
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Beach Park Plan Commission Zoning Board of Appeals will meet June 1.

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Village of Beach Park Plan Commission Zoning Board of Appeals will meet June 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order & Roll Call

2. Pledge

3. Approval of the April 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Board Minutes.

4. Village Board Report – Trustee Larry Wells

A. Gladstone Square – 38975 N. Lewis Avenue

Petitioner, Gladstone Square, representative for the property owner, Mike Ruchti, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a freestanding sign with an electronic message center and any height and area variations of the sign as may be needed pursuant to the sign requirements of the B-1 Business District along with any Variations to bulk, dimension, and setback standards of the Village of Beach Park Sign Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance reflected in the submitted applications documents and any other zoning relief as may be required or found to be required. The subject property is zoned in a B-1 Business District.

Passed At The April 27, 2017 Board Meeting.

B. Bodilac, LLC – 12771/12793 W. Wadsworth & 12763/12787 Pickford, Beach Park, IL

Petitioner, Bodilac LLC, owner of the property, is requesting a Zoning Map Amendment (Suburban Residential SR to B-1 Business District) and approval of a Planned Development (PD) including conditional uses and zoning departures as may be needed to establish and operate a Mini-Warehouse facility on approximately 5.5 acres of property having 270’ of frontage along the south side of Wadsworth Road between Adelphi Avenue and Morse Avenue. Vacation of the unimproved Pickford Avenue right-of-way between Adelphi Avenue and Morse Avenue is also requested as part of the proposed development plan which includes a total of approximately 57,900 square feet of climate controlled and non-climate controlled indoor storage to be distributed among three (3) buildings as well as other associated site improvements for development of the property submitted in the application for Planned Development and plans for the property.

Passed At The April 27, 2017 Board Meeting.

5. Public Hearings

Swear in Petitioners who will be or may be speaking before the Board for any Public Hearing issue on the agenda

C. Parallel Infrastructure, LLC

– 11270 W. Wadsworth Road, Beach Park, IL

Petitioner, PI Tower Development LLC, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to install a cell tower on property located at 11270 W. Wadsworth Road in the Village of Beach Park. The subject property is zoned in a R-1 Single Family Residential District. The petitioner is also requesting approval of Variances to increase the maximum height of a structure permitted from 35 feet to 110 feet, decrease the required setback(s) and any other zoning relief as may be necessary for this project and from any other standards of the Village of Beach Park Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 18.04 Personal Wireless Service Facilities of Title 18 – Telecommunications of the Village of Beach Park Municipal Code presented in submitted exhibits or discovered during the proceedings of the Public Hearing.

i. Open the public hearing

i. Brief description of zoning matter. ii. Legal description as noted in Petition. iii. Confirm with Recording Secretary Notice was published and property posted. Published in the Zion Benton News 5/10/17

ii. Applicant Testimony

iii. Village Staff Reports

iv. Questions from the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeal

v. Open Public Comment

a. Motion-second-vote

Written statements received.

Oral statements: will be limited to five (5) minutes per person.

vi. Close Public Comment

a. Motion-second-vote

vii. Board Discussion – Motion to recommend approval or denial – second vote.

viii. Close the Public Hearing

a. Motion-second-vote

6. Public Comment

7. Old Business

8. New Business

9. Adjournment

Next Meeting: July 6, 2017
