
Lake County Gazette

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Village of Lincolnshire Committee of the Whole met April 12.

Village of Lincolnshire Committee of the Whole met April 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:


Mayor Brandt 

Trustee Feldman 

Trustee Grujanac 

Trustee Hancock 

Trustee McDonough 

Trustee Leider 

Village Clerk Mastandrea 

Village Attorney Simon 

Village Manager Burke 

Public Works Director Woodbury 

Chief of Police Leonas 

Assistant Village Manager/Community & Economic Development Director Letendre

Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya

Building Official Jesse

Roll Call: Mayor Brandt called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. and Village Clerk Mastandrea called the Roll.

2.0 Approval of Minutes

2.1 Acceptance of the March 20, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the March 20, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting were approved as submitted.

3.0 Items of General Business

3.1 Planning, Zoning and Land Use

3.11 Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Marriott Lincolnshire Resort’s Master Sign Plan (Ordinance #11-3191-13A) to Install an Identification Sign and to Provide a Variation to Permit an Electronic Display Screen (The Marriott Resort)

Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya provided a summary of the Marriott Resort request to amend the Marriott Lincolnshire Resort Master Sign Plan to install an identification sign and provide a variation to permit an electronic display screen. This Ordinance Amendment was presented during a Public Hearing at the Architectural Review Board (ARB), after consideration, the ARB recommended approval of the proposed sign with six conditions, and the Marriott is in agreement with the conditions.

Mr. Andy Hite representing Marriott Theater provided a presentation regarding the Marriott’s request to amend the Resort’s Master Sign Plan to install an Identification Sign and variations to permit an electronic display screen including plans and benefits of the new sign.

Mr. Art Solis with North Shore Sign provided a presentation highlighting specifics related to the design of the proposed sign.

Trustee Grujanac asked if the lights in the sign could be dimmed. Mr. Solis stated the lights could be dimmed. Mr. Hite noted a resident was at the ARB meeting with light concerns, and they were able to address the resident concerns.

Mr. Hite provided an additional presentation addressing the ARB conditions.

Village Attorney Simon asked when the lights would be turned off. Mr. Hite stated the display screen would be turned off no later than 30 minutes after the conclusion of each evening’s performance with the latest possible performance being 10:45 or 10:00 p.m. on a night there is no performance.

Mr. Hite continued with his presentation with content examples and project survey results relative to the visibility of the proposed sign to the adjacent Rivershire residential development.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.12 Public Hearing on a Proposed Amendment to the Existing Special Use for a Planned Unit Development for an Attached Single Family Residential Townhome Community to Revise Previously Approved Final Development Plans and Plat for a Revised Unit Mix (Pulte Homes)

Economic Development Coordinator provided a summary of a request for a proposed amendment to the existing Special Use for a Planned Unit Development for Camberley Club to revise previously approved final development plans and plat for a revised unit mix. The Board asked for clarification regarding building separation requirements, reductions as a result of the proposed plat revisions, unit sales relative to the school districts and how it compares to the original proposal.

Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya noted Pulte complied with the Public Notification requirements and provided responses to the PUD standards.

Mayor Brandt recessed the Committee of the Whole meeting and opened the Public Hearing regarding a Proposed Amendment to the Existing Special Use for a Planned Unit Development for an Attached Single Family Residential Townhome Community to Revise Previously Approved Final Development Plans and Plat for a Revised Unit Mix (Pulte Homes).

Mayor Brandt noted the procedures of the Public Hearing

Mayor Brandt swore in Mr. Peter Tremulis Vice President of Land with Pulte Homes.

Mr. Tremulis provided a summary and presentation of Pulte’s request to change building types for 5 buildings from Terrace buildings to Villa buildings. Mr. Tremulis noted the setback changes that would result from the proposed change. Mr. Tremulis provided information regarding the school districts relative to the units as requested by the board.

Trustee Feldman asked how typical this type of unit change request comes up after plans have already been approved. Mr. Tremulis stated this is not a common request; the current request is the result of the consumer demand for the larger, more expense homes.

Trustee Hancock asked how many more bedrooms would there be as a result of the building change. Mr. Tremulis noted the larger units offer a larger bedroom mix of 3 – 4 bedrooms while the smaller units offer 2 – 3 bedrooms. Mr. Tremulis stated Pulte will need to true-up at the end of the project for school and park impact fees. The increase could be up to six more bedrooms than originally planned.

A conversation regarding the possible impact the revised units could have on the schools followed. Mr. Tremulis noted the Villa buildings already sold have no school age children in them.

