Lake County Planning, Building and Zoning Committee met May 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Addenda to the Agenda
5. Public Comment
6. Chairman's Remarks
7. Old Business
8. New Business
8.1 17-0490
Committee action on Zoning Board of Appeals Case No. 8022, on the application of Robert Bradley Petersen and Linda L. Petersen requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and PUD Final Plan on PINs 07-14-200-021, 07-14-200-023 and 07-14-200-024.
• Robert Bradley Petersen and Linda L. Petersen are Co-Trustees of the Robert Bradley Petersen and Linda L. Petersen Revocable Trust Agreement dated April 30, 2013. As record owners, they have submitted an application to rezone parcel PIN 07-14-200-023 (Zoning Case No. 8014), from the General Office (GO) District to the Limited Industrial (LI) District, and a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and a PUD Final Plan.
• The permit is needed to expand an existing asphalt, concrete, redi-mix, rock and concrete crushing plant, expand an existing nonconforming residence, provide for future growth and incorporate site improvements to improve onsite circulation and overall business operations. The Conditional Use Permit for a PUD Preliminary Plan approval also requests regulatory flexibly in the integration of mixed uses associated with the business, and provides limitations for future growth of the business.
• The petitioners obtained approval of the rezoning and the Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and PUD Preliminary Plan by the Zoning Board of Appeals on January 24, 2017, the Planning, Building and Zoning Committee on April 5, 2017, and the County Board on April 11, 2017. The approvals are subject to conditions related to bulk and density standards, landscaping, material storage, hours of operation and site maintenance, along with limits on future expansion of operations.
• In accordance with Section 151.051(C)(5) of the County Code, approval of a PUD Preliminary Plan shall constitute approval of a Conditional Use Permit which, together with any zoning change accompanying the Conditional Use Permit; however, they shall not become effective until any PUD Final Plan for the development is approved by the Planning, Building and Zoning Committee and recorded.
• Staff has completed their review of the Planned Unit Development PUD Final Plan and is recommending approval of the plan subject to conditions represented in Exhibit “B” attached, and the applicant complying with the permitting requirements associated with the approved plans.
PBZ Memo_FDPApproval.pdf
8022_CUP_PUD_Exhibit B.pdf
8014_8022_PetersenExcavating_PBZ FDP_041917.pptx
8022 Petersen_FULLSET.pdf
8.2 17-0447
Connor Resubdivision Public Information Meeting, Vernon Township - District 18.
• Proposed 2-lot Conventional Single-Family Residential Subdivision on approximately 2.25 acres, located on the west side of Woodbine Circle, approximately 1/3 mile west of Route 21, Vernon Township.
• Zoned Residential-1 (R-1), with an average lot area of 41,632 square feet. The character of the area to the north, south, and east is single-family residential, zoned R- 1, and to the west are municipal recreational fields located in the Village of Vernon Hills.
• This is a public informational meeting, and thus no action will be taken. The subdivision will be reviewed again for the subdivision modification request (today’s meeting), and at the time of Final Plat approval.
Connor Resub Public Info Report.pdf
8.3 17-0456
Committee Action on Connor Resubdivision Modification Request, Vernon Township - District 18.
• Proposed 2-lot Conventional Single-Family Residential Subdivision on approximately 2.25 acres, located on the west side of Woodbine Circle, approximately 1/3 mile west of Route 21, Vernon Township.
• A modification from Section151.194(M)(2)(b) of the Lake County Code which requires an 18-foot width for a private drive. The applicant requests a modification to allow a 12 -foot width for a private drive in lieu of the18-foot requirement.
• The applicant also requests a modification from Section 151.203(A) of the Lake County Code to allow the submission of a performance assurance at the time of building permitting rather than prior to Final Plat approval. This will be accomplished by entering into an agreement approved by Lake County, which will be recorded with the Lake County Recorder’s Office and shall run with the land.
• Staff has no objection to either modification request.
16034 Woodbine Variance Request_041717.pdf
Connor Sub modification report 05-03-17.pdf
9. Executive Session
10. County Administrator's Report
11. Director's Report
12. Members' Remarks
13. Adjournment
Next Meeting: June 7, 2017