
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Big Hollow School District #38 Board of Education met June 12

Webp meeting909

Big Hollow School District #38 Board of Education met June 12.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

1. Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, June

12, 2017 at the Big Hollow Middle School Library.

Roll Call:

The following members were in attendance: Cernuska, Enters, Lyons, Mazur, Pedersen, Plescia

The following members were absent: Kueter

The following administration were present: Gold, Arndt, Whipple, Meek

2. Pledge of Allegiance:

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Motion to move to Closed Session:

A motion was made by Cernuska and seconded by Mazur to move to closed session. Motion


Aye: Cernuska, Mazur, Enters, Lyons, Pedersen, Plescia

Nay: None

4. Resume to Open Session:

Open Session began at 7:05 p.m.

5. Added Items/Approval of the Agenda:

A motion was made by Pedersen and seconded by Enters to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Aye: Pedersen, Enters, Cernuska, Lyons, Mazur, Plescia

Nay: None

6. Academic Spotlight:

Linda Merrill, Carrie Miller, and Chris Jackowiak provided the Board with highlights of the

Primary/Elementary Physical Education program. We are one of the top fundraisers in northern

IL for Jump Rope for Heart. They run several free community events that are well attended.

They updated the Board on Early Release Day work and technology that is being used. They are

using technology for assessment opportunities, self-tracking, behavior logs and parent


7. Approve Consent Agenda Items:

A motion was made by Cernuska and seconded by Mazur to approve the consent agenda items.

Motion carried.

Aye: Cernuska, Mazur, Enters, Lyons, Pedersen, Plescia

Nay: None

8. Public Comments:

There were no public comments.

9. Superintendent’s Report:

a. Monthly Board Policy review

Sections 6:145-6:180 were reviewed.

b. Recognition from the American Heart Association

Emilie Gill, from the American Heart Association, needed to leave for a family emergency,

so Mr. Gold recognized the work that our Physical Education staff has done this past year in

support of the Association and presented plaques to the Primary, Elementary and Middle


c. Board meeting dates for SY 2017-2018

A list of Board meeting dates for SY 2017-2018 was presented.

d. End of year MAP assessment summary

A summary of the 2016-2017 average spring RIT scores for each grade level in reading and

math as compared to the national norms at each grade level was presented. Growth levels

were discussed.

e. Adoption of the 2017-2018 Budget Calendar

It was announced that the tentative budget for SY17-18 will be presented during the

Monday, August 14, 2017 Board Meeting. According to the Illinois School Code, the

budget will need to be on display in our office for thirty (30) days prior to the board

adopting the final budget. All public school budgets must be approved by September 30th

of each year. The budget will be on display at the District office by August 10, 2017.

Mr. Gold recommended that the Board of Education adopt the budget calendar outlined


Friday, August 4, 2017 – Local ad appears in the Daily Herald regarding thirty-day

notice of budget on display.

Monday, August 14, 2017 – Board approves Tentative Budget for SY17-18.

Thursday, August 10, 2017 through Monday, September 11, 2017 – Budget on public

display at the District office.

Monday, September 11, 2017 – Board adopts budget for 2017-2018 school year.

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Cernuska to adopt the budget calendar for the

2017/2018 school year. Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Cernuska, Lyons, Mazur, Pedersen, Plescia

Nay: None

f. Insurance Update

An update on the 2017-2018 health insurance premiums was presented. In summary, the

medical rates increased by 5% and the dental rates increased by 18%.

An update on the 2017-2018 property/casualty and workers’ compensation premiums was

presented. In summary, the total cost for these coverages has decreased from $126,142 to


g. IESA Sportsmanship Award

Big Hollow Middle School was selected by the Illinois Elementary School Association

(IESA) for the Division Sportsmanship Award. This award recognizes outstanding behavior

of a member school in each of the 15 IESA divisions. Schools are nominated by their peers

in each Division in May of each school year. Each winner receives a banner to hang in their

school gym.

h. Approve the adoption of the Eureka Math resource for grades K-5th grade on 1st reading

Mr. Gold explained how Eureka Math has improved scores at the Antioch school district. We

have sent our teachers into their classrooms to see firsthand how it works. It was questioned

whether there are parent resources in order to help parents understand and help their children

with homework. The process was explained and a proposal for adoption of Eureka Math was


A motion was made by Pedersen and seconded by Mazur to approve the adoption of the

Eureka Math resource. There will be a final July, 2017 vote. Motion carried.

Aye: Pedersen, Mazur, Lyons, Plescia, Cernuska, Enters

Nay: None

i. Update on Wilson Rd./Nippersink Rd. Construction Project

All of the property acquisition and permitting has been completed. They are planning to

award a contract to a contractor in late July. There will be some construction (tree clearing

mostly) starting around the beginning of October but no real roadway work. The majority of

the work is scheduled to start in early 2018. The possibility of sidewalks was also discussed

along with safety hazards.

j. Update on the State budget situation and the current impact on BHSD 38

As of Thursday, June 8, 2017, the State of Illinois has yet to pass a budget for school district

allocations for the 2017-2018 school year. Concerns were discussed on how long we can stay

open without receiving the funds that are owed to us. The State currently owes BHSD a total

of $1,114,766 broken down into the following areas:

SPED Private Facility Tuition                  $51,564

SPED Services                                     $169,580

SPED Personnel                                   $229,321

SPED Summer School                             $4,639

Transportation--Regular                       $303,456

Transportation--SPED                          $356,206

Total                                                   $1,114,766

k. Discussion on Board Committee Assignments for 2017-2018

Updated list is as follows:


Tiffany Enters, Julia Mazur, Vivian Kueter


Joe Cernuska, Kevin Lyons, Lauren Plescia


Joe Cernuska, Doug Pedersen, Lauren Plescia

Health Insurance

Julia Mazur, Doug Pedersen, Lauren Plescia


Vivian Kueter, Kevin Lyons, Doug Pedersen


Vivian Kueter, Kevin Lyons, Julia Mazur


Joe Cernuska, Tiffany Enters, Julia Mazur


Joe Cernuska, Tiffany Enters, Doug Pedersen

10. Other Action Items:

a. Approve the May employment report

A motion was made by Cernuska and seconded by Enters to approve the May employment

report. Motion carried.

