Village of Lake Barrington Board of Trustees met August 1.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
Honorable Kevin C. Richardson, President
Andrew F. Burke, Trustee Randall L. Rigby, Trustee
Karen Daulton Lange, Trustee John M. Schaller, Trustee
Christopher D. Mitchell, Trustee Jim Thompson, Trustee
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes of the of the Special Meeting of the Committee of the Whole – July 18, 2017
B. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting- July 18, 2017
Recommended Action: Motion to approve the minutes. (Voice Vote)
5. President’s Remarks (President Richardson)
A. Committee assignments for Village Board Members
B. Website and Social Media Posting Policy
C. Board Member portraits for website
6. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Board Non-Agenda Items
7. Consent Agenda - None (Roll Call Vote)
8. Treasurer’s Report
A. Approve the Financial Statements as of June 30, 2017.
B. Pay Bills in the amount of $213,793.89 as Listed on the Accounts Payable Warrant “A”
Dated August 1, 2017.
C. Pay Bills in the amount of $_________ as Listed on the Accounts Payable Warrant “B”
Dated August 1, 2017.
D. Warrant “A-1” in the amount of $3,000.00 to Village of South Barrington.
Recommended Action: Motion to approve, in block, items 8 A-C above. (Roll Call Vote)
Recommended Action: Motion to approve, item D above. (Roll Call Vote)
9. Administrator’s Report
A. Remarks from Mr. George Balis, Midwest Regional Manager for Clarke, the Village’s
mosquito control service provider.
B. Other
10. Clerk’s Report
A. None.
11. Reports of Standing Committees
A. Roads and Infrastructure (K. Daulton Lange)
B. Communications and Community Relations (J. Thompson)
C. Economic Development (A. Burke)
D. External Relations (K. Richardson)
E. Finance, Human Resources & Administration (R. Rigby)
F. Open Space & Village Facilities (C. Mitchell)
G. Public Safety & Gated Communities (J. Schaller)
12. Old Business - None
13. Ordinances - None
14. Resolutions - None
15. New Business - None
16. Second Opportunity for the Public to Address the Village Board
17. Closed Session – The Village Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss property
disposition. (Roll Call Vote)
18. Other
19. Adjournment (Voice Vote)