
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Village of Fox Lake Board of Trustees met July 11.

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Village of Fox Lake Board of Trustees met July 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

Roll Call

Present Mayor Schmit: Village Clerk Moore, Village Attorney Teegen; Trustees: Murrey, Jensen, Stochl, Marr and Konwent. Trustee Koske was absent,

Staff also in attendance: Anne Marrin, Laura Linehan, Donovan Day, Nick Warrner, and Ryan Kelly.

2. Approval of Minutes

Trustee Konwent made a motion to approve the Village Board Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017, seconded by Trustee Murrey, All were in favor. Motion Carried.

3. Presentation and Approval of the Warrant

Trustee Stochl made a motion to approve the Expenditures/Warrants/Transfers for June 27, 2017 in the amount of $525,516. 19, Seconded by Trustee Konwent,

A roll call vote was taken as follows:

Trustee Murrey Aye Trustee Jensen Aye Trustee Stochl Aye Trustee Konwent Aye Trustee Marr Aye Trustee Koske Absent

Motion Carried

4. Special Business (Appointments, Swearing In Ceremonies, Proclamations)

A. Fox Lake Scholarship Queens

Mayor Schmidt thanked Little Miss Fox Lake 2016 Anikah Giuliani, Jr Miss Fox Lake 2016 Alyia Thibault and Miss Fox Lake 2016 Maryah Dominguez Woodruff for their community service. Jr. Miss Fox Lake Alyia Thibault presented Jen Thibault, the event coordinator for the Miss Fox Lake, Miss Ingleside, Miss Volo and Miss Lakemoor Scholarship pageants. Miss Thibault invited everyone to the upcoming pageant on August 1, 2017 at Parkway Banquets at the Lake at 7:00p.m. This is the Miss Ingleside/Miss Fox Lake pageant. Miss Thibault stated that they are taking entry applications until July 20, 2017 for the Miss Ingleside/Miss Fox Lake pageant. Additionally, the Lake County pageant will be on November 4, 2017 in Waukegan.

B. SB Friedman – Proposed Business Development Districts

A representative from SB Friedman presented a power point presentation to the Village Board wherein they presented their recommendations for the creation of a downtown business district in Fox Lake. After the presentation Village Board Members were in agreement that SB Freidman should continue going forward with plans to establish the central business district. However, they decided that they wanted to wait an additional two Weeks to gather further information regarding establishing the south and east business districts.

5. Village President's Report 

There was no Village Presidents report.

6. Village Administrator's Report 

Village Administrator Anne Marrin stated she wanted to thank local resident Ed Noga for donating bricks for the Community Garden patio project. She further stated that Community Development Director Donovan Day will be working on installing the patio two days on July 13 and 14 and invited anyone who wants to help to come out and join Mr. Day with the patio project.

Administrator Marrin stated that we had a very successful Celebrate Fox Lake that was attended by over 2000 people. Administrator Marrin reminded everyone that on July 15, 2017 at dusk there will be the movie by the Lake. Additionally, she stated that on July 29, 2017 at Millennium Park starting at 4:00p.m there will be the “Rods on Rollins,” car show event followed by Music in the Garden with Jim Greene at 6:30p.m. Also, on August 19 and 20 is the Land and Lakes Days.

Administrator Marrin stated that the Village has hired a Public Works director, Kealan Noonan. Administrator invited Mr. Noonan to introduce himself to the Village Board

7. Village Attorney Report 

There was no Village Attorney's report.

8. Village Treasurer's Report 

There was no Treasurers report.

9. Preliminary Audience Comments (on Agenda Items Only)

There were no preliminary audience comments.

10. Motion to Recess to Committee of the Whole Meeting

A. Strategic Planning Team Reports

1. Infrastructure

Ryan Kelly, Director of NWRWRF stated that the Infrastructure Strategic Planning Team last met on July 3, 2017. Mr. Kelly gave an update of the projects in process and new business. They are as follows:

o The North Water Tower prep work has been completed and painters have started priming all welded seams. Painting is scheduled to being within the next week.

o Infrastructure Planning Team reviewed goals and objectives and determined which department would take the lead on each.

