
Lake County Gazette

Friday, January 10, 2025

Village of Bannockburn Board of Trustees met April 12.

Village of Bannockburn Board of Trustees met April 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order. President Rothing called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

President: Frank Rothing

Trustees Present: David Ansani, James Boyle, David Korer, Diana Lackner, Kerry Martin

Absent: Mary Herrmann

Also Present: Village Manager Maria Lasday, Finance Director Linda McCulloch, Chief Ron Price, Village Counsel Vic Filippini, Village Engineer David Gewalt, Village Clerk Kass Sigal (arrived 7:10pm), Assistant to the Village Manager Ryan Mentkowski and Administrative Assistant Joan Koriath

Visitors: Mark Wusso and Adam Findlay (Bentley’s Pet Stuff)

2. 01-04/12: Pledge of Allegiance.

President Rothing led everyone in reciting the pledge of allegiance.

3. 02-04/12: Visitor Business.

Mark Wusso and Adam Findlay, representing Bentley’s Pet Stuff introduced themselves to the Board. They noted they have submitted an application for zoning relief for signage.

4. 03-04/12: Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving a Smart-Ready LED Street Lighting Agreement and Program Participation Agreement between the Village of Bannockburn and Commonwealth Edison. 

Trustee Boyle moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve Resolution 2017-20, a Resolution Approving a Smart-Ready LED Street Lighting Agreement and Program Participation Agreement between the Village of Bannockburn and Commonwealth Edison. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

5. 04-04/12: Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving the 2017 Bannockburn Green Retail Center Seasonal Plan for Outdoor Seating and Table Arrangements and Outdoor Uses. 

Trustee Boyle moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve Resolution 2017-21 a Resolution Approving the 2017 Bannockburn Green Retail Center Seasonal Plan for Outdoor Seating and Table Arrangements and Outdoor Uses. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

6. 05-04/12: Consider Approval of a Donation to the Deerfield Family Days to Sponsor the Shannon Rovers at the July 4, 2017 Parade. 

Trustee Boyle moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve a Donation to the Deerfield Family Days to Sponsor the Shannon Rovers at the July 4, 2017 Parade. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

7. 06-04/12: Consider Approval to Utilize Designated Contributions from the Community Support Fund to Make a $500.00 Donation to Deerfield High School Parent Network and Prom after Party Committee. 

Trustee Boyle moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve Utilizing Designated Contributions from the Community Support Fund to Make a $500.00 Donation to Deerfield High School Parent Network and Prom after Party Committee. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

8. 07-04/12: Consider Approval of a Fair Housing Proclamation by the Village President. 

Trustee Boyle moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve a Fair Housing Proclamation by the Village President. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

9. 08-04/12: Consider Approval of the March 13, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes (Subject to Minor Corrections). 

Trustee Boyle moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve the March 13, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes (Subject to Minor Corrections). On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

10. 09-04/12: Consider Approval of the March 13, 2017 Executive Session Meeting Minutes (Subject to Minor Corrections). 

Trustee Boyle moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve the March 13, 2017 Executive Session Meeting Minutes (Subject to Minor Corrections). On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

11. 10-04/12: Discuss Village Building Permit Fees and Related Ordinances.

Village Manager Lasday provided an overview of the amended draft ordinance.Village Counsel Filippini noted some technical revisions to the draft ordinance. Finance Director noted that suggestions were made to revise the 2nd and 3rd tier to differentiate residential and non-residential fees.

Village Clerk Kass Sigal arrived at 7:10 pm.

12. 11-04/12: Discuss a Referral of Zoning Code sections to the Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals Related to Neon Signs, the Definition of Family, and Application Fees. 

Village Manager Lasday reviewed the items for referral. She noted that as a result of changing the zoning application fees, the Zoning code needs to be updated to reflect changes. Village Counsel Filippini noted that our zoning ordinance was not updated to reflect subsequent changes implemented by the federal government, because regulations came out too late to include in the Villages last comprehensive amendment to the ordinance.

13. 12-04/12: Discuss the Draft Budget and Capital Projects for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.

President Rothing and the Board Complimented Finance Director McCulloch on the presentation of the budget materials. Finance Director McCulloch noted the deficit for the fiscal year is a result of IMRF and a significant rebate will be received by the Village from IRMA next year. She noted the budget is conservative with revenues understated and expenditures overstated. She noted our aggressive reserve policy enables us to have 12 months of operational reserves. She noted that we do not know the impact of projects such as Mariano’s and the Food & Beverage tax revenue on our budget.

14. 13-04/12: Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving a Proposal from SE Inc for the Village’s Bannockburn Day Event to be held on September 10, 2017 in the amount of $7,767.00. 

