
Lake County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Waukegan Township Board met September 14.

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Waukegan Township Board met September 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Waukegan Township, County of Lake, of the State of Illinois was held at Waukegan Township’s Supervisor’s Office located at 149 South Genesee Street, Waukegan, Illinois on Thursday September 14, 2017.

The Board Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Supervisor Patricia Jones. Clerk Rose M. Staben led the Members in the Pledge of Allegiance and Trustee Sylvestre Castellanos led the Members in moment of silence.

Roll Call: Trustee Percy L. Johnson, Trustee Sylvestre Castellanos, Trustee Nathaniel Hewitt, Clerk Rose M. Staben, Highway Commissioner Arthur Craigen and Supervisor Patricia Jones. Also Present: Attorney Torrie M. Newsome and Juan Hernandez/HR Assistant/Deputy Clerk. Excused: Assessor Mark Stricklin and Trustee Opal Rice.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion to approve the Agenda for the September 14, 2017 Waukegan Township Board Meeting as presented. Motion by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion to approve the Minutes for the August 24, 2017 Waukegan Township Board Meeting as presented. Motion by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion to approve the Cash-on-Hand as September 07, 2017 as presented. Motion by Trustee Castellanos, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

PPRT Taxes Received since last report -

Town - $

R&B - $

For the states fiscal year of (July 01 - June 30, 2017) we have received a total of for Town $96,385.86 and for R & B $28,707.98

Town RE Tax - $326,717.89

Total received FY 2017-18 $1,078,721.51

GA RE Taxes - $151,908.55

Total received FY 2017-18 $501,555.11

IMRF/FICA RE Taxes - $49,618.37

Total received FY 2017-18 $163,824.53

SEN'R RE Taxes - $235,114.74

Total received FY 2017-18 $776,276.23

RB RE Taxes $36,990.42

Total received FY 2016-17 $122,128.87

Other Payments Rec'd

Citizen Participation: None.

Supervisor’s Report:

Supervisor Jones thanked the Board Members who attended the “5K for labor Day Run/Walk” held at Independence Grove. She distributed the “2017 5K Run/Walk 09/02/17 Projected Revenue and Expense Report with Budget” sheet. The total revenue was $11,959.80 and after expenses the event earned a sum of $4,854.18. She said the next event will be held at the Greenbelt Cultural Center (2 1⁄2 mile path) with hopes that coming back to the cultural center will bring new and old comers. A tour of the cultural center is scheduled for October 04, 2017.

Supervisor Jones distributed the “2016 EWC/Staben House Golf Outing” for August 18, 2017 revenues and expenses sheet.

Supervisor Jones distributed the “Waukegan Township Park Place Addition” proposal for 412 S. Lewis Avenue. The proposal was prepared by Legat Architects.

Supervisor Jones distributed the “West’s Insurance Agency” insurance summary for Waukegan Township and Road District for the Board Members to review.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that on September 15, 2017 a Solar Training meeting will be held at the Lake Shore Campus and Dulce Ortiz/Human Resources Manager will attend this meeting. The training will teach about clean air and provide employment.

Supervisor Jones distributed the “TOI Laws & Duties Handbook” revised 2017. She asked the Board Members to review the book.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that a ninth person will be joining the “Senior Citizen Service Committee” and Patricia Taylor will be recommended. Her resume will be on hand at the following Board Meeting.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that this year’s “Children’s Shopping Spree” will include “Jump America” as an activity for the participants. She said the shopping spree is for Waukegan Township residents and limit is two children per household. This event will be posted on Facebook to reach new people.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that there are 100 “Universal Circus Sol” tickets on hand for the October 13, 2017 performance. She said that 150 children have signed up for this event. Children must be accompanied by a parent.

Supervisor Jones distributed the “Waukegan Township Resolution 17-18 in Recognition of National Voter Registration Day” and asked Clerk Staben to read its contents to the Board Members. She said a copy of this resolution will be presented to the “League of Women Voters” and invited Board Members to become voter registrars.

