
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Financial and Administrative Committee met May 3.

Lake County Financial and Administrative Committee met May 3.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes

3.1 17-0507

Minutes from April 5, 2017.

3.2 17-0508

Executive Session Minutes from April 5, 2017.

3.3 17-0509

Executive Session Minutes from April 5, 2017.

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment

6. Chairman's Remarks

7. Old Business

8. New Business

Consent Agenda (Items 8.1 - 8.8)

Law & Judicial

8.1 17-0410

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $45,000 in funding from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the approval of the renewal of Intergovernmental Agreement Number 2018-55-024-K1D for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit’s Access and Visitation Program for state fiscal year (SFY) 2018.

• The Nineteenth Judicial Circuit receives grant funding from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services to provide mediation services for never-married parents involved in visitation and custody-related disputes in an effort to increase child support collections from this population.

• The state would like to continue funding the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit’s program in the amount of $45,000 for SFY 2018.

• This access and visitation grant does not require matching funds.

• This program conducted 299 mediations from October 2015 through September 2016.

Health & Community Services:

8.2 17-0498

Joint resolution accepting the University of Chicago Medical Center grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $5,000 for the Extension for

Community Healthcare Outcomes Program.

• The $5,000 University of Chicago Medical Center grant will be dedicated to software that will be used to recruit providers and deliver training.

• The purpose of LCHD/CHC provider participation in ECHO-Chicago is to improve patients care for the community’s most common medical conditions including diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and obesity. In addition, it seeks to advance in-house capability to care for patients with conditions such as Hepatitis C, so we can reduce the need to refer patients to outside specialists.

• LCHD/CHC patients will benefit in the following ways: 1. ECHO-Chicago faculty are available for consultation with provider, even after providers complete an ECHO course; 2. After LCHD/CHC providers complete ECHO training, they will be able to provide advanced care to patients; and 3. ECHO faculty will help ECHO alumni with prior authorizations for referrals and 2nd and 3rd tier medications further reducing the need to refer patients to outside specialist, and will help to facilitate patient care.

• The result of this program will be better care, at lower cost, with more convenience for the patient.

• The $5,000 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the FY17 budget.

• The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.

8.3 17-0450

Joint resolution approving the Summer Youth Employment Worksite Agreements.

• Annually Lake County approves a Summer Youth Employment Worksite Agreement with various organizations and businesses that will serve as worksites and provide summer youth employment to the 215 youth enrolled in the Lake County Summer Youth Employment Program.

• The worksite agreement outlines the responsibilities of the participating summer worksites and Lake County.

• This agreement will be entered with 30 to 35 organizations and businesses that have the capacity and meet the requirements to participate in this program.

• The joint resolution authorizes the County Board Chairman or his designee to sign the agreements.

8.4 17-0451

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Incentive Grant and approving an emergency appropriation to in the amount of $16,833.

• Workforce Development has specific indicators to measure performance for workforce development activities that apply to adult, dislocated workers and youth programs.

• Workforce Development has negotiated with the Illinois DCEO proposed levels of performance for each indicator and if these goals are exceeded, Workforce Development is eligible to receive an incentive bonus award.

• Workforce Development met all 10 performance goals and exceeded six goals for the time frame ending in June 2016; including employment rates, retention rates, average earnings and youth diplomas/certificates.

• The WIOA Local Incentive grant of $16,833 may be used for workforce development activities through June 30, 2018.

8.5 17-0452

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Commerce (DCEO) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) grant modification and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $16,239.

• The TAA grant modification of $16,239 increases the total grant budget to $488,020.76

• The additional funds support expenses associated with payment processing of tuition, training and transportation vouchers for 50 unemployed individuals certified as eligible under the Trade Act and enrolled in occupational training.

• The grant period is through September 30, 2017.

Public Works and Transportation:

8.6 17-0485

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Alliance Contractors Inc., Woodstock, Illinois, in the amount of $161,978 for the concrete pavement patching, where necessary, on various County highways, and designated as Section 17-00000-10-GM.

• 2017 Concrete Pavement Patching: Contract Award.

• Each year, the County undertakes patching of its concrete pavements to preserve surface quality, including repairing damaged manholes, catch basins, curbs and gutters.

• This patching and repairing is done on isolated sections of pavements that are not listed in the Five-Year Program for resurfacings/rehabilitation/reconstruction, but have been otherwise identified as needing repair.

