
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Lincolnshire Architectural Review Board met March 21.

Village of Lincolnshire Architectural Review Board met March 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Present: Chairman Grover, Members Gulatee, Orzeske, Baskin, and Jensen

Absent: Trustee-Liaison Hancock, Members Kennerley and Alternate Barranco

Also Present: Tonya Zozulya, Economic Development Coordinator and Adam Letendre,

Assistant Village Manager/Director of Community and Economic Development

Call to Order

1.0 Roll Call

The roll was called by Tonya Zozulya, Economic Development Coordinator, and Chairman Grover declared a quorum to be present.

2.0 Approval of Minutes

2.1 Approval of the February 21, 2017 Minutes of the Architectural Review Board.

Member Jensen moved and Member Baskin seconded the motion to approve the minutes as written for the February 21, 2017 Architectural Review Board. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

3.0 Items of General Business

3.1 Public Hearing - A variation to Section 12-11-1-R, Prohibited Signs, to permit the use of an electronic display screen on the proposed Marriott Theatre marquee sign, associated with an existing Master Sign Plan for the Lincolnshire Marriott Resort, 10 Marriott Drive (The Marriott Theatre).

3.2 Consideration of a Marquee Sign Design, 10 Marriott Drive (The Marriott Theatre).

Chairman Grover stated this is a public hearing and reviewed the public hearing and meeting process with the Board and members of the audience.

Andy Hite, Marriott Theater was sworn in by Chairman Grover. Andy Hite addressed the Board, presenting power point pictures of the existing marquee, which he noted has not been updated in over 40 years and is past its useful life. He added the theater has recently completed a rebranding with new logo which will be incorporated into the new sign, noting their team has looked at other theater signs in major theater districts which are showing a more modern look. He added the hotel is undergoing a $26 million dollar renovation allowing the marquee to be part of this renovation. This is a world class theater and the proposed marquee will enhance this venue, adding this sign is the first thing people see when they drive into the theater lot. He stated at the height of the recession, their attendance was down over 25%, Marriott Theater has been gaining back their previous numbers but competition is abundant in the area for musicals. Andy Hite said they theater needs to up their game at this property in order to attract those discretionary dollars, adding many theaters and arts organizations in the area are reinvesting in their venues; marketing and advertising is becoming very important, adding this new marquee will help in achieving this goal, increase ticket sales and increase revenue for the Village. Andy Hite noted there are four transparencies on the proposed sign; allowing the theater to advertise not just the current production, but future ones as well.

Art Solis, Northshore Sign Company was sworn in by Chairman Grover. Art Solis presented the proposed marquee sign via PowerPoint. The sign will be an illuminated sign with electronic message unit in the front allowing the theater to program as needed. The side elevations will contain interchangeable printed transparencies. The two illuminated boarders are a specific type of lighting allowing 8 different colors to be programmed. Andy Hite added at most times; only one color will be illuminated at a time. Art Solis indicated the “Marriott” letters are illuminated channels; additional canned lights will be installed under the canopy.

Andy Hite referred back to the PowerPoint presentation, indicating current and proposed show signage as it would appear as patrons approach the main theater entrance. The electronic interval of the sign change can be programmed from 6 second image interval to 15 second image interval. He further discussed the residential areas in the vicinity of the theater; closest residence about 800 feet away. Rivershire’s Property manager allowed the theater staff on site to see the impact of the sign. Andy Hite presented pictures of the site lines from the Rivershire development towards Marriott, including daytime and nighttime photos; stating there is much landscaping, 8 ft. berm between the theater and the residences; adding the signage is not really visible or obtrusive to the Rivershire development.

Chairman Grover asked Andy Hite if he wanted their Findings of Fact, dated March 6, 2017 entered into the record which he replied yes.