Next Infrastructure Strategic Planning Team meeting will be held in the Village Hall Board Room on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.

2. Marketing

Laura Linehan, Assistant to the Village Administrator stated that the Marketing Strategic Planning Team met on Thursday July 6, 2017. During the meeting Ms. Linehan stated that the Planning Team discussed the prioritization of tactics for the upcoming year, and following years. Year 1 priorities were reviewed and approved by the Planning Team. Ms. Linehan gave an update of the projects in process. They are as follows:

o The Marketing Strategic Planning Team is continuing to work on several items including logo updates, Mobile Phone App and poster/flyer design and implementation. o Researching and gathering data for future project proposals.

o Researching various brand style guides for future Fox Lake development.

NextMarketing Strategic Planning Team meeting will be held in the Village Hall Board Room on Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 10:30 a.m.

3. Communication/Public Outreach

Village Administrator Anne Marrin gave an update of projects in progress on behalf of Jimmy Lee, Police Chief. They are as follows:

o Summer newsletter was mailed Monday June 26, 2017, in time for Celebrate Fox Lake O Staff is working with the Villages Civic Plus Account Manager to determine the current state of our website contract and determine if a redesign is possible.

Next Communication/Public Outreach Strategic Planning Team meeting will be held in the Village Hall Board Room on Monday, August 7th at 2:00 p.m.

4. Economic Development

Community Development Director Donovan Day stated that the Economic Development Strategic Planning Team met on June 28, 2017 and ranked tactics under each objective into short, mid and long-term goals. Mr. Day gave an update of the projects in process. They are as follows:

O. Events:

o Jim Green will be playing at the Community Garden of Fox Lake on July

29" from 6:30p.m to 8:00p.m. Chain O'Lakes Brewing Company will be on site serving three different types of craft beers.

o “Light the Way'-Downtown Art Installation. Lighthouse kits were delivered on June 23, 2017 to the winning artist. They will be picked up on July 24" and installed in the downtown area along Grand Avenue from August to October. Thank you to Lucky Bernie's and Dunkin Donuts for sponsoring this year's downtown art installation with each covering half of the thousand dollar cost of materials.

o New Businesses:

o Lucky Bernies-1 Nippersink Blvd.

o Chain O'Lakes Beans-Location TBA.

o Upcoming Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings (July 12, 2017):

o Dunkin Donuts-Special Use to operate a drive through.

o Able Storage-Special Use, rear yard setback and lot coverage variance.

o Ray CDJR-Special Use, Motor Vehicle Storage.

Next Economic Strategic Planning Team meeting will be held in the Village Hall Board Room on Wednesday, July 26" at 4:00 p.m.

5. Recreation

Nick Warner, Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the Recreation Planning Team met on Thursday July 6, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. discussed Lakefront Park facility fees, Lakefront Park polices and potential new events such as a Bloody Mary fest and Farmers Market. Mr. Warner gave an update of the projects in process. They are as follows:

o Movie by the Lake-July 15, 2017 at dusk. The event will take place at the Lakefront Park and they movie will be Ghostbusters Answer the Call.

o Rods on Rollins-July 29, 2017 at 4:00p.m.

o Music in the garden with Jim Green-July 29, 2017 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m at the Community Garden. Craft beer will be sold by Chain O'Lakes Brewery.

Next Recreation Strategic Planning Team meetings will be held in the Village Hall Board Room on Thursday, July 20" at 10:30am and Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 10:30a.m.

6. Technology

Village Administrator Anne Marrin gave an update of projects in progress on behalf of Jimmy Lee, Police Chief. They are as follows:

o Technology Planning Team is in the process of reviewing inventory of current equipment for the July 20" meeting. Inventory of current equipment within department inclusive of serial numbers, age of equipment and the individual assigned to the equipment. This includes computers, laptops and printers.

o IPads have been received through a grant for the Village Board members as a replacement for the outdated and no-longer functional Thinkpad tablets.

Next Technology Strategic Planning Team meeting will be held in the Village Hall Board Room on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. and Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 4:00p.m.

