
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Mundelein Fire & Police Commission met April 5.

Village of Mundelein Fire & Police Commission met April 5.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Commission:

In attendance:

Village of Mundelein

Board of the Fire and Police Commission Meeting

April 5, 2017

Chairman Jeff Hill

Secretary Richard Rothmann

Commissioner Daniel Lenzini

Also in attendance: Chief Deputy Chief William Lark, Deputy Chief Don Hansen

Called to Order at 6:33 p.m.

Public Comment: None

Reading and Acceptance of minutes: Minutes from the meeting of December 9, 2016 was

approved. Chairman Hill made a motion to accept minutes as presented by Secretary

Rothmann. Commissioner Lenzini seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: Daniel Lenzini Aye, Rich Rothmann Aye, and Jeff Hill Aye.

Motion to go into closed session made by Commissioner Hill and seconded by Secretary Rothmann for

the purposeof interviewing firefighter candidates.

Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Rothmann Aye, Commissioner Lenzini Aye, Commissioner Hill Aye

Motion made by Commissioner Hill to go back into open session, seconded by Commissioner Lenzini.

Roll CallVote: Commissioner Rothmann Aye, Commissioner Lenzini Aye, Commissioner Hill Aye

Motion to take a pass on firefighter candidate# 7, Craig Lloyd made by Commissioner Hill and

Commissioner Lenzini seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: Daniel Lenzini Aye, Rich Rothmann Aye, and Jeff Hill Aye.

Fire department lieutenant lest expires in October 2017. Requesting permission to sign on with

Resource Management Associates to provide the lieutenant testing.

Police department police officer lest expires in June 2017. Requesting permission to sign on

with IOSolutions to provide the police officer testing.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Rothmann.

Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Rothmann Aye, Commissioner Lenzini Aye, Commissioner Hill Aye

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.