Cuba Township Board will meet on March 8.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
IV. Public Comment
V. Discussion and potential action on approval of minutes:
A. February 12th – public hearing GT
B. February 12th – public hearing RD
C. February 12th – regular board meeting
D. February 28th – special meeting – final bills
VI. Discussion and potential action on the following topics:
A. Payment of bills
VII. Items for Consideration and Adoption
A. Adopt Agenda for April 10th Annual Town Meeting
VIII. Reports:
A. Assessor’s report
B. Clerk’s report
C. Highway Commissioner’s report
D. Supervisor’s report
E. BACOG report
F. Township Attorney’s report
IX. Old Business: Discussion and potential action related to the following topics:
X. New Business
XI. Executive Session
XII. Action on Executive Session items
XIII Adjournment
The next meeting is Tuesday, April 10th, at 6:00 p.m.