Tonya Zozulya, Economic Development Coordinator stated this proposal has received a favorable review from the Village Board on February 13, 2017, adding the Board requested the petitioner to take into consideration the existing Marriott ground sign which was approved in 2011. Also noted in the staff memo are other approved electronic message signs located in the Village. In addition, she said the Village Board requested the petitioner contact the residents of the Rivershire Property, which they did and also to consider dimming the lights at night to minimize impact on surrounding properties. She further indicated staff would like to know the petitioner’s thoughts on the time interval of the electronic message being reduced from a ten-second interval to a six-second interval; staff believes this would be appropriate given the interior location of the sign. In regards to the static image condition, Tonya Zozulya also noted the Village Board and staff’s desire for a requirement to limit the sign to one static image displayed between any animated image/message. She further noted the 6 items under staff recommendation which should be reviewed by this Board and the petitioner for their input or approval and finally, she noted there will be two separate motions for consideration tonight.

Andy Hite reviewed the 6 staff recommendation and made the following comments: Item 1-in regard to the interval timing of no less than 6 seconds; he indicated they prefer this option; provides them with more flexibility. Item 2- displays limited to theater performances only; the petitioner is in agreement. Item 3-minimum of one static image between animated; the petitioner is not in agreement with this. He added there will be static images with some movement in the background. They do not anticipate anything big or blinking in these backgrounds. Item 4-transition; the petitioner agreed to staff recommendation on this to not provide any flashing, blinking or similar effect. Item 5-brightness levels are acceptable as recommended by staff. Item 6- turning the marquee message off; the petitioner suggested 30 minutes after the last performance or 10:00, whichever is later.

Member Orzeske questioned the weight of the canopy and if structural analysis were taken into consideration. Art Solis replied the lighting system is made up of LED; the weight of the aluminum structure would be about 150-200 pounds per side; the electronic component of the very front would be about 500 pounds. He added the way it is constructed; it is very strong but would be willing to get an engineer to review this if this Board so desires.

Member Gulatee asked for some clarification of what the brightness levels actually mean. Art Solis said the sign has a built in sensor; when evening approaches the software or an employee adjusts the brightness accordingly. Tonya Zozulya stated the 5,000 nits during day and 1,000 nits at night are what the code requires. She further noted in the staff comments, the lights are to be shut off at 30 minutes after the performance ends or 10:00; “whichever is earlier”. Any Hite said the petitioner is requesting the language “whichever is later”. In response to question, he added the latest show end time he can recall concluded at 10:45 pm; therefore the lights would be turned off at 11:15 under this proposal. Member Gulatee asked how the Stevenson High School sign interval is set in which it was determined it is set at 10 seconds.

Member Baskin commented the design does provide the impression of Broadway or Las Vegas and is this the right image to bring to a suburban environment. He added the mansard design of the sign is not in keeping with the design of the theater; lacking a certain elegance; adding he is not offended by the sign but is offended by the mansard design. Andy Hite said he understands his comments, but they must work within their budget. He added they have asked some of their patrons about the proposed signage; they were favorable of it. Member Gulatee said it seems an architect was not involved in the marquee design; elements are missing. Member Jensen feels the design is fun, energizing and appealing. Chairman Grover stated this concept is an improvement but questioned the interval display versus static display and asked staff to clarify. Tonya Zozulya stated the intent was for full static display. Any Hite stated they would like to get permission to allow the displays to be non-static. Chairman Grover inquired about the top/bottom lights border; will it be changing or static display. Andy Hite said the colors may change, but the borders would not be a flashing display. Art Solis also said the colors can be changed but definitely no scrolling. Tonya Zozulya recommended the board make notation in their motion to say no scrolling or flashing on the border elements of the marquee. Andy Hite stated the boarder lights and the “Marriott Theater” light would not be part of the electronic display component, adding these would stay on 24-7 and would not be dictated by the electronic display requirements.