• A total of two bids were received, ranging from $161,978 to $197,807, and the lowest responsible bidder is Alliance Contractors Inc., Woodstock, Illinois, in the amount of $161,978.00.

• This project is included in the highway improvement program.

8.7 17-0491

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $142,132.55 for the Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) surface removal, Class D Patching and construction of HMA Leveling Binder Course and Surface Course Lifts in the Skardas Subdivision in the Grant Township Road District, and designated as Section 17-08183-01-GM.

• 2017 Grant Township Road District: Contract Award.

• A total of four bids were received, ranging from $142,132.55 to $168,019.35, with Peter Baker & Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder with a contract amount of $142,132.55.

8.8 17-0492

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $66,441.86 for the Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) surface removal, Class D Patching and construction of HMA Leveling Binder Course and Surface Course Lifts on Virginia Lane in the Valentine Lakes Estates subdivision in the Wauconda Township Road District, and designated as Section 17-15132-01-GM.

• 2017 Wauconda Township Road District: Contract Award.

• A total of five bids were received, ranging from $66,441.86 to $94,900 with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder with a contract amount of $66,441.86.

Regular Agenda

Law & Judicial:

8.9 17-0479

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation of a Title IV-D Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (IDHFS) and the Lake County State’s Attorney for the continuation of the State’s Attorney’s Child Support Enforcement Program for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, for a maximum reimbursement amount of $650,000 for staff wages and benefits.

• Since 1985, the State’s Attorney’s Office has entered into an annual IGA with the IDHFS to provide child support enforcement services.

• Pursuant to these annual agreements, the State’s Attorney’s Office reasonable costs for providing these services, as determined by IDHFS, are to be reimbursed.

• Since 1999, the State’s Attorney’s Child Support Enforcement staff has included three Assistant State’s Attorneys, four secretaries, three paralegals, and one investigator.

• The Child Support Enforcement Division handles approximately 17,000 active cases, including those to establish paternity, to set support upon voluntary acknowledgement, to establish medical support orders, and to enforce orders for payment of support.

• IDHFS has tendered a proposed State fiscal year (SFY) 2018 contract to reimburse personnel costs not to exceed $650,000, 66 percent of which is federal funds.

• Funding for the Lake County contract was reduced by 7.15 percent ($50,000) from SFY 2017’s contract.

• Sources of program funding include; $650,000 from the State of IDHFS, $31,156 reimbursement from the State’s Attorney’s Environmental Fund, $18,844 from a part-time paralegal position vacancy, and the remainder from the State’s Attorney’s Office FY2017 budget.

8.10 17-0481

Joint resolution brought by the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office to establish the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center Juror Fees Donation Pilot Program.

• This resolution creates a Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center Juror Fee Donation

Pilot Program that will begin June 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018.

• Under this pilot program, any grand juror or petit juror in Lake County may elect to have their juror fees donated to the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center (LCCAC).

• The legislation requires the Lake County Board to adopt, by resolution, rules and policies governing and effectuating the program.

• Jurors will receive a form indicating that they have the option of donating the state mandated juror fees (that are paid by Lake County).

• All monies donated by jurors shall be transferred by the County to the LCCAC at the same time as it otherwise would have been paid to the juror.

• All revenue from the donated juror fees shall be used exclusively for the operation of the LCCAC.

• Lake County Board shall report to the General Assembly and the Governor after each calendar of the Pilot Program on or before March 31, 2018, and March 31, 2019 the following: the number of grand and petit jurors who earned fees; the number of grand and petit jurors who donated fees to this Pilot Program; the amount of donated fees to this Pilot Program; how the monies donated were used by the LCCAC; and the cost that was incurred by Lake County in implementing the Pilot Program.

8.11 17-0503

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Prescient Development Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois, for the procurement of information technology services for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $67,392.

• Due to staff departures, there is a need to contract for technology services for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) to maintain critical operations.

• In 2016, the LCSO and Purchasing Division evaluated firms providing similar services in the regional area and identified Prescient Development Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois, as a responsible vendor to staff augmentation for information technology services for the LCSO.

• In 2016, the Lake County Board authorized an emergency contract with Prescient Development Inc.

• Prescient Development Inc. was awarded a contract with the Village of Winnetka through a request for proposal (RFP) process in 2016.

• Pursuant to Article 10-101 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative Purchasing, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an agreement entered between the participants.

