
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Mettawa Mayor and Board of Trustees met March 21.

Village of Mettawa Mayor and Board of Trustees met March 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

A. Call To Order

Mayor Urlacher called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

B. Roll Call

Upon a call of the roll, the following were: Present: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon, Towne and Mayor Urlacher Absent: None

Mayor Urlacher declared a quorum present.

Also present: Bob Irvin, Village Administrator; Village Clerk, Sandy Gallo; Scott

Anderson, Representative of the firm of James Anderson Company; Village Attorneys Greg Smith and Jim Ferolo of Klein Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd.; Financial Consultant, Dorothy O’Mary; Village Treasurer, Pam Fantus

C. Approval Of Minutes:

Board Meeting Minutes: February 21, 2017 The Village Board meeting minutes were reviewed. Trustee Sheldon had a correction on page 5. Trustee Pink moved and seconded by Trustee Sheldon that the minutes of the Board Meeting of February 21, 2017 be approved as revised.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted: Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried and the minutes approved and be placed on file.

D. Approval Of Bills

1. Bills Submitted for Payment

Trustee Maier reported the new total amount for payment is $295,276.09.

It was moved by Trustee Maier and seconded by Trustee Brennan to approve payment of the bills.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted: Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

E. Treasurer’s Report

Presentation of the Treasurer’s Summary Report for the Month of February 2017.

It was moved by Trustee Maier and seconded by Trustee Brennan that the Board acknowledges receipt of the February’s 2017 Treasurer’s Summary Report and place it in the file.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted: Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

F. Communications And Petitions From The Public

Roberta Bohm (600 Riverwoods Road) asked if the Village is financially stable and if the Village continues to grow their investments. Trustee Maier said the Village currently reports $6.4 million in the Financial Statements. Trustee Maier added the Village has grown $5.3 million dollars in assets in the last 4 years.

Tom Lys (25300 N. Nektosha Way) said at the last ZPA meeting, Corporate Way presented their application to build a berm on their property. Corporate Way will be the 4th or the 5th berm to be built in the Village. The Village Board should not consider approving this berm due to the mere fact the traffic will include 15,000 truckloads. Mr. Lys also stated his main concern is receiving contaminated soil which can result in contaminating the resident’s well water. Mr. Lys motion is to have the Village Board consider some type of insurance to ensure the truckloads dirt are inspected for quality soil being delivered.

Mayor Urlacher said no deliberation for the Corporate Way’s berm will be held at this meeting. The Village Board will make their recommendation on Corporate Way at the April 18th Village Board meeting.

Commissioner Leonard said the ZPA Committee approved 1,500 truckloads of dirt for Corporate Way’s berm not 15,000.

Debra Pelech (15565 W. Old School Road) said she is looking to organize a Fundraiser for the Alzheimer Association. Mrs. Pelech inquired on the Village’s requirements to organize a fundraiser. Attorney Ferolo advised Ms. Pelech to obtain a permit at the Lake County office to hold the event.

G. Commission And Committee Reports For Discussion, Consideration And, If So Determined, Action Upon

1. Finance Committee

a. Recommendation to Approve the FY 2017-18 Draft Budget

Trustee Maier said the FY 2017-18 draft Budget has areas in which amounts may have some fluctuations but overall the total amount is relatively the same. The $500,000 surplus revenue amount has increased from the $350,000 amount from last year. Trustee Maier added no major capital expenditures are planned nor is there any debt to be paid off. Trustee Maier said this is a draft Budget Proposal, which has been posted on the Village website for residents to review. The final budget will be voted on at the April 18th Village Board meeting public hearing.

Administrator Irvin said the formulation for the two large committees, Parks and Recreation Committee and Public Works Committee budget consisted of deliberation over 2 meetings to ensure a comprehensive review of their expenditures was completed.

b. Other Matters


2. Public Works Committee

a. Recommendation to Approve the Lowest Responsible Bid from TGF Enterprises for 2017 ROW Maintenance Program in the Amount Not to Exceed $17,780.

Trustee Towne said the Village received 9 bidders for the 2017 ROW maintenance program. The range of bidders included the highest for $63,000 to the lowest of $17,000. We are making a recommendation to approve the lowest bidder of TGF Enterprises in the amount of $17,780.

b. Recommendation to Purchase 70 Tons of Rock Salt from Morton Salt in the Amount of $4,189.50

Trustee Towne said the Village received a great price per ton to replenish for next year’s salt due to the mild winter experienced this year. The Committee recommends the approval for Morton Salt for 70 tons salt purchase.

