last week.  (ii) Former resident Mike Kainz is running unopposed in the upcoming election for Cuba Township Supervisor and former resident Mike Danforth was appointed to the Lake County Board to fill the seat held by Nick Sauer, who resigned after being elected to the Illinois House of Representatives.

16)  Administrative/Legal:  No report.

17)  Updates:  No report.

18)  Old Business:  None.

19)  New Business:  (i) Pres. Parro reported that the Village is investigating streamlining an overweight truck permit process through Oxcart Permit Systems, a free online processing service.  (ii) Pres. Parro commended Chief Sinacore for his efforts in creating a comprehensive Village Board Handbook, a valuable reference for VB members.  Pres. Parro suggested that the handbook be expanded to include individual trustee responsibilities, which would be a useful guide for newly elected or appointed officials.  (iii) Pursuant to Village Code, a motion to approve Pres. Parro’s actual travel expenses in the amount of $198.84 for BACOG Lobby Day in Springfield, March 15-16, 2017, was made by Tr. Bolger and seconded by Tr. Steffen, with Pres. Parro abstaining.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

A motion to adjourn at 9:34 p.m. was made by Tr. Steffen and seconded by Tr. Schardt.  Motion passed.