• This contract authorizes the purchase of information technology servicesfor the LCSO with Prescient Development Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois, for a 12-month period in the amount of $67,392.

Health & Community Services:

8.12 17-0453

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Rapid Response grant to pilot an Industry Sector Recruitment Specialist Program, and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $171,849.60.

• Workforce Development is piloting a new strategy to increase the number of dislocated workers connected to high demand jobs in key industry sectors including healthcare, manufacturing, Information Technology and transportation/distribution/logistics.

• The pilot program will contract with four dislocated workers that have worked in one of these industry sectors and have a demonstrated orientation to the industry’s needs and demands as related to workforce.

• The goal of this pilot program is to create streamlined services resulting in greater participation from dislocated workers and delivering a more effective connection to hiring employers. There were 160 additional dislocated workers served through the Job Center and 60 employer connections.

• The grant period is June 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

Public Works & Transportation:

8.13 17-0510

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $55,475 from the Lake County Public Works Department’s Fund 620 for activities within Northern Lake County Lake Michigan Water Planning Group (NLCLMWPG) from May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2017.

• NLCLMPG was established by the County, Lake Villa, and Lindenhurst to plan and coordinate efforts to extend Lake Michigan water to northern Lake County.

• The group meets monthly to discuss items associated with the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) water system extension project and Special Service Area Number (SSA #) 16.

• The County has served as the repository of the group’s funds and financial transactions.

• The NLCLMPG funds were historically held in the Public Works Operation Fund 610.

• In February 2016, the funds were moved to Fund 620 to segregate and better track the monies.

• The budget authority for the funds was not fully appropriated into the Public Works FY 2017 budget; therefore, an emergency appropriation is required.

• This resolution authorizes an emergency appropriation in the amount of $55,475 within the Public Works’ Fund 620 for activities within NLCLMPG from May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2017.

8.14 17-0512

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $104,975 from the Lake County Public Works Department’s Fund 620 for activities within the Northern Lake County Lake Michigan Water Planning Group (NLCLMWPG) from May 1, 2017 and April 30, 2018.

• NLCLMPG was established by the County, Lake Villa, and Lindenhurst to plan and coordinate efforts to extend Lake Michigan water to northern Lake County.

• The group meets monthly to discuss items associated with the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) water system extension project and Special Service Area Number (SSA #) 16.

• The County has served as the repository of the group’s funds and financial transactions.

• The NLCLMPG funds were historically held in the Public Works Operation Fund 610.

• In February 2016, the funds were moved to Fund 620 to segregate and better track the monies.

• The budget authority for the funds was not appropriated in the Public Works fiscal (FY) 2017 budget; therefore, an emergency appropriation is required.

8.15 17-0513

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Boller Construction Company Inc. of Waukegan, Illinois, in the amount of $1,505,100 for the Vernon Hills New Century Town (NCT) Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Phase Two - 2017 Improvements Project.

• The Vernon Hills NCT WRF is a major wastewater treatment facility that provides service to the Village of Vernon Hills and unincorporated portions of the Southeast Central Lake County

• The facility was built in 1973 and expansion occurred in 1989 and 2005. The older buildings and equipment require replacement and repair.

• This project includes building roof and siding replacements, lighting and electrical replacements, aeration diffuser replacement and other miscellaneous repairs and improvements.

• An invitation to bid was extended to multiple contractors for this work and the County received bids from six contractors, ranging from $1,505,100 to $1,803,000.

• Award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Boller Construction Company Inc. in the amount of $1,505,100.

8.16 17-0514

Joint resolution authorizing the first amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Village of Long Grove relating to delivery of water service to Herons Landing Subdivision.

• Herons Landing is a 122-lot subdivision in the Village of Long Grove.

• The original 2011 IGA provided water service from the County to 118 of the 122 lots.

• The four lots excluded from the original IGA were due to neighbors’ concerns that the cost to service these lots with water would drastically increase the project costs which were to be divided evenly among all 122 lots. Additionally, none of the four lots had a desire or need to change their water source at the time.

• The Village was recently approached by two homeowners to be allowed to connect to the water system.

• The Village has approved this first amendment to the IGA to allow the four additional parcels the ability to receive retail water service from Lake County.

8.17 17-0515

Joint resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to facilitate the dissolution of the Round Lake Sanitary District.

