
Lake County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Village of Wadsworth Board of Trustees met December 5.

Webp meeting 06

Village of Wadsworth Board of Trustees met Dec. 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call to Order: President Ryback called the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance: President Ryback led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: In attendance were Village President Glenn Ryback, Village Trustees Ben Dolan, Geralyn Hansen, Ken Harvey, Robert Hayden, Doug Jacobs and James Zegar, Village Clerk Evelyn Hoselton, Village Administrator Moses Amidei and Village Attorney Kurt Asprooth.

Public Comment: Gary Taylor of Taylor’s Woodshaving Company presented his concerns about the requirement for fire alarms systems for all non-residential buildings in Wadsworth. While pleased with the recently extended compliance deadline, he outlined his concerns about the proposed installation costs he has received from providers of fire alarm systems. He noted that the production of wood shaving products creates significant dust, which most alarm sensors cannot tolerate. The suggested heat sensitive wire-style would only trigger after sensing temperatures exceeding 400 degrees at which time most equipment would have already been destroyed. The $15,000 acquisition and installation cost would be accompanied by an annual cost of $1,233, $57 monthly monitoring fee and a $546 annual inspection fee. Trustees discussed the costs with Taylor and agreed that the pricing was costly. Trustee Harvey indicated he might also look into other styles of heat-sensing equipment, as the deadline has been extended to January of 2019. Taylor produces woodshavings used in the agricultural business for animal bedding.

Establish Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Hayden, to establish a consent agenda for the following, excluding Item d which will be discussed at the next regular meeting:

a. Approval of the November 21, 2017 Village Board meeting minutes as amended.

(The Village Attorney at that meeting was Krafthefer, not Asprooth.)

b. Approval of December 5, 2017 Bills to be Paid Report in the amount of $20,579.05.

c. Adoption of an Ordinance Providing for the Levy of Taxes for the Village of Wadsworth, Lake County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2017 and ending April 30, 2018.

d. Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment for the Village of Wadsworth

e. Motion to Approve Saint Patrick Church/School Request to hold annual fundraiser event upon their grounds at 15000 Wadsworth Road on May 19, 2108.

Voice vote: Ayes-all Nays-none Motion carried. Ordinance #2017-1028-Item C.

Approval of Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Jacobs, to approve the consent agenda as amended.

Roll call vote: Ayes all, Nays none. Motion carried.

Discussion of Removed Items: There were no removed items.

Old Business: Discussion resumed about placement of a container for discarded textiles near Village Hall. Trustees agreed that the container provided by the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County for lightly used and end-of-life textile products should be placed at the south side of the brick garage. It will be open to residents wishing to discard items which are of a size suitable to fit inside the container.

A motion was made by Jacobs, seconded by Hayden, to Adopt an Ordinance approving Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the Village of Wadsworth, Illinois and the Solid waste Agency of Lake County, Illinois regarding the Village Hosting and Maintaining a Site to Collect Clothing and Textiles.

Roll call vote: Ayes - Dolan, Hansen, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar. Nays-Harvey. Motion carried. Ordinance #2017-1029

New Business: Amidei referred to a letter from Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Incorporated of Vernon

Hills who acts as the Village Engineer. The letter of November 27, 2017 advised the Village about a proposed rate adjustment for the upcoming year. All engineering classifications displayed upon the letter will have an hourly fee increase of $2.00.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Jacobs, to accept the new pricing from the Village Engineer as presented.

Roll call vote: Ayes - Dolan, Hansen, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar. Nays-Harvey. Motion carried.

Amidei then referred to an estimate from TGF Enterprises, Incorporated of Libertyville to clear brush and debris which has accumulated within and adjacent to a creek in the Willows Subdivision, westerly of Goldenrod Lane. This firm did similar work last year in other areas of the Village by cutting, clearing, removing or burning on-site weeds and trees which impede flow in the watercourse. The budgeted amount was $12,000. Three proposals were obtained, with this being the lowest responsible bidder. The work will be done during January and February upon frozen ground, just as last year, to minimize damage to the creek and shorelines.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Hayden, to Accept the Proposal from TGF Enterprises, Incorporated of Libertyville dated November 7, 2017 in the amount of $7,632.00.

Roll call vote: Ayes all, Nays none. Motion carried.

Village President’s Report: President Ryback reported on his recent downtown attendance at the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association meeting and a Board of Directors meeting the following day. The RMA provides insurance coverage to numerous communities across the State of Illinois.

Village Attorney’s Report: Attorney Asprooth did not provide a report.

Village Administrator Report: Administrator Amidei updated the Village Board regarding the proposed roundabout to be placed at the intersection of Wadsworth and Dilleys Roads. While outside the Village limits, the Lake County Division of Transportation would like to include our input as to the style of this installation. Some locations have “approach medians” which are landscaped with grasses and trees or other plantings. Trustees discussed several ideas and will provide them to LCDOT in the near future. It will be constructed in 2019.

The Kilbourne and Wadsworth Road intersection will remain nearly the same, with the existing “slip lane” and the addition of a right-turn on Kilbourne Road for southbound traffic. It is proposed by LCDOT for a 2021 completion. He also stated that he was advised by LCDOT that the proposed sidewalk that will be installed in conjunction with this improvement (between Blue Spruce Court and Cashmore Road) will be installed by the County at no cost to the Village. However, following its installation, like the other sidewalks on Wadsworth Road, maintenance of this sidewalk will be the responsibility of the Village.

Amidei is also procuring pricing for storage containers to hold contents of the Village offices during drainage repairs beneath the concrete floor. The 8’ by 25’ monthly rental is $130 or an 8 by 40’ is $140. He is also seeking three prices for window and floor tile replacement.

Committee Reports:

Finance: Trustee Harvey has learned the Village Attorney will be increasing legal fees by 2% next year, which may result in an additional $1,000 annually.

Public Service: Trustee Hansen reported on the favorable weather for the annual Holiday Tree Lighting, even though the turnout was small. Trustees discussed the annual Christmas Tree bonfire event and set the date for the second Saturday of January, the 13th. A postcard mailer will be sent in the near future reminding residents to save their tree for collection by our Public Works crew and to join us at Village Hall for hot dogs and chili during the event.

Planning, Zoning & Plats: Trustee Zegar did not provide a Planning, Zoning & Plats Report or a newsletter update. Ordinance: Trustee Hayden is planning another

Ordinance Committee meeting to address the new fire alarm requirement and the challenges some business owners have encountered while trying to comply.

Parks and Village Hall: Trustee Jacobs has already procured pricing to fix the occasional flooding of Village Hall offices in the lower level. He suggested instead putting the $150,000 estimated cost towards a feasibility study for construction of a new Village Hall on a different site. Ryback noted that Hainesville had built a new Village Hall within the last ten years and was proud to have spent only one million dollars on the project. Zegar was concerned a new building today might easily exceed that cost and believed the present schoolhouse building would be adequate after the flooding issue was resolved. Administrator Amidei noted that functionality of this building is obsolete and no longer ideal.

Road and Bridge: Trustee Dolan did not provide a Road and Bridge report.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:33 PM on a motion by Harvey, seconded by Hayden.

Voice vote: All Ayes. Nays – none. Motion carried.