Village Manager Lasday provided an overview of prior Bannockburn Day expenses. She noted she has looked for ways to reduce expenses for Bannockburn Day. She noted that this contract will consolidate costs for food, equipment and most of the entertainment.

Trustee Korer moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve Resolution 2017-22, a Resolution Approving a Proposal from SE Inc for the Village’s Bannockburn Day Event to be held on September 10, 2017 in the amount of $7,767.00. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

15. 14-04/12: Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving a Contract for Musical Services between the Village of Bannockburn and Pete Zaepfel for the Village’s Bannockburn Day Event to be held on September 10, 2017 in the amount of $250.00. Village President Rothing noted that the band received a positive response at last years’ event.

Trustee Lackner moved, seconded by Trustee Boyle, to Approve Resolution 2017-23, a Resolution Approving a Contract for Musical Services between the Village of Bannockburn and Pete Zaepfel for the Village’s Bannockburn Day Event to be held on September 10, 2017 in the amount of $250.00. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

16. 15-04/12: Consider Approval of the Budget and Capital Projects for Fiscal Year 2017- 2018. 

Trustee Lackner moved, seconded by Trustee Boyle, to Approve the Budget and Capital Projects for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann). 

17. 16-04/12: Consider Approval of the April Bill Submit List.

Trustee Ansani moved, seconded by Trustee Lackner, to Approve the April Bill Submit List. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

18. 17-04/12: Consider Approval of the March Monthly Financial Budget Report.

Trustee Ansani moved, seconded by Trustee Korer, to Approve the March Monthly Financial Budget Report. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

19. 18-04/12: Consider Payment of the Following Invoice:

• Invoice #10427 from Wunderlich-Malec in the amount of $6,500.00 (Modifications to Village’s Reservoir).

Trustee Lackner moved, seconded by Trustee Martin, to Approve Payment of the Following Invoice: #10427 from Wunderlich-Malec in the amount of $6,500.00 (Modifications to Village’s Reservoir). On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

20. 19-04/12: Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving an Annexation Agreement Relating to Bannockburn Special Service Area No. 9 (1900 Wilmot Road). 

Village Manager Lasday and Village Counsel Filippini discussed minor revisions to the approval documents. Village Manager Lasday recommended capping the fee as of the 60-day objection period, if the payment is received in 30 days, otherwise the full interest calculation will apply.

Trustee Lackner moved, seconded by Trustee Ansani, to Approve Resolution 2017-24, a Resolution Approving an Annexation Agreement Relating to Bannockburn Special Service Area No. 9 (1900 Wilmot Road), as Amended. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann).

The Board discussed the width of the Wilmot road pathway easement. Village Counsel Filippini noted that 1900 Wilmot easement is also for utilities, which is different from other possible pathway easements.

21. 20-04/12: Village Engineer.

Village Engineer Gewalt reported recent projects including a flooding issue at 8 Broadley’s Court. He noted the flooding was from the 2 blocked culverts under the road. He noted that American Underground was called in to rod-out the culverts.

He noted the letters for the American Underground camera/televising work will be going out to the residents next week. He noted that completion to the North Avenue landscaping will resume once the weather clears and is dry.

22. 21-04/12: Police Chief.

Chief Price reported on a credit card theft case and a recent fleeing driver. He noted that the SWALCO bin for recycled material has been placed at Bannockburn School. He noted recent task force activities.

23. 22-04/12: Village Counsel. None.

24. 23-04/12: Village Clerk. None.

25. 24-04/12: Village Commissioners.

• Finance: None

• Building: Trustee Korer noted a recent issue with a resident installing an unauthorized re-roof project. President Rothing asked for a review of drainage issues on that property as well.

• Roads & R.O.W.: Trustee Martin noted he attended the Lake County Transportation Alliance meeting about upcoming summer construction projects.

• Sewer & Water: None

• Community Development: Trustee Lackner noted she attended a DBR Chamber event.

• Police: Trustee Boyle noted he attended an event at the shooting range. He noted he is working with Mike Darcey to schedule an emergency management trustee training event.

26. 25-04/12: Village Manager.

Village Manager Lasday noted she attended a meeting with other municipalities to discuss mutual aid and related liabilities. She noted General Assembly activities are limited but could be potentially troublesome for the Village.

27. 26-04/12: Village President.

President Rothing congratulated those re-elected officials. He asked about the fence in need of repair between the Shell station and PNC Bank.

Adjournment. Trustee Lackner moved, seconded by Trustee Korer to adjourn the meeting. On a voice vote, the motion was approved. Ayes: Five (Ansani, Boyle, Korer, Lackner, Martin); Nays: None; Absent: One (Herrmann). The meeting was adjourned at 8:39 pm.