Chairman Grover asked if there was any one in the audience that would like to approach. Arthur Schwank, 528 Rivershireshire Place approached and was sworn in; he stated he lives in one of the houses that would be impacted. He is very directly affected and does not think positively of this proposal. He stated they are impacted by their lights and lights from exiting traffic. Mr. Schwank asked how much higher the proposed sign versus the exiting sign height is and what is the strength of this structure during high winds. Art Solis replied the proposed canopy is projecting an additional 8 ft in height. The background is structurally attached to the roof, the letters are attached to metal structures, they will stay firm on the metal background. Mr. Schwank asked if the sign included any audio and it was noted no audio is included in the sign. He further asked for clarification of hours of display and if there would be any concern about some lights being left on 24-7. Andy Hite stated the electronic marquee would be off, but the “Marriott Theater” sign and borders would remain on. Tonya Zozulya stated such signs are allowed to be on 24-7, this property is located within a business district. Eric Bates, Manager of the Marriott Resort approached and was sworn in; he stated as long as the “Marriott Theater” portion of the sign remains on 24-7, they can work with the residents if the border portion becomes an issue by further reducing the NIT intensity. Mr. Schwank asked about any impact on wildlife due to the proximity to nature trails and Des Plaines River. Andy Hite stated they have not assessed wildlife impact of the signage; as there are always lights on the Marriott campus for security and the parking lot lights are brighter for security as well. Mr. Schwank asked if additional shows or productions will be added in which Andy Hite replied they do not have the room on the calendar to add more productions, however, some shows are added for the Children’s Theater during the morning performances during school breaks.

In response to a question by Member Gulatee about the design and budget amount for this improvement, Eric Bates noted this is a privately funded theater; they have been given a budget in which to work with. The owners have invested in the entire campus and the theater is included in the rebranding and update; they have to work within the budget, adding much of the emphasis of the renovations was on the hotel building. Eric Bates asked the Board if they had any suggestions to add to the design. Member Baskin said he likes the idea behind updating the sign; it brands the theater appropriately; he does not like the mansard design of the structure and cannot support it.

There being no further discussion, Member Gulatee moved, seconded by Member Orzeske, that having made findings based on facts covered in Public Hearing held on March 21, 2017, the Architectural Review Board moves to recommend approval to the Village Board of the variation for a theater marquee electronic display screen, associated with an existing Master Sign Plan for the Lincolnshire Marriott Resort located at 10 Marriott Drive, as presented in the petitioner’s cover letter and presentation packet dated March 6, 2017, date stamped received March 13, 2017 subject to the staff’s recommendations and further subject to:

1. A minimum time limit/interval of no less than 6 seconds between changes to the images, display, or subject matter shall be required for the electronic display screen; 2. Static or animate displays shall advertise theater performance being presented or to be presented at the Subject Property; 

3. The transition between messages and/or images (animated or static) displayed on the electronic display screen shall not involve any flashing, blinking, scrolling, rotation, or similar effect; 

4. The brightness levels of the electronic display screen shall be limited to 5,000 nits during the day and 1,000 nits at night, and shall be equipped with a light sensor to automatically adjust brightness based on ambient light levels; and 

5. The electronic display screen shall be turned off no later than 30 minutes after the conclusion of each evening’s performance at the theater, or 10:00 p.m. whichever is later; 

6. The top and bottom light borders on the marquee will not flash, scroll or have any other similar effect.

The motion passed with the vote as follows: 

Chairman Grover, Member Gulatee, Orzeski, Jensen – Approved; Member Baskin–Not Approved

Member Gulatee moved, seconded by Member Jensen approval to the Village Board of the proposed marquee sign design for the Lincolnshire Marriott Resort located at 10 Marriott Drive, as presented in the petitioner’s cover letter and presentation packet dated March 6, 2017 date stamped received March 13, 2017, subject to the option for Lincolnshire Marriott Theater to revisit the design of the top feature of the proposed sign with the Village Board.

The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

4.0 Unfinished Business (None)

5.0 New Business (None)

6.0 Citizen Comments (None)

7.0 Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Grover adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
