Village of Round Lake Beach Economic Development Standing Committee met March 20.
Here is the minutes as provided by the Committee:
A. Neighborhood Services
Neighborhood Services Director, Lisa Pugliese, presented a report for Neighborhood Services
activities. 11 properties are in the post-acquisition stage. One was demolished Friday and the
remaining 10 will be done by April 30, at the latest. All have demolition contracts except 1222
Idlewild. Three properties have moved to the prove-up hearing stage. A number of properties
were concluded during the reporting period: AHC purchase for rehab/resale. Two were contested
by owners and three contested by banks.
A new section called demolition count was added to the report. The purpose is to assist in
addressing lost contracts/properties. Also, quickly amend petitions to give leverage with banks
and give no more than 120 days to demo or repair the property. And if it’s not done we may go in
and do anything up to demolition/put a lien on the property and be reimbursed. Example: 1313
Pleasant, the bank contested, but will demolish the property and have 60 days. 1521 Brentwood
we are working on trying to obtain this property from AHC. 1111 and 1113 Barberry have been
donated and the paperwork will be at the next meeting for Boards approval. 1324 Melrose and
906 Central Park both owners contested and we are working towards purchasing the property
with grant funds. 1324 Melrose has a large amount of liens and 906 Central Park we made a
generous offer.
Trustee Butler asks about a property on Cedar Lake Road. Lisa states if it’s the property she is
thinking of the owner told our inspector he has plans to demolish it.
Village Administrator, David Kilbane, asks if there updates on New Market Tax Credits? Lisa
stated the tax credits are for economic development, example the old Kmart building. The tax
credits are difficult to utilize and it helps to work with a company. Lisa continues she has a new
contact to assist with these types of tax credits and will set up a meeting in the next month or so.
Lisa mentions quarterly meetings will be held with CMAP/Chicago Metropolitan Agency for
Planning. The meetings are to see if it’s possible to have the same ordinance/similar procedures.
Building code updates. We are working on finishing entering 2015 and the next batch of codes
will be released in 2018 and will be all caught up.
Two Community Development staff members are attending two day training on property
maintenance code. They may then take the test to become a certified property maintenance
B. ED Update, Inspections & Permits
Al Maiden, Director of Community Development, comments on the inspection and permit
activity report. He states February of this year had over a thousand inspections and building
reviews. Last year, there were less than 500. Lisa adds Rose Hollingsworth, Code Coordinator, is
tracking the large volume of data and inspections and playing an important role making sure
things are getting done.
Grand Appliance and Papo’s Car Wash
Al Maiden states the ED report contains 15 commercial projects and a few will be reviewed:
Grand Appliance has submitted new plans for review next week. Papo’s Car Wash, ED is waiting
for construction drawings and a sign off from Lake Dot.
Al asks if there are questions and Trustee Butler asks about 966 E Rollins, (the resale shop.) Al
states it’s on the Plan Commission and coming to ED in March. Both Trustee Wallace and Butler
ask for more detail of the property location on the report. Al states he will make a note for Chris
Discussion Items
A. Fire Hydrant
Scott Hilts, Director of Public Works, updates: A car hit the curb on Rollins Road and then the
fire hydrant. The water main needed to be shut down and over a million gallons of water was lost.
David Kilbane notes the individual’s insurance company will need to claim between $14,000 and
Business Items – APP
A. Abandoned Property Program
Neighborhood Services Director, Lisa Pugliese, states the program awarded $75,000 which was
the maximum. The purpose to acquire demolished properties. APP covers everything, but legal
costs. Currently the paperwork is being worked on. The mayor is in power to sign the documents
over the next month pertaining to the funding agreement and terms of the grant.
Motion by Trustee Valadez, second by Trustee Wallace, to move to the Board. Motion Carried.
B. Private Activity Bond Cap
Lisa states this is more commonly known as Volume Cap and it’s annual. This is the authority to
issue debt. It may be used for small business bonds geared towards job retention and affordable
housing. Currently, we are not able to use ourselves, but groups ask if not going to use the bonds
they be allocated toward them. For several years the allocation was split between Assist
Homeownership Program and Lake County Partners. Lisa asks does the board want to allocate
the funds to one or none of these groups? Trustee Wallace recommends giving 100% to the Assist
Homeownership Program, because the Lake County Partners has not used the money for several
years. Trustee Butler agrees.
Motion by Trustee Valadez, second by Trustee Wallace, to move to the Board. Motion Carried.
C. 1222 Idlewild and 1307 North Channel
Lisa comments 1222 Idlewild was obtained through petition and 1307 North Channel through
purchase. Properties need to be sent over to be demolished and reimbursed.
Motion by Trustee Valadez, second by Trustee Wallace, to move to the Board. Motion Carried.
D. Pilot Solar LED Street Lighting
Scott Hilts states the program is a pilot for a request for increased lighting. Laying the
infrastructure for power lines is where the large cost is. The price quote for one direction is
$10,000 just for the power. The power in neighborhoods that is over head makes this more
challenging. Does the Board want to keep exploring a possible pilot program for areas that may
warrant additional lighting?
Trustee Wallace asks how similar will the light be compared to a regular street lamp and Hilts
states, the light will be very similar to what is to the north. The problem if the similar light to the
intersection is wanted the infrastructure becomes very large for a yard.
David Kilbane recommends putting one up to see what it looks like. And then because of the cost,
supplement with other lights of similar design; give it more of a neighborhood feel. The light
would need to look decorative/not a large piece of infrastructure. Try one first see, what it looks
like and if it works use the same application at the Civic Center.
Trustee Butler asks how far will one light illuminate between two drive ways? And Trustee
Valdez asks if there is another community they may see as an example, and if we will notify the
neighborhood? Hilts replies more research may be done. More information is requested by the
Other Business
A. Liquor License and Video Gaming
Al Maiden states Sunrise Liquors would like to add video gaming to their liquor store. Does the
Board want to expand this liquor store to a gaming site?
David Kilbane notes it was almost presented as expanding into a vacant space. This is a location
that would be selling alcohol and have video gaming.
The Board votes against this.
B. Annual Report Presentation
Al Maiden notes the gaming map will be updated and PZC would like to consider two meetings a
Lisa asks if there are any questions on the report.
Trustee Wallace asks why permits and certificates for occupancy had a significant drop? Lisa
states the reason we go out and inspect would be a change in ownership and is not sure of the
exact reason.
Trustee Wallace asks why rental certificates and business licenses also have a drop? Lisa states
this is a timing issue.
Public Participation – None
Executive Session – None
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.