Supervisor Jones distributed a “Pace” letter sent to her with the new bus routes for Waukegan and Park City.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that the “TOI Annual Educational Conference” is scheduled for November 12-14, 2107 and the registration form is in the current “Perspective” magazine. She asked for the Board Members interested in attending this conference to check in by tomorrow for arrangements. The Township will be setting up a table at this conference.

Supervisor Jones presented the Board Members with posters showing the current Township website layout. She asked the Board Members for any recommendations for the website. Some ideas were exchanged.

Supervisor Jones distributed a thank you letter from “Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church” dated August 25, 2017. The letter mentioned their “Annual Care Fest” and contributed their success to the support from the Waukegan Township.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that Senior Trustee Katherine Rothwell-Francis served the Township as Trustee for 28 years. She recommended that she be honored with naming a hallway after Senior Trustee Francis.

Supervisor Jones mentioned that the “Home Sweet Home” lawn service program season has come to an end. She said the crew worked on Saturday to catch up with the demanding schedule. The crew fell behind because the college summer workers returned to school. Trustee Castellanos asked if the HSH employee viewed a video covering safety for lawn mowers and snow blowers. Supervisor Jones said she will consider it.

Highway Commissioner’s Report:

Commissioner Arthur Craigen stated that his department leased a heavy machine with an option to buy.

Assessor’s Report: None.

Executive Session:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of Personnel-5ILCS 120/2 (C1), Land Acquisition-5ILCS 120/2 (C5) and Executive Minutes-5ILCS 120/2 (C21) at 5:57 p.m. Motion by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Open Session resumed at 6:35 p.m.

Action on Payroll:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #13, Payroll period ending August 17, 2017 in the amount of $111,336.54 and Payroll period ending August 31, 2017 in the amount of $107,763.85 as presented. Motion by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Action on Invoices:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #14, approval of the following invoices for bills submitted for the September 14, 2017 Board Meeting: Invoices for Town Fund in the amount of $29,657.72; Invoices for G/A Fund/Eddie Washington Center in the amount of $1,691.18; Invoices for G/A Fund/Staben House in the amount of $4,403.84; Invoices for Town Fund/Assessor’s Office in the amount of $4,924.95; Invoices for Road and Bridge/Highway Department the amount of $2,470.02; Senior Fund/Park Place in the amount of $9,651.47; Senior Fund/Gift Shoppe in the amount of $0; Invoices for Home Sweet Home in the amount of $1,219.27; Invoices for Fundraisers in the amount of $0; as presented. Motion by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Hewitt. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Action on Paid Bills:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of agenda item #15, Paid Bills submitted after August 24, 2017 Board Meeting in the amount of $44,718.63 as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Emergency Bills: None.

Action Items:

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of the “Waukegan Township Resolution in Recognition of National Voter Registration Day” as presented. Motion by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of the “Waukegan Township Recommendation for Staff Appointment” for Rachel Thompson/Special Events Manager as full-time, effective as of September 18, 2017 as presented. Motion by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of the “Executive Minutes” 04/12/16, 04/28/16, 06/23/16, 08/11/16, 11/10/16 and 11/21/16 to be open to the public as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Castellanos. Ayes: Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Supervisor Jones requested a motion for the approval of the “Executive Minutes” 01/12/17, 02/09/17, 03/09/17 and 03/23/17 to be open to the public as presented. Motion by Trustee Hewitt, second by Trustee Johnson. Ayes: Ayes: Trustee Johnson, Trustee Castellanos, Trustee Hewitt, Supervisor Jones. Nays: None. Motion carried.

New Business: None.

Old Business: None.


Trustee Johnson mentioned that the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church will be having their annual “Men’s Day” on September 23, 2017 starting at 3:30 p.m. He invited the Board Members to attend this special event.

Comments/Concerns-Trustees: None.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Supervisor Jones adjourned the September 14, 2017 meeting at 6:39 p.m.