Trustee Maier asked how many tons has the Village consumed this season. Village Engineer Scott said the Village has used 60 tons of salt.

c. Other Matters


3. Parks and Recreation Committee

a. Recommendation to Approve the Proposal from Main Landscape for 2017 Whippoorwill Park Clean up in the Amount Not to Exceed $650

Trustee Sheldon said this proposal is for the leaves and branch clean up around Whippoorwill Park.

b. Recommendation to Approve the Proposal from Main Landscape for 2017 Whippoorwill Mowing in the Amount Not to Exceed $ 4,500

Trustee Sheldon said the mowing proposal amount is the same as last year; however, this year’s proposal includes two additional mowing.

c. Recommendation to Approve the Proposal from Tallgrass for the Oasis Park Grant Project in the Amount Not to Exceed $14,375

Trustee Sheldon said the Tallgrass proposal for the Oasis Park expenditures will be covered through the grant received.

d. Recommendation to Approve the Proposal from Tallgrass for the Oasis Park Prescribed Burn in the Amount Not to Exceed $5,890

Trustee Sheldon said Tallgrass recommended the Oasis Park have a controlled burn of the area in order to begin restoration.

e. Recommendation to Approve the Proposal from Tallgrass for the Oasis Park First Herbicide Application in the Amount Not to Exceed $7,800

Trustee Sheldon said the herbicide application will be applied after the Oasis Park burn. Trustee Bohm added all of the restoration cost of the Oasis Park is covered under the berm grant received; as a result, the Village has no direct expenditures for this restoration.

f. Recommendation to Approve the Proposal from ILM for Whippoorwill Park 2017 Maintenance and Stewardship in the Amount Not to Exceed $9,120

Trustee Sheldon said MOLA donated the seeds which were spread on the berm two weeks ago. The ILM invoice is for this year’s maintenance at Whippoorwill Park.

g. Recommendation to Reimburse Martin Olesen for Car Damage Associated with the Route 60 Trail Construction in the Amount of $2,489.48 subject to legal review

Trustee Sheldon said this claim was investigated and the Parks and Recreation Committee decided to reimburse Martin Olesen for the car damage experienced during the trail construction.

h. Other Matter

Trustee Towne requested the residents receive communication prior to the Oasis Park burn to avoid any concerns. Trustee Sheldon said communication will be provided 24 hours prior to the burning weather permitting.

4. Safety Commission

a. Presentation by Libertyville Fire Protection District Chief

Trustee Pink introduced Libertyville Fire Protection District Chief Richard Carani. Chief Carani attended a meeting in Knollwood on January 30th. Mettawa services are provided by Libertyville Fire Protection. The next steps for LFPD, they will meet in April to discuss with the Village of Rockland if they are interested in consolidating.

Chief Carani mentioned Lake Forest Fire Department automatically responds to both hotels on Riverwoods Road emergency calls given their proximity as opposed to the LFPD. The surrounding Village Fire Departments support various locations due to the number of calls or cases responding from day to day. Chief Carani said they recently purchased a new piece of equipment, a Tender. This truck will allow the firemen to carry 2,500 gallons of water to locations without hydrants.

b. Status and Activity Update

Trustee Pink said the street lighting project is still being studied.

5. Zoning, Planning and Appeals Commission Report

a. Update on the March 7th Meeting Village Attorney Smith said on March 7th ZPA meet and held a public hearing for Corporate Way application to discuss the installation of the berm and the removal of the pond. The ZPA’s final recommendations have not been finalized. We are also waiting for the court reporter’s transcript from the March 7th meeting. The final recommendation will be provided to the Village Board in the upcoming meeting.

Village Attorney Smith said after the application was heard the Commissioners continued their workshop on the text amendment review. The next ZPA meeting is Tuesday, April 4th at this time we will have a public hearing on 14157 W. Riteway Road application.

a. Other Matters


H. Business From The Board For Discussion, Consideration And, If So Determined, Action Upon:

1. Mayor’s Report

a. Lake Forest Beach Parking Permits

Mayor Urlacher said he would like to remind the residents that the Lake Forest Beach Parking Permit will be on sale on Monday, April 3rd for $85.00.

b. Adoption of the Village Zoning Map for 2017

Mayor Urlacher said under state statutes the Village is required to annually publish the Village Zoning Map with any modifications that have been made.

c. Building Report

Mayor Urlacher thanked Village Engineer Scott Anderson for the monthly building report and said it would be placed on file.

d. Other Matters


e. Village Administrator’s Report

Administrator Irvin said there are new tenants moving into the former CDW building, Brunswick and Vyaire Medical Group. Brunswick is due to move in late August. AbbVie Inc. has reached their 100% occupancy in the building which includes 2,000 employees at this location.