Mayor Brandt asked what the price differential was from the Terrace buildings to the Villa buildings. Mr. Tremulis noted the price differential is approximately $200,000. Trustee Hancock asked what the price point of each building type was. Mr. Tremulis stated the Terrace buildings are in the $500,000 range and the Villa buildings are in the $700,000 range.

Trustee McDonough asked if Pulte considered removing some of the Terrace buildings from the plan to accommodate the Villa buildings they are proposing. Mr. Tremulis stated Pulte has not considered taking buildings out at this time. Trustee McDonough noted a lot of time was taken on the layout of the original plan to make sure the plan was not too dense, and the buildings had a good amount of separation. Trustee McDonough stated his opinion was if Pulte wants to change Terrace into Villa’s some of the Terrace buildings should be removed.

Trustee Hancock asked what the ratio of Terrace buildings versus Villa buildings are in the proposed plan and what was the ratio originally. Mr. Tremulis noted the proposed plan would be 6 Terrace buildings or 22 units remaining in the 86 unit subdivision. Village Attorney Simon noted the original plan was 45 Villa units and 41 Terrace units. Village Manager Burke noted there would be a 21% change in building/unit types. A conversation regarding the demand versus buildout followed. Trustee Hancock noted his opinion is the proposed is too much of a change that would affect density and the schools.

Trustee Grujanac noted her concern is the impact on the schools with the possibility of the additional bedrooms. Trustee Leider asked if they considered converting less than the five buildings currently proposed. Mr. Tremulis noted building 9 could possibly be eliminated from the request for change in unit type.

Mayor Brandt asked if Pulte talked with the schools about the proposed change. Mr. Tremulis stated Pulte has not talked to the schools but would be happy to do so. Mayor Brandt asked Pulte to revisit the request and possibly revise the request to convert fewer buildings. Mayor Brandt asked Pulte if they would consider talking with the schools, possibly revise their request to convert fewer buildings to Villas, and consider limiting the number of bedrooms for the proposed Villa building to 3 bedrooms and a loft. Mr. Tremulis stated he is not prepared to make this decision and would have to report back to the Board.

Mayor Brandt noted her opinion was the smaller units are promoting more school age children not the proposed larger units.

Village Attorney Simon asked for clarification noting some of the paperwork for building 9 states it is building 8. Mr. Tremulis noted there was an error in some of the paperwork noting building 8 which is actually building 9 and this has been corrected.

Trustee McDonough noted concern with the space between buildings, specifically buildings 4 and 5.

A conversation regarding reducing the amount of buildings and financials followed. Mr. Tremulis stated he did not feel comfortable taking out an entire building and would be more comfortable building out what was originally approved.

Trustee Leider stated his opinion is the proposed would not likely be approved unless Pulte could come back with something the Board would feel more comfortable accepting.

Mr. Tremulis stated Pulte would work with staff and bring a revised proposal back to the Board which would convert less of the Terrace buildings to Villa buildings.

Mayor Brandt asked if there were any Public comments.

Mayor Brandt adjourned the Public Hearing and reconvened the Committee of the Whole meeting at 8:16 p.m.

3.13 Consideration of Annual Economic Development Strategic Plan Update (Village of Lincolnshire)

Assistant Village Manager/Community & Economic Development (CED) Director Letendre summarized the Annual Economic Development Strategic Plan which included the Shop & Dine Guide provided in the packets and thanked Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya and Administrative Assistant Leslie Ulibarri for all their design efforts. Assistant Village Manager/CED Director Letendre also introduced the Project Development Story Map and Virtual Mall which are GIS maps on the website. Staff is working with GIS to finalize Available Properties and Event Space Maps which will also be housed on the website.

Trustee Feldman noted she thought the map in the Shop & Dine guide was a bit small. Assistant Village Manager/CED Director Letendre stated the reason the map was small was due to adding events to the Guide.

Trustee Hancock noted the goals in the plan seemed excessive and suggested staff focus on goals that are quantifiable. Trustee Hancock also suggested prioritizing the goals. Trustee McDonough agreed with prioritizing and minimizing goals. Trustee McDonough suggested narrowing the goals to seven in the next version of the plan document.

Assistant Village Manager/CED Director Letendre stated staff will work on minimizing redundancy in the Plan and will work toward partnering with local organizations to help with Economic Development.

Trustee McDonough noted his opinion is the Buffalo Grove/Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce is somewhat of a conflict stating if you’re a restaurant or shop in the Lincolnshire, the competitors are Buffalo Grove and suggested having strategy for just Lincolnshire. Assistant Village Manager/CED Director Letendre noted staff will work this into the goals as suggested by the Board.

Village Manager noted this is year five of the plan. Staff will work on goals, refine, consolidate, and bring this back before the Board in late summer/early fall. A separate workshop meeting will take place to discuss prioritization and goals for the future.