• Recent state legislation provided for the Round Lake Sanitary District (District) to enter into an agreement with the County to transfer all its assets and responsibilities to the

County and, upon dissolution of the District, for the County to assume the statutory powers of the District.

• By separate agreement, the County has been operating and maintaining the District’s physical infrastructure assets including the Midland Lift Station and Force Main, the Excess Flow Facility, and the Sunset Sewer Main for several years.

• This IGA transfers the ownership of this infrastructure as well as the property underlying the Excess Flow Facility and the Midland Lift Station. In addition, the District will transfer two unimproved residential lots on Dorothy Court and proceeds of its financial accounts in the approximate amount of $273,000.

8.18 17-0517

Joint resolution authorizing the dissolution of the Fox Lake Hills Sanitary District in accordance with Public Act 99-783.

• Recent state legislation provided for the County to dissolve the Fox Lake Hills Sanitary District (District).

• All of the assets that provided sewer service to the District are currently owned and operated by the County.

• The District has had no corporate activity since 1985, does not have a board of trustees, and does not levy taxes.

• The only known remaining asset of the District is approximately $10,635 in a bank account that will be transferred to the County following dissolution.

8.19 17-0487

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $848,397.71 for the resurfacing of Greenleaf Street, from Washington Street to Illinois Route 120, and designated as Section 15-00184-04-RS.

• Greenleaf Street Resurfacing: Contract Award.

• Greenleaf Street is in need of resurfacing, from Washington Street to Illinois Route 120.

• This resurfacing project will include a culvert replacement and median landscape enhancements.

• A total of two bids were received, ranging from $848,397.71 to $1,130,940.57, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $848,397.71.

• This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

8.20 17-0488

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $1,011,681.70 for the resurfacing of Grass Lake Road, from Illinois Route 83 to Deep Lake Road, and designated as Section 15-00075-13-RS.

• Grass Lake Road Resurfacing: Contract Award.

• Grass Lake Road, from Illinois Route 83 to Deep Lake Road, is in need of resurfacing.

• A total of two bids were received, ranging from $1,011,681.70 to $1,042,107, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $1,011,681.70.

• This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

8.21 17-0497

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Lake County Grading Company, LLC, Libertyville, Illinois, in the amount of $4,982,206.99 for the reconstruction of Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road, and designated as Section 08-00065-02-RS.

• Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road: Contract Award.

• Cedar Lake Road, from Illinois Route 120 to Nippersink Road, will be reconstructed and widened, and will include the construction of a multi-use path, watermain and sanitary sewer work, and stream bank stabilization.

• A total of four bids were received, ranging from $4,982,206.99 to $5,980,074.70, and the lowest responsible bidder is Lake County Grading Company, LLC, Libertyville, Illinois, in the amount of $4,982,206.99.

• This improvement is included in the highway improvement program.

8.22 17-0499

Joint resolution appropriating $2,135,000 of Matching Tax funds and $150,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the resurfacing of Darrell Road, from Illinois Route 176 to Burnett Road and Bonner Road, from Darrell Road to U.S. Route 12, and designated as Section 17-00999-29-RS.

• Darrell Road and Bonner Road Resurfacing: Appropriation.

• Darrell Road, from Illinois Route 176 to Burnett Road and Bonner Road, from Darrell Road to U.S. Route 12, need resurfacing.

• Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $2,135,000 of Matching Tax funds and $150,000 of County Bridge Tax funds is necessary.

• These resurfacing improvements have been identified within the County’s pavement management system, and are included in the highway improvement program.

8.23 17-0500

Joint resolution appropriating $1,620,000 of Matching Tax funds for the resurfacing of Delany Road, from U.S. Route 41 to Sunset Avenue, and designated as Section 17-00093-22-RS.

• Delany Road Resurfacing: Appropriation.

• Delany Road needs resurfacing, from U.S. Route 41 to Sunset Avenue.

• Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,620,000 of Matching Tax funds is necessary.

• This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

8.24 17-0501

Joint resolution appropriating $1,835,000 of Matching Tax funds for the resurfacing of Fairfield Road, from Lake Villa Township Line south to Illinois Route 134, and designated as Section 17-00104-09-RS.

• Fairfield Road Resurfacing: Appropriation.

• Fairfield Road needs resurfacing, from Lake Villa Township Line south to Illinois Route 134.

• Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $1,835,000 of Matching Tax funds is necessary.