2. Unfinished Business

3. New Business

a. Approval of the FY2017-18 Draft Budget

It was moved by Trustee Maier and seconded by Trustee Brennan Approval of the FY2017-18 Draft Budget.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

b. Approval of the Lowest Responsible Bid from TGF Enterprises for 2017 ROW Maintenance Program in the Amount Not to Exceed $17,780.

It was moved by Trustee Maier and seconded by Trustee Sheldon approval of the lowest responsible bid from TGF Enterprises for 2017 ROW Maintenance Program in the amount not to exceed $17,780.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

c. Approval of the Proposal from Main Landscape for 2017 Whippoorwill Park Clean up in the Amount Not to Exceed $650.

It was moved by Trustee Bohm and seconded by Trustee Brennan approval of the proposal from Main Landscape for 2017 Whippoorwill Park Clean up in the amount not to exceed $650.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

d. Approval of the Proposal from Main Landscape for 2017 Whippoorwill Mowing in the Amount Not to Exceed $ 4,500.

It was moved by Trustee Bohm and seconded by Trustee Sheldon approval of the proposal from Main Landscape for 2017 Whippoorwill Mowing in the amount not to exceed $ 4,500.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

e. Approval of the Proposal from Tallgrass for the Oasis Park Grant Project in the Amount Not to Exceed $14,375.

It was moved by Trustee Bohm and seconded by Trustee Sheldon approval of the proposal from Tallgrass for the Oasis Park Grant Project in the amount not to exceed $14,375.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

f. Approval of the Proposal from Tallgrass for Oasis Park Prescribed Burn in the Amount Not to Exceed $5,890.

It was moved by Trustee Sheldon and seconded by Trustee Bohm Approval of the proposal from Tallgrass for Oasis Park Prescribed Burn in the amount not to exceed $5,890.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

g. Approval of the Proposal from Tallgrass for the Oasis Park First Herbicide Application in the Amount Not to Exceed $7,800.

It was moved by Trustee Bohm and seconded by Trustee Sheldon approval of the proposal from Tallgrass for the Oasis Park First Herbicide Application in the amount not to exceed $7,800.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

h. Approval of the Proposal from ILM for Whippoorwill Park 2017 Maintenance and Stewardship in the Amount Not to Exceed $9,120.

It was moved by Trustee Bohm and seconded by Trustee Brennan approval of the proposal from ILM for Whippoorwill Park 2017 Maintenance and Stewardship in the amount not to exceed $9,120.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

i. Approval to Reimburse Martin Olesen for Car Damages Associated with the Route 60 Trail Construction in the Amount of $2,489.48, subject to legal review.

It was moved by Trustee Maier and seconded by Trustee Bohm approval to reimburse Martin Olesen for Car Damages Associated with the Route 60 Trail Construction in the amount of $2,489.48, subject to legal review.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

j. Approval of the Ordinance Authorizing Adoption and Publication of the Official Zoning Map of the Village of Mettawa.

It was moved by Trustee Maier and seconded by Trustee Bohm approval of the Ordinance Authorizing Adoption and Publication of the Official Zoning Map of the Village of Mettawa.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted: Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

k. Approval to Purchase 70 tons of Rock Salt from Morton Salt in the Amount of $4,189.50.

It was moved by Trustee Bohm and seconded by Trustee Brennan approval to purchase 70 tons of Rock Salt from Morton Salt in the amount of $4,189.50.

Upon a call of the roll, the following voted:

Aye: Trustees Bohm, Brennan, Maier, Pink, Sheldon and Towne Nay: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried.

I. Executive Session J. Call To Reconvene K. Roll Call L. Matters Requiring Action Arising As A Result Of The Executive Session M. Items To Be Referred N. For Information Only O. Adjournment

With no further business to conduct, it was moved by Trustee Brennan and seconded by Trustee Sheldon that the meeting be adjourned.

Upon a call of the role, the following voted: In Favor: All Opposed: None

Mayor Urlacher declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

Sandy Gallo, Village Clerk,
