
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Round Lake Beach Finance Committee met March 20.

Village of Round Lake Beach Finance Committee met March 20.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Committee:

1. Committee Members: Chairperson Trustee Husk, Trustee

Benes, Trustee Nickles and Mayor Hill

2. Call to Order 6:01 p.m., by Trustee Benes

Members Present: Trustee Benes and Mayor Hill

Members Absent: Trustee Husk and Trustee Nickles

Others in Attendance: Village Administrator Kilbane; Finance Director Bueso;

Trustee Wallace; Village Clerk Cleveland; Trustee Valadez

(6:24); and Trustee Butler (6:27)

3. Approval of Agenda A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee

Benes to approve the agenda. All ayes, motion carried.

4. Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee

Benes to approve the minutes with no corrections for the

January 16, 2017 Finance Committee Meeting. All ayes,

motion carried.

5. Scheduled Business

A. FY2018 Budget

Finance Director Bueso presented highlights of the FY2018 Budget. The total

FY2018 Budget is $32,194,259. The public hearing will be March 27, 2017 at


A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee Benes to approve the

Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Budget after the Budget Hearing on the March 27, 2017

Board Meeting. All ayes, motion carried.

B. CSC Recording Solutions Agreement

Finance Director Bueso presented information on CSC Recording Solutions and

electronically filing liens with the Lake County Recorder of Deeds. CSC Recording

Solutions is a County approved system.

A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee Benes to move item to

the next board meeting for approval for Village staff to enter into an agreement with

CSC Recording Solutions. All ayes, motion carried.

C. IEPA Loan Closing

Finance Director Bueso presented information in regards to the State of Illinois

Environmental Protection Agency Drinking Water Project loan and final loan closing


A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee Benes to move approval

to place on an upcoming Village Board agenda a resolution approving the Mayor to

accept and sign terms of the loan as amended. All ayes, motion carried.

D. Konica Copy Machine Lease

Finance Director Bueso discussed staff recommendation to replace the two copy

machines with expiration dates in June 2017 and the Canon copy machine in

Economic Development with a new 3-year lease agreement with Konica Minolta.

The Village would save approximately $186.07 per month.

A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee Benes to move approval

to place on an upcoming Village Board agenda a resolution approving Village staff to

enter into an agreement with Konica Minolta. All ayes, motion carried.

E. Surplus Canon Copy Machine

Finance Director Bueso discussed the need to surplus the Canon Color Imagerunner

C3380 copy machine. The copy machine has exceeded its useful life.

A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee Benes to pass a

resolution declaring the Canon Copy Machine as surplus. All ayes, motion carried.

F. FY2017 Audit Agreement Extension

Finance Director Bueso presented information to exercise option for audit services for

FY2017 with RSM US, LLP.

A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee Benes to move approval

to place on an upcoming Village Board agenda authorizing Village Staff to exercise

Option Year 1 with RSM US, LLP for FY2017 audit services. All ayes, motion


G. Heritage Church – Facility User Agreement

Village Administrator Kilbane presented information on the Heritage Church Facility

Use Agreement – First Amendment to begin April 2017. The Amendment is for 3

years with options for year 4 and year 5.

A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee Benes to move approval

to place on an upcoming Village Board agenda a resolution approving Village staff to

enter into an agreement with Heritage Church. All ayes, motion carried.

H. IMRF Recertification

Finance Director Bueso presented information on the recertification of IMRF

eligibility every two years for elected positions.

A motion was made by Mayor Hill and seconded by Trustee Benes to move approval

to place on an upcoming Village Board agenda a resolution approving the Village

Clerk to certify IMRF Form 6.64 – A Resolution Relating to Participation by Elected

Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. All ayes, motion carried.

6. Other Business

A. Treasurers’ Report

Finance Director Bueso reviewed the Treasurer’s Report for February 2017.

No action was taken, informational purposes only.

B. Finance and Cultural & Civic Center Annual Report

Finance Director Bueso reviewed the Finance and Cultural & Civic Center Annual


No action was taken, informational purposes only.

7. Public Participation


8. Executive Session - Probable Litigation, Land Acquisition, Executive Session

Minutes & Personnel

9. Adjournment

Mayor Hill made a motion seconded by Trustee Benes to adjourn the meeting at 7:04

p.m. All ayes, motion carried.

Minutes approved by the Finance Committee on April 17, 2017

 With No Corrections ____

 With Corrections _____

(See minutes of meeting for corrections)