
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Volo Board of Trustees and Planning and Zoning Commission met April 7

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Village of Volo Board of Trustees and Planning and Zoning Commission met April 7. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The Joint Workshop Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Planning & Zoning Commission of the

Village of Volo was called to order at 11:00 A.M. in the Board Room of the Volo Village Hall,

Mayor Stephen Henley presiding.

Roll Call: Trustees Wagner, Porter, Johnson, Heuser, Buttita, Northam – present. Village Clerk

Rydberg – present. Commissioners Connell, Abraham, Alt, Birutas, Guffey, LaMantia, Rydberg,

Uglinica – present; Pones – absent.

Also present was Village Administrator May.

Public Comment – Agenda Items: None.

Business Planned Unit Development Improvement Workshop – Orput Companies

Mayor Henley welcomed the Trustees and Planning & Zoning Commissioners to the Business

Planned Unit Development Workshop. He noted that the purpose of the workshop was to review

a draft concept plan and proposed development standards for a business planned unit development

and provide feedback prior to the developer making formal application.

Administrator May provided a brief overview of the review and approval process for Business

Planned Unit Developments (B-PUD) and noted the requirements of the Concept Plan.

Greg Orput, President of Orput Companies, introduced himself and provided background on his

company and prior history in Volo. He reviewed the Concept Plan for the 87.5-acre site, which

generally identified the types and locations of uses to be developed on the property as well as

roadway and utility connections.

Administrator May reviewed the proposed uses and development standards for the B-PUD,

comparing the same to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. He noted that the standards

addressed bulk limitations, landscaping, and signage. Specific design standards for landscaping,

signage, and infrastructure (roads and utilities) were also presented.

The Trustees and Commissioners discussed generally the proposed uses and development / design

standards. They asked questions of Mr. Orput and Administrator May.

At the conclusion of the discussion, Mayor Henley encouraged the Trustees and Commissioners

to review the proposed uses and standards in conjunction with the discussion and provide any

additional comments or questions to Administrator May to share with Mr. Orput prior to his

making formal application.

Administrator May outlined the procedural steps that would follow formal application for a

Business Planned Unit Development by Orput Companies including a public hearing on the

Concept Plan before the Planning & Zoning Commission and approval by the Village Board.

Development of the property, or phases thereof, would require Preliminary / Final Plat approval

consistent with the Zoning Ordinance.

Public Comment: None.


There being no further business, Trustee Porter made a motion, seconded by Trustee Johnson,

to adjourn the meeting. On voice vote – all “aye”. MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 P.M.