Mayor Brandt stated the Village is utilizing the term “Find Your Space”, more photos in the Shop & Dine guide and on the new website. Mayor Brandt suggested staff work on updating the Pedestrian Path Connection Map and use the “Find Your Space” logo as part of the update.

There was a consensus of the Board to have workshop to prioritize and identify economic development strategic goals.

3.14 Consideration and Discussion of Milwaukee Avenue Corridor Plan – Draft Request for Proposals for Planning Services (Village of Lincolnshire)

Mayor Brandt noted she saw an article from Russell Lissau on this agenda item and he would like input from the Board and staff.

Assistant Village Manager/CED Director Letendre provided a summary of the proposed Milwaukee Avenue Corridor Plan – draft request for proposals for planning services. Staff is looking for direction and feedback from the Board.

Village Manager Burke noted the RFP was drafted in response to the 2017 Goals. The question is about Board priority and timing to see if it is possible to obtain grant money if the Board approves partnering with Buffalo Grove and CMAP or going out on our own.

Trustee Grujanac noted her initial thought is to seek grant money and partner with Buffalo Grove but asked if partnering with Buffalo Grove, would “marry” us to their design plans. Assistant Village Manager/CED Director Letendre stated his opinion was a partnership is beneficial and CMAP would not favor one entity over another. Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya noted Buffalo Grove’s portion of Milwaukee Avenue is minimal. CMAP would cover 80% of the cost if the Village is approved for a grant. In order to qualify for the grant, the proposal would need to be submitted by the end of June and the Village would know from CMAP by the end of October.

Trustee McDonough asked what the CMAP report would look like; does staff have an example of one. Assistant Village Manager/CED Director Letendre noted this came up quickly and staff would have to follow up with examples; CMAP is the central depository for this type of work and they would be able to obtain the information from them.

There was the consensus of the Board for staff to gather information regarding the grant opportunity and report back to the Board.

3.2 Finance and Administration

3.3 Public Works

3.31 Consideration of Text Amendments to Tree Preservation Code (Village of Lincolnshire)

Public Works Director Woodbury summarized and updated the Board regarding the proposed Text Amendments to Tree Preservation Code.

Building Official Jesse provided a presentation of the proposed Text Amendments to Tree Preservation Code including new definitions, tree protection, diversity of species, updating the language of the code to be more clear and better defined, and manage tree bank funds.

Trustee McDonough noted approval of the changes.

Trustee Hancock asked for clarification of the removal of dead trees and the ability to use the tree bank. Public Works Director Woodbury noted the current way the Code is written is tree bank funds can only be used to replant trees. There are several areas in the business community where there are dead trees. One of the directives from the Board was for staff to work with some of these businesses to get some of the dead trees removed. The current way the code is written is not feasible for the businesses to remove and replant big trees on their properties. Trustee Hancock asked what latitude is in the proposed code to eliminate abuse of the tree bank. Public Works Director Woodbury stated the businesses would still have to go through the tree removal permit process and be approved by Village Staff.

Village Manager Burke stated this is not a revision to the tree bank policy of using the tree bank funds as an incentive for removal. The code recommendation is simply to amend the code to allow for the use of the funds for removal. Staff would need to bring back the tree fund policy revisions once this code is changed to allow the businesses to use the funds.

Trustee Leider noted Heritage trees have been defined in the code and asked for clarification. Building Official Jesse stated staff increased the value of a larger tree and hopefully restricted its removal; if someone wanted to take down a 30” Oak tree over a swimming pool, staff would deny the request. Trustee Leider noted the revision states the Heritage Trees can be removed if a tree two times the amount replaces it and asked if two times the amount is enough to prevent the removal of these trees. Building Official Jesse stated the revised code permits staff to deny the request.

There was a consensus of the Board to place this item on the Consent Agenda for approval at the next Regular Village Board Meeting.

3.4 Public Safety

3.41 Consideration of Police Department Succession Planning and Command Structure - Police Commander (Village of Lincolnshire)

Chief of Police Leonas provided a summary of the Police Department succession planning and Command structure proposed to include two Police Commander’s to replace the upcoming departure of the current Deputy Chief. Chief Leonas noted the department was previously structured to have two commanders rather than a Deputy Chief position and this would reflect going back to that structure. Chief of Police Leonas provided information regarding staffing structure and budget impacts. Chief of Police Leonas provided the Board with the annual Police Report.