• This resurfacing improvement has been identified within the County’s pavement management system, and is included in the highway improvement program.

8.25 17-0502

Joint resolution appropriating $440,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the Rollins Road at Wilson Boulevard drainage improvement, and designated as Section 15-00080-60-DR.

• Rollins Road Drainage Improvement: Appropriation.

• Rollins Road at Wilson Boulevard will be improved with increased drainage capacity, including storm sewer, grading, patching, utility relocations and site restoration.

• Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $440,000 of County Bridge Tax funds is necessary.

• This project is included in the highway improvement program.

8.26 17-0506

Ordinance approving an amendment to the ordinance and agreement with the Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD), relating to the construction of a multi-use trail from I-94 to Van Patten Woods (VPW)/Des Plaines River (DPR) Trail, and designated as Section 15-00078-15-LA.

• Russell Road Multi-use Trail: LCFPD Ordinance and Agreement Amendment.

• The LCFPD desires to construct a multi-use trail within the Russell Road right-of-way connecting to VPW/DPR Trail as a joint project with Lake County.

• The Lake County Board, at its meeting of November 10, 2015, approved an ordinance for the conveyance of property from the LCFPD to Lake County and an agreement with the LCFPD for construction and maintenance of a multi-use trail connecting to VPW/DPR Trail.

• An amendment to the ordinance is necessary to authorize conveyance of an additional permanent easement, from the LCFPD to Lake County.

• An amendment to the agreement is necessary for the County to maintain the culvert and new storm sewer.

8.27 17-0516

Joint resolution approving Change Order Number One consisting of an increase of $16,732.10, appropriating a supplemental amount of $20,000 of Matching Tax funds, for the Phase II design engineering services to stabilize an existing sheet piling wall adjacent to the multi-use path on the north side of Grass Lake Road, and designated as Section 16-00059-11-BR.

• Grass Lake Road 2018 Retaining Wall Maintenance, Phase II Design Engineering Services: Change Order Number One and Supplemental Appropriation.

• This project includes stabilizing an existing sheet piling wall, adjacent to the multi-use path, on the north side of Grass Lake Road.

• This project is currently under contract with Amec Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure Inc., Chicago, Illinois, at a cost of $77,844.

• Additional structural and roadway work will be added to the scope of services increasing the cost by $16,732.10.

• Change orders need to be approved by the standing committees for cumulative net increases over 10 percent.

• The County Board, at its meeting of November 8, 2016 approved an appropriation of $90,000 of Matching Tax funds for these services.

• This resolution appropriates a supplemental amount of $20,000 of Matching Tax funds to cover Change Order Number One in the amount of $16,732.10.

8.28 17-0465

Joint resolution authorizing a quit claim deed in trust for conveying an excess parcel of County-owned property located at 21st Street and Galilee Avenue, Zion, Illinois, to the adjacent property owners, John and Judith Patterson.

• 21st Street and Galilee Avenue: Excess Property Conveyance.

• An excess parcel of County owned property located at 21st Street and Galilee Avenue, Zion, Illinois, has been identified as a priority to dispose of by quit claim deed under the Adverse Possession section of said policy.

• The Lake County State’s Attorney has confirmed that the Adverse Possession requirements have been met by the adjacent property owners, John and Judith Patterson.

• John and Judith Patterson have agreed, in writing, to accept the title to the excess parcel of land and pay the future property taxes due.

• This resolution authorizes the county engineer to record and cause to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds a quit claim deed conveying said excess property to John and Judith Patterson of Winthrop Harbor, Illinois, at no cost.

Financial & Administrative:

8.29 17-0463

Resolution authorizing a contract for electricity rate and management services in the annual estimated amount of $1,700,000.

• Lake County desires to enter into a contract for electricity rate and management services.

• Invitations to Bid will be called for through the public bid process to determine the lowest kilowatt per hour for electricity for the County and due May 25, 2017.

• Energy providers are required to provide five percent of the supply as green energy today, increasing to 25 percent by 2025. Lake County recommends requesting pricing to increase to the 25 percent threshold in this contract term.

• The commodity of electricity rates is a spot market commodity that requires contract execution within 24 hours of bids received.

• The contract authorizes the County Board Chairman to enter into an agreement and to determine a fixed rate per kilowatt hour to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, including up to 25 percent green energy if the cost increase in minimal.