11. New Business

A. Resolution 2017-R-28, a Resolution Approving a Proposal From Michel's Pipe Services for the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Lining Project.

B. Ordinance 2017-31, an Ordinance Amending Section 3-3-13 of the Village Code to Allow Sale of Alcohol at the Community Garden Property for Special Events.

C. Ordinance 2017-32, an Ordinance Amending Section 5-3-1-b of the Village Code.

D. Approval of a Façade Improvement Grant request for Biglow & Company, 9-11 Nippersink Blvd. in the amount not exceeding $4,000.00.

E. Approval of Attachment 1 as a Fee Schedule for use of various Lakefront Park facilities and to publicize and post the schedule at Lakefront Park.

F. Motion to approve the Buckle Up Baby Foundation Inc. Raffle on July 24, 2017 and waive the raffle manager bond requirement.

12. Old Business

There was no old business.

13. Items to be Removed from Consent Agenda 

No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.

14. Motion to Adjourn from Committee of the Whole and reconvene Village Board Meeting 

Trustee Konwent made a motion to adjourn from Committee of the Whole and reconvene Village Board Meeting, seconded by trustee Marr. All were in favor. Motion carried.

15. Consent Agenda 

All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Trustee so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered under the Approval of Exceptions.

A. Resolutions

1. Resolution 2017-R-28, a Resolution Approving a Proposal From Michel's Pipe Services for the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Lining Project,

B. Ordinances (second and final read)

1. Ordinance 2017-31, an Ordinance Amending Section 3-3-13 of the Village Code to Allow Sale of Alcohol at the Community Garden Property for Special Events. 2. Ordinance 2017-32, an Ordinance Amending Section 5-3-1-b of the Village Code.

C. Motions

1. Approval of a Facade Improvement Grant request for Biglow & Company, 9-11 Nippersink Blvd. in the amount not exceeding $4,000.00. 2

. Approval of Attachment 1 as a Fee Schedule for use of various Lakefront Park facilities and to publicize and post the schedule at Lakefront Park.

3. Motion to approve the Buckle Up Baby Foundation Inc. Raffle on July 24, 2017 and waive the raffle manager bond requirement.

Trustee Jensen made a motion to move that items. A 1, B 1-2 and C 1-3 be established as the Consent Agenda for this meeting by unanimous vote, seconded by Trustee Konwent,

A roll call vote was taken as follows:

Trustee Murrey Aye 

Trustee Jensen Aye 

Trustee Stochl Aye 

Trustee Konwent Aye 

Trustee Marr Aye 

Trustee Koske Absent

Motion Carried

Trustee Konwent made a motion that the consent agenda as established by the prior motion be passed, seconded by Trustee Jensen.

A roll call vote was taken as follows:

Trustee Murrey Aye 

Trustee Jensen Aye 

Trustee Stochl Aye 

Trustee Konwent Aye 

Trustee Marr Aye

 Trustee Koske Absent

Motion Carried

16. Approval of Exceptions 

There were none.

17. For the Good of the Order 

No comments from the board.

18. Audience Comments 

A local resident from the Hidden Glen neighborhood spoke of some of his concerns with the maintenance at Hidden Glen. Community Development Director Donovan Day stated that he and Assistant Village Administrator Laura Linehan visited the Hidden Glen property to assess any safety concerns. Mr. Day Stated that he has been in contact with the Hidden Glen Association and they are Working on resolving any safety issues.

19. Executive Session - Land Acquisition and Personnel Matter 

Trustee Jenson made a motion to retire into executive session at 7:53 P.M. for a land acquisition matter to include Village Administrator Anne Marrin, Assistant Village Administrator Laura Linehan, Community Development Director Donovan Day and Attorney Howard Teegen, Seconded by Trustee Konwent. All were in favor. Motion carried,

20. Possible Motion Coming out of Executive Session 

There were none.

21. Adjournment 

Trustee Stochl made a motion adjourn the meeting seconded by trustee Jensen, All were in favor. Motion Carried,

Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 P.M.