Trustee McDonough asked if the Deputy Chief position was created due staffing changes at the time and when did this happen. Village Manager Burke stated the Deputy Chief position was in place when he started with the Village in August of 2012. Village Manager Burke stated the Deputy Chief of Police was a change that happened when Chief of Police Kinsey started in June 2011. Village Manager Burke stated the Commander position was being considered even prior to Chief of Police Kinsey retiring.

Trustee McDonough noted much of the Administrative tasks have been outsourced and asked if some of these duties recommended for Commander could be done at the Sergeant level. Chief of Police Leonas stated currently there are emphasis on two functions; administrative duties and everything else. There is a significant amount of work with Records, Investigators and everything else Administrative. Chief of Police noted a Sergeant is currently handling these functions, and the Sergeant position would not be immediately replaced. Chief of Police Leonas stated these Administrative tasks are more in line with duties of a Commander. Chief of Police Leonas stated if the desire to use a Sergeant was for savings, you would eventually lose the savings due to overtime; the Commander positions are exempt and not eligible for overtime. Trustee McDonough asked if there would typically be overtime for an Administrative Sergeant. Chief of Police Leonas stated typically the Administration Sergeant position does not require overtime unless there are Village events but once Deputy Chief of Police Price retires, the potential for overtime will greatly increase since the proposed Commanders will assume the duties of the Deputy Chief.

Trustee Hancock asked what percentage of the Police Officer in charge is mitigated by two Commanders. Chief of Police Leonas stated the percentage of Police Officer in charge would remain the same, since this position covers when the Sergeant is not available due to training and court. Chief Leonas noted eventually he would like to reinstate a 5th Sergeant to have an additional leadership position and float on an alternate schedule and to be able to work all shifts. The Police Officer in charge does not present the same type of leadership as a Sergeant does. The Commanders will be able to fill in for the Sergeants more than the Deputy Chief is able to currently.

Chief of Police Leonas provided information relative to other Police Department structures and in his opinion the proposed structure fits the Village of Lincolnshire.

Trustee McDonough asked if this could be revisited as part of the budget process. Chief of Police Leonas stated Deputy Chief Price will be leaving June 23rd and to go six months without additional administration and leadership would be difficult. A conversation regarding the department going forward and budgeting for this proposed organization followed. Chief of Police Leonas noted overtime will start to affect the current budget if this reorganization is held off until 2018 and will affect Chief of Police duties; time to manage budget, personnel, and succession of leadership. Chief of Police Leonas noted the desire to have Deputy Chief of Police Price available to help with training of the proposed Commanders.

Mayor Brandt asked when renegotiations will start for the FOP. Chief of Police Leonas stated renegotiations will start in 2018.

Trustees Grujanac and Feldman noted support and approval of the proposed plan.

Trustee Hancock noted approval of the proposed structure but would not be in favor of a 5th Sergeant at the current time.

Trustee Leider recommended reviewing the holistic view of the needs of the Police Department and Village staff on a regular basis instead of reviewing the Police Department needs when someone leaves. Village Manager Burke noted his direction is to have all departments look at their personnel needs annually prior to the formal budget process. Chief of Police Leonas stated his goal is to have a plan projected out for five years.

There was a consensus of the Board to move forward with the proposed Command structure.

3.5 Parks and Recreation

3.6 Judiciary and Personnel

4.0 Unfinished Business

4.1 Bulk Zoning Regulations

Trustee Hancock asked for a status of revisions to the Bulk Zoning Regulations.

Assistant Village Manager/CED Director Letendre stated staff is still gathering information on allowable lot sizes and other items the Board requested.

5.0 New Business

5.1 Town Hall Meeting

Mayor Brandt noted the Town Hall Meeting will be held on May 8th. Each Department will present a recap of their accomplishments over the past year. Mayor Brandt asked if the Board would be willing to start the Town Hall Meeting earlier. Village Manager Burke suggested starting the Town Hall Meeting at 6:30 p.m. The consensus of the Board was to start the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

5.2 Brookwood Farm

Mayor Brandt stated she received an email regarding Brookwood Farm; the original homestead has been up for sale and there is an option to purchase. Mayor Brandt stated the purchaser has been going around to residents with a plan for the property and she asked staff to set up a meeting with the potential buyer and land owner to get more information to share with the residents.

Residents at Brookwood Farm are concerned since the impending closing date is drawing near.

Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya stated the current covenants require the owner to maintain the current structures or replace it with a one- story structure. Mayor Brandt asked Economic Development Coordinator Zozulya to forward the covenant to the Board and residents of Brookwood Farm.

6.0 Executive Session

7.0 Adjournment

Trustee McDonough moved and Trustee Grujanac seconded the motion to adjourn. Upon a voice vote, the motion was approved unanimously and Mayor Brandt declared the meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.




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