8.30 17-0524

Resolution authorizing a contract with Syska Hennessy, Chicago, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $391,440 to provide architectural and engineering services for mechanical, electrical, fire protection, and architectural (MEFPA) and telecom consulting for the mechanical infrastructure projects at the Babcox Justice Center.

• Included in the 2017 budget and carry-over process, $1,500,000 was approved as part of the facility assessment projects in the Corporate Capital Improvement Program (CCIP) for the third chiller in the Criminal Courts Tower for the jail, the jail’s air handling units design, the jail’s domestic boiler design, and the jail’s smoke evacuation replacement.

• These projects require design and engineering services prior to procurement of construction services.

• In accordance with the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Statement of Interest Number 14030 was issued for professional architectural and engineering services for the Lake County Facilities Operations Department and responses were received from 13 firms.

• Based on staff evaluations, Syska Hennessy, Chicago, Illinois, is the most qualified firm to perform this work and a scope of services was negotiated for this project.

• In 2012, the Lake County Board approved a contract with AECOM for architectural, engineering, and consulting services for the new Criminal Courts Tower

• Syska Hennessy was the engineer of record under AECOM for the design and installation of the new chillers for the Criminal Courts Tower

• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, the selected and recommended firm is Syska Hennessy, Chicago, Illinois.

• This resolution authorizes the execution of the agreement with Syska Hennessy, Chicago, Illinois, in the amount not to exceed of $391,440 and will be managed by Facilities Department of Finance & Administrative Services.

Lake County Babcox Mechanical Infrastructure Projects Proposal

8.31 17-0523

Resolution authorizing a contract with EC America Inc., McLean, Virginia, in an amount of $55,593.68 for Citrix workspace licenses and NetScalers.

• Citrix Servers have been used by Lake County since 2008 and are required to connect outlying sites with remote and secure connectivity to internal County technology systems.

• A current Information Technology (IT) departmental agreement is in place and requires renewal to continue the license maintenance and service.

• Purchasing identified a General Services Administration (GSA) contract with EC America Inc. McLean Virginia, to procure needed licensure that was competitively solicited and awarded.

• Pursuant to Article 10-101 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative Purchasing, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an agreement entered into between the participants.

• Lake County desires to enter into a contract with for Citrix workspace licenses and NetScalers in the amount of $55,593.68.

8.32 17-0525

Resolution authorizing a contract with AST Corporation, Naperville, Illinois, for staff augmentation services for Oracle Database Architect (DBA) consulting for Lake County in an estimated amount of $70,060.

• Lake County desires to enter into a contract for staff augmentation of Oracle Database Administration (DBA) services to maintain and support critical operations within the Oracle system.

• A current Information Technology (IT) departmental contract is in place in the amount of $18,600 for DBA services as an immediate response to a staff resignation.

• There is a need to procure services that will exceed the professional services procurement threshold while a determination is made to either permanently fill this position or outsource through a staff augmentation contract.

• Purchasing identified a cooperative purchasing contract with AST Corporation, Naperville, Illinois, through the General Services Administration (GSA) to procure needed consulting services that was competitively solicited and awarded.

• Pursuant to Article 10-101 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative Purchasing, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an agreement entered into between the participants.

• This contract is in an estimated amount of $70,060 with an hourly rate of $155.

• Any additional hours or services will be charged at this unit cost and will be managed by Lake County’s IT department.

8.33 17-0521

Resolution setting forth the budget policies for compilation of the fiscal year (FY) 2017 Lake County Budget.

• The County Board adopts budget policies annually for the upcoming budget cycle.

• As in the past, all policies were developed to maintain prudent financial management practices for the short and long term.

• The updates to the FY 2017 policy include the presentation of a preliminary list of carryovers as part of the budget process, clarification of how accelerated retirement option (ARO) positions will be treated in light of the State budget uncertainty, and direction regarding the use of special revenue funds.

8.34 17-0473

Presentation on Review of Fees.

8.35 17-0408

Update on legislative initiatives.

9. Executive Session

9.1 17-0530

Executive Session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1).

9.2 17-0531

Committee action authorizing staff to hire for a position.

9.3 17-0532

Executive session to discuss collective bargaining pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(2).

10. County Administrator's Report

10.1 17-0518

Discussion regarding Health Insurance Update and 2018 Planning.

11. Members Remarks

12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: June 7, 2017



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