Aye: Cernuska, Enters, Mazur, Pedersen, Plescia, Lyons

Nay: None

b. Approve Extra-Curricular Assignments for 2017-2018

A motion was made by Mazur and seconded by Enters to approve the Extra-Curricular

Assignments for 2017/2018. Motion carried.

Aye: Mazur, Enters, Pedersen, Plescia, Cernuska, Lyons

Nay: None

c. Approve the certification of hazardous bus conditions

The Illinois School Code requires that the Board of Education annually review areas within

1½ miles of school where free bus transportation is provided because conditions are such that

walking constitutes a serious hazard. Currently, five such areas have been approved by the

Illinois Department of Transportation:

• Heading east on W. Nippersink Rd. from the entrance of Big Hollow Middle School.

• Heading west on W. Nippersink Rd. from the entrance of Big Hollow Middle School.

• Heading north on Fish Lake Rd. from the entrance of Big Hollow

Primary/Elementary Schools.

• Heading south on Fish Lake Rd. from the entrance of Big Hollow

Primary/Elementary Schools.

• Heading west on Molidor Rd. from the entrance of Big Hollow Primary/Elementary


A motion was made by Cernuska and seconded by Pedersen to certify that the hazardous

conditions remain unchanged and that walking continues to constitute a serious hazard to

students due to vehicular traffic. Motion carried.

Aye: Cernuska, Pedersen, Plescia, Enters, Lyons, Mazur

Nay: None

d. Approve the agreement for transportation services between the Board of Education of Big

Hollow School District and St. Bede Catholic School

A resolution outlining an agreement to transport students who attend St. Bede but live within

the Big Hollow School District boundaries was presented. Students from St. Bede will ride

our busses to the Middle School and will then be transported on one bus from the Middle

School to their campus. Students will then be picked up in the afternoon at their campus and

transported to the Middle School where they will then get on our busses for transportation

home. Discipline issues and age differences in students riding together were discussed.

A motion was made by Cernuska and seconded by Plescia to approve the agreement for

transportation services between the Big Hollow School District and St. Bede Catholic School.

Motion carried.

Aye: Cernuska, Plescia, Enters, Lyons, Mazur, Pedersen

Nay: None

e. Approve the purchase of 4 vans for the transportation department

A letter to the Board outlining the proposed purchase/lease of vehicles required to reduce our

current need for contractual transportation services for students served out-of-district was

presented. Driver training and fuel was discussed.

A motion was made by Mazur and seconded by Enters to accept the proposal for the

purchase/lease of vehicles for contractual transportation. Motion carried.

Aye: Mazur, Enters, Lyons, Pedersen, Plescia, Cernuska

Nay: None

f. Approve the installation of a walk-in freezer in the Big Hollow Primary/Elementary kitchen

An estimate was presented to show the approximate cost for the project. Janet Longo

discussed the need for space to store frozen goods because of our increase in students.

A motion was made by Mazur and seconded by Cernuska to move forward with the purchase

of a walk-in freezer for the Big Hollow Primary/Elementary kitchen.

Aye: Mazur, Cernuska, Lyons, Pedersen, Plescia, Enters

Nay: None

g. Approve Illinois Association of School Boards dues for 2017-2018

A summary of the IASB Membership dues for SY 2017-2018 was presented.

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Pedersen to approve the IASB Membership

dues. Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Pedersen, Lyons, Mazur, Plescia, Cernuska

Nay: None

h. Approve the appointment of a Treasurer for the 2017-2018 school year and the corresponding

School Treasurer’s Bond

A contract for Patricia Syens to serve as the Treasurer for BHSD 38 for the 2017-2018 school

year was presented. It is estimated that the work of the Treasurer will be less than 3 hours per

month. The School Treasurer’s Bond that will be secured through Liberty Mutual Insurance

Company is for a total of $4,500,000.

A motion was made by Cernuska and seconded by Plescia to approve Patricia Syens contract

as Treasurer for the 2017/2018 school year.

Aye: Cernuska, Plescia, Mazur, Pedersen, Enters, Lyons

Nay: None

11. Resignations Accepted:

The following resignations were accepted during the month of May:

• Dana Bailey, 2nd Grade Teacher, effective the end of the 2016-2017 school year

• Jennifer Truss, Elementary Paraprofessional, effective 6/5/2017

• Lauren Meredith, Middle School Physical Education Teacher, effective 6/6/2017

• Roberta Bock, Food Service Worker, effective 6/6/2017

12. Informational Items:

a. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

There were no FOIA requests to report at this time.

b. Monthly Reports for the Board

Administrator, Food Service and Monthly Discipline Reports were presented.

c. Meeting Agendas

The Agenda for May, 2017 Administrator meeting was presented.

d. The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will take place on Monday, July 10, 2017 with

closed session beginning at 6:00 p.m.

13. Motion to move to closed session:

Closed session not needed.

14. Return to Open Session:

Not needed.

15. Take any necessary action following closed session regarding minutes, employment of personnel,

resignations, terminations or leaves of absence:


16. Adjournment:

A motion was made by Enters and seconded by Cernuska to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Aye: Enters, Cernuska, Pedersen, Plescia, Lyons, Mazur

Nay: None
